Hard diet for fast and effective weight loss menus, recipes, photos before and after, the results of reviews

Strict diet is highly valued by people who need to lose a certain amount of kilos as soon as possible. For example, approaching a trip to the sea or some significant event, and the figure is still not well prepared. Today, there are a lot of tighter systems combined requirements: in order to sustain them, you need to have excellent health and development of willpower.

rigid diet name comes from its base, as a fundamental restriction inherent power. This can adversely affect the health of losing weight, so the duration of compliance should not exceed two weeks, although this period is kept only one. Every day a person needs to consume no more than 1200 kcal.

Hard diet for fast and effective weight loss menus, recipes, photos before and after, the results of reviews


Any power system, including the hard fast diet has its positive and negative sides. The former include:

  • weight is reduced to 1 5 kg per day;
  • purgation;
  • to get rid of allergies, if any;
  • to develop the habit of proper nutrition;
  • improve the metabolism and metabolic processes;
  • elimination of edema.


As for the disadvantages, then they, too, are many:

  • weakness, lethargy, headaches;
  • insufficient intake of mineral elements;
  • stress, as a result of which there is the effect of the plateau;
  • are more efficient mono-diet, which is difficult to maintain because of the monotony of products.

A very interesting detail is the so-called plateau effect. They referred to a state where the weight during the weight loss stops abruptly on the ground. This is explained by the organism adaptation to the changed load, as well as loss of volume and weight of the former. About this effect should speak only in that case, if the weight is not changed within a couple of weeks. While there is nothing wrong in it, because the figure on the scales was the best, and in the near future is unlikely to increase.

Hard diet for fast and effective weight loss menus, recipes, photos before and after, the results of reviews


Before the beginning of a rigid diet for losing weight definitely need to go through a consultation with the doctor. Such a recommendation is given for any restricted diet, as every body reacts to change differently. Be sent to a specialist is required even with excellent health.

10 kg per week, many people can lose on a rigid diet, but there are contraindications which should not be left unattended. Switch to a limited diet should caution with the following categories:

  • teens;
  • Pregnant women;
  • high blood pressure;
  • people prone to puffiness;
  • holders liver and kidney of chronic diseases;
  • Those who pass poslereabilitatsionny period;
  • allergic (As for allergies to those foods that should be consumed at a particular embodiment, the diet).


If rigid diet scares its own characteristics, but to try to get similar results you really want, you can experience the fasting days. They last a day or two, but it allows you to lose up to 2 kilograms. Best unloading days are:

  1. Grape. Here it is necessary during the day to eat 3 kg of fresh grapes and drink 2 liters herbal infusions and ordinary water.
  2. Chocolate. For it is required to take 300 g of natural chocolate and eat it with unsweetened tea.
  3. Potato. During the day you need to use exactly 1, 5 kg of potatoes baked in their jackets. No spices and salt added is not worth it. Allowed only parsley, dill and other herbs. It is required to drink pure water and herbal infusions.
Hard diet for fast and effective weight loss menus, recipes, photos before and after, the results of reviews


Adherence to the basic rules of a rigid diet for weight loss will help to make it as effective. It is with their account, you can choose the most suitable menu. These include such things:

  1. The total calorie a day should be no more than 1200 kcal.
  2. During the day you need to drink 2 liters of fluid, including green tea, herbal infusions.
  3. Preference is better to give food with complex carbohydrates.
  4. However, the main products is necessary to use vitamin and mineral supplements.
  5. For any human daily intake of carbohydrates in the diet should not exceed 220 g, and they need to eat until 16:00.
  6. Once a week should do a cleansing enema.

Effective Diets

Find the most rigid diet diversity among them is very difficult. For each person it will be his. Below are provided the best diets, the results of which are similar to each other. They are considered to be the most extreme, so treat them with caution.


Strict diet got its name due to the unexpected, which is not monoratsionom. Here there is an abundance of foods that give the body all the necessary elements. It lasts only a week. Every day you want to eat certain foods:

  1. Start a diet is drinking. Within days required drink 2 liters of water. If desired, a portion of this volume can be allocated for yogurt, soups or green tea, but without the addition of sugar.
  2. On the second day you need to eat vegetables. They need to consume fresh every 2 hours in unlimited quantities. You can prepare salads with vegetable oil.
  3. The next day is repeated exactly as the first.
  4. In this day need to eat only fruit. These may include: grapefruit, orange, apple and so on. But it is not necessary to lean heavily on bananas and grapes, because they contain fast carbs.
  5. The protein allows the day finally taste the meat (only chicken breast and beef low fat). However Allowed yoghurts, cottage cheese and seafood.
  6. The penultimate day again is similar to the first.
  7. The final day includes output. Here you need to eat for breakfast a couple of boiled eggs for dinner - meat broth and fruit for dinner - salad.
Hard diet for fast and effective weight loss menus, recipes, photos before and after, the results of reviews


By the name you can easily figure out that it is based on protein foods. With such a strict diet to lose 10 kg can each person as flour products, sweets and meats are completely eliminated. It is also not recommended to consume a large amount of strawberries, bananas, raspberries and avocados, and alcohol is prohibited altogether.

Dieting allowed less than a week. This is explained by the fact that it belongs to the category of low-calorie, and in the case of extended duration can cause severe weakness. Each day the menu will be the same:

  • breakfast - fried eggs from three eggs, a couple of small tomatoes and a cup of green tea;
  • snack - a salad of cabbage, cucumbers, carrots and tomatoes in unlimited quantities;
  • lunch - 100 grams of spinach leaves, dressed with lemon juice and 300 grams of boiled chicken breast;
  • snack - 250 ml of low-fat yogurt;
  • Dinner - 200 grams of boiled fish.


Another rigid diet for a week, called for a reason, like consumers for instant effect. It is provided starting chemical processes by a combination of certain products. The main task of the diet is the body metabolic transfer to another mode. This allows you to use up the fat accumulation, and therefore - to get rid of excess weight. The program is designed for a month, but once adjusted to such length is not necessary. Experts strongly recommend starting with two weeks, and then - already being. The first 14 days will help to lose 8-10 kg, and the total weight reduction course will delight in the 23-25 ​​kg.

The first 14 days only two meals need to do - lunch and dinner (if the number of servings is not specified, it is not limited to):

  1. Apples; boiled beef (150 g).
  2. chicken breast (150g); salad with mandarin oranges and pears, grapefruit and egg.
  3. A small piece of wholemeal bread, low-fat cottage cheese (200 g) and large tomato; fish boiled (150 g).
  4. cherries or pears in unlimited quantities; Caesar salad (200 g).
  5. A pair of boiled eggs and carrots (100 g); light salad of peppers and tomatoes, orange and steam fish in any quantity.
  6. Garnet; cucumber and tomato salad and chicken breast (150g).
  7. The small chicken breast and salad of carrots; a couple of eggs, steamed vegetables, a slice of bread.
  8. Chicken breast with carrot salad; steamed vegetables, eggs, and orange.
  9. As in the previous.
  10. The same as in the 8 th day.
  11. cabbage and carrots, couple of eggs and cottage cheese (200 g); Two chicken eggs.
  12. Fish on the grill; steam eggs.
  13. Beef with tomatoes and orange; pear and apple salad with yogurt.
  14. Chicken Breast small size and tomato; a couple of eggs and a ragout of vegetables in unlimited quantities.

The next two weeks during the day should eat certain foods, distributing them into several meals on their own. Power is built in such a way:

  1. Fruits.
  2. The raw and steamed vegetables.
  3. Fruits and vegetables.
  4. Fish.
  5. Beef boiled.
  6. Apricots and plums.
  7. avocado or persimmon.
  8. Canned tuna (not more than 200 g), meat (400 g), 4 and cucumber fruit.
  9. 3 By cucumber and tomato, meat (200 g).
  10. A pair of tomatoes, steamed vegetables, low-fat cottage cheese (100 g).
  11. Boiled chicken, grapefruit, 3 tomatoes, a slice of bread.
  12. Three tomatoes, a couple of eggs, orange.
  13. Two boiled chicken breast, a cup of yogurt, a small piece of bread and a couple of tomatoes.
  14. Cottage cheese (100 g), canned tuna (200 g), toast, cooked vegetables.
Hard diet for fast and effective weight loss menus, recipes, photos before and after, the results of reviews

Drinking diet

Rigid drinking diet uses no less popular because it is efficient enough. It helps to say goodbye to excess weight quickly, but not so simple. Even despite the fact that the water is able to recover energy, prevent muscle spasms and reduce the risk of diseases of the cardiovascular system, with its long-term consumption without food may begin a health problem. Therefore, the water diet does not imply a complete lack of food, but considerably limits their number. Program duration is 7 days, during which the need to eat well:

  • breakfast - oatmeal on the water with honey, fruits, nuts, vegetables / low fat cottage cheese;
  • snack - a couple of apples / pears;
  • lunch - light soup without potatoes;
  • lunch - toast with cheese and any fruit;
  • dinner - fish / meat with vegetables in the oven.

Number of portions should not exceed 200 g If during the week will not have a strong discomfort, then the program can be repeated one more time, but no more. Adhere to food is not worth the holders of kidney problems.

3-day Power

Transitioning to a hard diet with severe and harmful food is very difficult, so some people opt for a more simplified version - for three days. Thanks to him, can throw up to 5 kg. Meals will be uniform and contain only breakfast, lunch and dinner:

  1. The first method - a boiled egg.
  2. The second and third methods - a cup of green tea and 150 g of cottage cheese.
Hard diet for fast and effective weight loss menus, recipes, photos before and after, the results of reviews

Exit diets

Any rigid diet for quick weight loss should be properly finished. Upon completion of the course you should not immediately go for flour products, sweets, fatty and spicy foods, as this will contribute to a rapid return of the lost kilos. The output from the diet should be literate. It is recommended to observe the following rules during the week:

  • Avoid fried and fatty foods;
  • to forget about smoking;
  • to hold weekly fasting days;
  • not to overdo it with sweets and alcoholic drinks;
  • to remember the ratio of fats, proteins and carbohydrates;
  • to engage in physical activity.

As for the supply of drinking system, it should be consumed after 3-5 days of light food boiled. It is best to eat vegetables, cheese and cereal. Start typing flour products and raw vegetables should be gradual and not earlier than 3 to lose weight after the course.

Reviews and the results of

People say that a week on a rigid diet to throw 10 kg is quite realistic, which, of course, they are much pleased. Despite the warnings of doctors about the deterioration of health, many consumers could deal with the problem of excess weight very quickly. Initially, they were confident that sooner than a month later the desired weight will not go away, what were soon pereubezhdeny. Some losing weight even managed to say goodbye to the 15 and 20 kg, which for a long time did not return back to them, as these people have learned to adhere to proper nutrition and enjoy the really useful food.

Hard diet for fast and effective weight loss menus, recipes, photos before and after, the results of reviews

Of course, the shortcomings of hard rations consumers also say. Most often they talk about headaches. They arise, as a rule, towards the end of the diet, but also to maintain them is extremely difficult, especially office workers and those who are constantly in contact with people. In addition, losing weight suggest that reconstructed it was quite difficult. This is explained by the fact that they consumed previously only fast food and other junk food, and jump to them, of course, brought discomfort.