How to build the wings at home

"Home" tools for swing wings

Let's talk about how to build the house wings. It is no secret that these muscles - is one of the symbols of male beauty, so many young boys (and not only them) seek to improve them and give them extra volume and relief.

How to build the wings at home

How to build the wings with the help of available funds? What could be the funds? Among the available inventory in the first place, we should mention dumbbells and horizontal bar. The first of today have a lot of men. Someone has got their own, someone they have got more from his father. Their cost is low, but when the question of the means of how to pump up the wings, is easily solved. If it is in your backyard there is a horizontal bar or bars, for sure they are close to the nearest houses, or in the territory of a nearby school. As a rule, use such implements can all attend. Consider exercise for the latissimus dorsi muscle.

How to build the wings at home


When dumbbells can help work out fine wings. In principle, the need for only one shell of the pair. In order to qualitatively pump wings dumbbells, should take the appropriate starting position. To do this, you need to get the right knee on the bench, the second leg should then be parallel to the bench. The left hand should take a dumbbell (enough to the hip). Perform the rise of the projectile to the chest (exhale), pausing at the top for a second, lower arm with weighting down (breath). The exercise should be possible to slow - so increasing the efficiency of training, so soon will no longer be a question of how to pump up the wings. Required after five to eight repetitions to change the position and perform the same exercise, but with the other hand. It is desirable to perform at least three but no more than five approaches. If you do this exercise becomes too easy - increase the weight of the dumbbells. How to build the wings at home

Horizontal bar

Many athletes ask the question about how to pump up the wings on the bar. We should immediately warn that the huge size of the muscles should not be expected in this method of training. However, "fashion" a good figure on the bar is quite real. There are several exercises, the question of how to pump up the wings. Let us examine them one by one.


How to build the wings at home

Exercise 1

You should perform pull-ups on the bar. It is necessary to take up the bar, arms spread as widely as possible. You can do this exercise as a reverse grip and straight. You can start with five to seven repetitions. If executed pulling too easy - take the extra weight, such as wearing a backpack with stones. Excellent proved itself the following method is used as a weighting agent in the weight of his partner, who should be hung on the back of the exercising. This exercise will solve the problem of how to pump up the wings as quickly as possible.

Activity 2

The difference between this and the previous exercise is that should catch up "for a head", trying to touch the back of the head horizontal bar. Care should be taken much tilt the body forward. This can help the partner. Be persistent, and the results will soon be available!