Hyperhidrosis: why sweaty palms

Sweating is an important function of our body. Secrets sweat gland regulate body temperature, contribute to the removal of slags and other waste products. But despite the importance of their functions, this colorless liquid often gives a lot of trouble. In particular, if the allocation of sweat can not accompanied by physical exertion.

Hyperhidrosis: why sweaty palms

Constant humidity hands, on clothing stains, issuing excessive underarm sweating - all this spoils our life, causing a lot of discomfort and complexes. Why sweaty palms and whether it is possible to defeat this harmless at first glance, an illness?

What is Hyperhidrosis?

Sweating in the medicine called hyperhidrosis. This disease is accompanied by a constant humidity of all parts of the body. But many wonder why sweaty palms when the general condition of the body is not subjected to any physical or psychological stress. This disease is characterized as a local hyperhidrosis. Identify it can be in a special medical establishment. Typically, the diagnosis of this disease does not involve long-term clinical studies. If the patient can not independently determine why sweaty palms and feet, he offered to pass the test Minor. With the application of phase-iodine and starch on dry skin experts find out the degree and form of hyperhidrosis, which is divided into weak, moderate and severe. Drug treatment of hyperhidrosis

Modern medicine provides various forms of treatment of this common disease. Range of medical services in this area range from the ordinary course of rehabilitation, accompanied by massages, water procedures, taking pills to surgery. Of course, the form of treatment is determined based on the degree of complexity of the disease.


Sometimes harass a question about why the sweaty palms, the people do not suspect that the main reason lies in the eating habits. The body and the digestive system is not coping well with the spicy food, which leads to weakness, accompanied by a fine sweat. The cause of the disease can also be a serious disruption of the adrenal, thyroid and stress.

Hyperhidrosis: why sweaty palms

Mental load

Sometimes many visits the question: "Why is palm sweating often at precisely the moment when it is necessary to reach for a friendly handshake?". The answer is simple: The reason - neurological problems associated with individual psycho-vegetative state, in which no abnormalities, and sweating only when there is mental stress.

How to deal with sweating in the home?

Before you get to know some of the ways to eliminate sweating, we should remember that they are directed only to fight the external manifestations of the disease. That is, to eliminate the cause of hyperhidrosis, they will not be enough.

Hyperhidrosis: why sweaty palms

Healing baths

Reduce excessive sweating helps bath with herbal infusions and decoctions.

For example, oak bark has proven itself as an effective antiperspirant.

A liter of warm water to pour three tablespoons of this powder and leave to infuse. Followed by a hold arm in the solution for about seven minutes. Another folk remedy offers over 20 minutes to wet hands, as follows: 5 teaspoons of apple cider vinegar and half a liter of water, so hot, so as not to get burned.


A boon for those who are often asked the question "why sweaty palms" are means of symptomatic therapy. In particular, the latest development of pharmacology - special deodorant from hyperhidrosis individual body parts: hands, feet, scalp.