The basic rules of basketball

Basketball is now considered one of the most popular team games. Round held a huge amount of competition at different levels. The basic rules of basketball, one has only to look at them, prove that it is both simple and complex sports game. Anyway, it all depends on the player, if he devotes all his spare time training, and knows the game inside and out, it certainly seems it simple. But the newcomer is likely to believe otherwise. Let's try to understand and consider briefly basketball rules, paying attention to the basic nuances.

The basic rules of basketball

It is no secret that basketball is popular precisely because the rules seem simple and straightforward, and to learn how to play this game, it would seem very easy. Rules can be learned from the first time, but their understanding of the subtleties and complexities comes with experience.

Basketball Rules provide that the goal of the game - to collect as many points and win. Points are calculated as follows: for a good free throw team receives one point; for the throw from within the 3-point line - two points; for the throw from outside the 3-point line - three points. Most likely, with the counting of points is no problem. What about the rules of the game?

The basic rules of basketball

Basketball Rules are different from others in that they have more written than how to play and what not to do on the playing field. Usually, beginners learn the following rules:

- can not be beat on a game ball with his fist or feet, dribble with both hands at the same time;

- you can not push other players (such as the player with the ball), touch his hands, put running boards, face intentionally, and so on;

- Do not run with the ball, and if you took it in two hands, or need to try to throw him in the ring, or transfer pass teammates;

The basic rules of basketball

- if after the player to hold the ball in two hands, he continues to dribble - rules are broken, and the ball goes to the player from the other team;

- If a player with the ball intrudes foot over the line, indicating the limits of the playing area, the ball is out of bounds; the same is true in cases where off-site turned the ball itself;

- you can not jump with the ball in his hands, and if this should happen, the player must throw the ball to the side of the ring or give his partner before landing; if the player with the ball jumped and landed with him, it goes the other team. basketball rules also include the fact that the game can last before one of the teams will dial a certain number of points (e.g., 15 or 21), or the game lasts a certain time (the period of two or four). If you play for a while, his choice is usually associated with physical training of basketball players. Students and beginners usually played two ten-minute period.

So now you know the basic rules of basketball. There should be enough to learn the basics of this popular game. Experienced athletes, as well as wishing them to become, should familiarize themselves with the professional rules that are much more complicated, intricate and interesting. Each of the above items are described in detail in them, with all the details and answers to possible questions.