8 books, which for various reasons have been banned

works are often openly describing this or that problem, subjected to excessive censorship. Sometimes they affect someone's religious or moral principles, people plunged into shock and even provoke mass unrest. Most of these books banned in several countries. We offer you eight of these books.

1. "Slaughterhouse-Five"

8 books, which for various reasons have been banned

Author - Kurt Vonnegut

While still very young, Kurt Vonnegut, after the bombing of the Japanese troops port Pearl Harbor voluntarily joined the US armed forces. Soon, his regiment was transferred to Europe to participate in the Second World War, and it so happened that in the course of military operations Vonnegut was captured. Shel year 1944, and the war was almost over. However, Vonnegut spent almost a year in Dresden, where he worked at the plant for the production of vitamin syrup for pregnant women. During the famous bombing he was in Dresden.

Vonnegut survived miraculously. After the tragedy he had to pull thousands of corpses from the wreckage of buildings. All of these events that happened in his life, made an indelible impression on him, and after Vonnegut vowed never to take up arms.

Already a recognized writer, Vonnegut decided to write about these events - for this he met with his former brother-soldier Bernard O'Hare. Bernard's wife was furious to learn that Vonnegut was going to write about the war. She said that such books do not have a right to exist, because the boys are inspired by them, and then go to war, without being aware of the report that do - and die. Vonnegut had promised her a book called "The Children's Crusade" and noted that he personally did not see anything romantic in the war.

"Slaughterhouse Five" - ​​a book that really does not romanticize war. Vonnegut very clearly sets out its view that the bombing of Dresden US Air Force was not necessary - in the city there was no strategically important objects, and its population consisted of civilians and prisoners of war. The war in the novel appears as a manifestation of senseless violence, and Vonnegut mocks stereotypes entrenched in the culture of the "heroes" and "tough guys." It is curious that the bombing itself in the novel hardly described - the author sees in the incident nonsense that has no value void that even impossible to describe clearly.

Many people have argued for a ban of the book, accusing the book itself and its author vulgarity, brutality, abuse of profanity, immoral and unpatriotic. In some countries, the book was banned in the end - anti-militarist sentiment is not too beneficial to governments.

2. "The Satanic Verses"

8 books, which for various reasons have been banned

Thread - Salman Rushdie

The book belongs to the genre of magical realism, its main character - an Indian immigrant in modern Britain. By the way, Rushdie himself an immigrant from India, now living in the United Kingdom.

Heroes of the book see angels moving in time and space. At first glance, everything is very innocent, and nothing wrong with that text does not contain. However, just a week after its first publication, some governments began to demand to withdraw the book from sale and ban. And in many countries, the book is really forbidden, and its distribution, or even reading prosecuted.

For example, in Venezuela, read "The Satanic Verses" threatens imprisonment for up to 15 months in Japan - a serious penalty, and in Pakistan and India have been mass demonstrations against Rushdie, caused the death of a civilian. Moreover, a reward, now stands at $ 3, 3 million in Iran over the writer's head.

What's in this book? It is closely intertwined with religion, in particular, it is not the most favorable side shows Islam. Moreover, Rushdie touched on the theme of the difficulty of assimilation in a foreign country and the gradual loss of their own roots. It seems to be okay, however, Rushdie - a master of words, and this skill has affected millions of people's self-esteem.

3. "The Catcher in the Rye"

8 books, which for various reasons have been banned

Author - Jerome Salinger

The novel describes the US time of the last half century. The protagonist - a 16-year-old boy, a rebel, going against public foundations, trampling and canons do not attach importance to reality. First novel came out in print in 1951, the year, but gained notoriety later - in the period from 1957 till 1982, the year.

In 1957 the Australian Customs seized a shipment of books donated by the US ambassador to the country's government. books returned, but noted that young people can not read this later. Then the book was subjected to controversy both at home Salinger, in the US - even one teacher had been dismissed without the right to continue working in the field of education for the inclusion of the novel in the school curriculum. His, of course, then reinstated in their rights, but from the curriculum the novel was withdrawn.

Improper reading a novel for adolescents has been recognized due to the deliberately coarse language and explicit descriptions of sex multiple. The novel has repeatedly been accused of inciting youth to debauchery and drunkenness. However, such a ban only inflame the interest of potential readers.

By the way, it is believed that the novel has influenced some of the killers, already suffering from schizophrenia: they have found copies of the book with notes in the margins.

4. "Lolita"

8 books, which for various reasons have been banned

Author - Vladimir Nabokov

It is believed that the concept of pedophilia, Nabokov did not exist. The fact that the main character of the book Humbert shows sexual interest in girls aged 9 to 14 years old who have a certain appearance. However, the hero is just watching them. In order to somehow satisfy his passion, he first marries an adult woman that looks like a teenage girl, but after the divorce she met with a certain Charlotte - the mother of 12-year-old Lolita. After the death of Charlotte in Humbert and Lolita had a sexual relationship, and Humbert discovered that he did not first man girl. Speech in the novel rather than pedophilia per se, but about the depravity of modern society, which affected both adults and minors. Nevertheless, the novel almost immediately after the publication has undergone accusations of "dirty and outright pornography". In 1955, it was banned in France in 1959 - in Argentina, in 1960 - in New Zealand. For Nabokov himself publishers have been asked to help in the fight against the ban, to which he replied: "My moral books defense - the book itself."

5. "Tropic of Cancer"

8 books, which for various reasons have been banned

Author - Henry Miller

"Tropic of Cancer" - a novel, an autobiography: the author describes his own life in France in the 1930s. He was then poor and all the forces trying to get money even for food. Miller plain text tells about the places where he worked, no change results in the names of colleagues and friends, as well as candidly describes his sexual escapades.

Frank language and neglect of censorship provoked mixed public reaction. Some thought the novel of genius, others talked about his obscenity. For example, a judge of the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania Michael Musmanno spoke about the book as a cesspool and mucous meeting of all that is rotten to the remains of human depravity.

For the modern man the book is not so shocking, but in the 1930s mores were different, and the society was not ready for such revelations. So that the novel was banned in some countries - in particular, in Turkey it is forbidden until now.

6. "Brave New World"

8 books, which for various reasons have been banned

Thread - Aldous Huxley

The novel "Brave New World" - one of the first works that can be attributed to the genre of dystopia. The novel describes a consumer society, where people live in the state, which unites the entire planet under a single government. Consumption in this society has become a cult, a "god" - Henry Ford. People there are grown on chelovekofabrikah and at the stage of embryonic development is divided into castes depending on the level of intelligence. The book was published in 1932 and has affected those problems, which are worried about the people of the time: the widespread industrialization, the loss of individuality and humanity, and the division of society into classes, depending on the financial prosperity and mental abilities. The fact that all these problems are presented in the novel deliberately exaggerated, and, moreover, the text contains a number of allusions - for example, a slightly distorted names of real politicians.

The novel was banned in some US states, Ireland and some other European countries - in the opinion of the censors, the book created too negative emotional background. In addition, people are not able to adequately absorb intentionally satirical manner of presentation. Later bans lifted, and the Huxley 30 years later wrote an article in which he noted with regret that the company is moving to "brave new world" even faster than he thought.

7. "Naked Lunch"

8 books, which for various reasons have been banned

In the "Naked Lunch" affected almost all topics that are considered socially reprehensible: pedophilia, violence, pornography, homosexuality, criminality, drug addiction. In the US, it was banned, primarily because of the explicit scenes of pedophilia and infanticide.

Rare instances, leaked to the press, have been seized across the country up to the year 1963 (the book was published in 1959). Publishers risked to publish a book, have been sued because the book gives the impression of propaganda - too experiences the hero-addict reliably described.

Prosecuted and subjected himself Burroughs, but in 1966 his lawyer during the trial led a detailed analysis of each chapter of the work and was able to prove that the book is not obscene. However, in some states it was forbidden to publish a few more years.

8. "Fahrenheit 451"

8 books, which for various reasons have been banned

Author - Ray Bradbury

The novel describes the consumer society, where printed books prohibited by law to storage and distribution. If the book is in any citizen, they burn special fire units together with the perpetrator of the house. Bradbury in his novel speaks of spiritual impoverishment of society and the substitution of moral and spiritual values ​​of material and describes a world in which the greatest good is considered consumption.

Censored novel has undergone another stage of editing: in particular, few people know that different from the original curses were removed mention of abortion and other aspects. Bradbury even had to completely re-write two chapters - only if the book has been approved for distribution in libraries.

But in bookstores sold and full, "adult" version of the product. Then for some time ceased to publish this version, and again it appeared in print only in 1980.