Hairy chest - particularly the possible causes and interesting facts

Almost all people on the planet have complexes. Women experience due to excess weight, acne on the face, rough skin, hair loss. There are also more serious reasons for concern. For example, such a hairy chest.

The rate or not?

Before we talk about the causes of the appearance of "vegetation" and methods of getting rid of it, it is necessary to deal with the fact whether the pathological process hairy chest?

Hairy chest - particularly the possible causes and interesting facts

For men, this phenomenon is considered to be the absolute norm. It says there is sufficient production in the body of the male hormone. Moreover, the amount of vegetation may be different.

The norm is the presence of hairs around the areola and in the female breast. But their number should not exceed 10 units. If they suddenly become more, then it's time to see a doctor.

When to see a specialist?

Hairy natural breasts in women could signal a serious illness. A timely visit to the doctor can quickly identify and cure it. To come to the hospital should immediately if:

Hairy chest - particularly the possible causes and interesting facts
  • In certain areas of the body have been actively appearing hair. Most often, the lesion area becomes the chin or chest.
  • After removal of the newly grown hair.
  • With the advent of vegetation and associated symptoms are observed: unfounded weight gain, general health deterioration, the appearance of pain in the breast and lower abdomen.

There are cases where in certain areas once appeared a few hairs. Woman remove them, and their education does not happen again. In this case, with the campaign specialist can wait.


The most common cause of female hairy chest - elevated levels of the hormone testosterone. The most obvious sign of its excess - the appearance of vegetation on the chest and on the face of individual hairs.

By Associated symptoms include changes in the skin (it becomes dry and starts to peel off), hair loss, increased waist circumference. Many ladies become rougher voice.

Determine the level of testosterone in the blood can be, surrendering test for this hormone. For the most accurate results, we recommend the procedure to carry out no earlier than 6 days after the first day of the menstrual cycle.

How to reduce the levels of the hormone?

If the cause of a hairy female breast becomes increase in the amount of testosterone, its level must be lowered to a normal value. Most often, endocrinologists prescribe the drug for this purpose, "Cyproterone". To reduce it over a short period of time, it is recommended to follow a special diet. The diet of women should consist of rice, wheat, apples, cherries, cream, milk and soy products.

Genetic features

Sometimes the cause of the increased vegetation on the chest becomes a genetic predisposition. Unfortunately, this is a specific feature of the body and get rid of the disease forever impossible.

For example, women with hairy large breasts often are indigenous to Italy, Greece and Armenia.

Get rid of the little flaws allow regular waxing.

Fast hair removal methods

Even under the influence of strong drugs hair by themselves do not leave affected area. There are three basic methods of resolving them quickly:

  • With the help of a shaving razor. If the chest formed abundant hair, it can be quickly shave off the appliance. It is important to use the additional funds: soft foam and aftershave. This method is short, since only a surface layer is removed hairs.
  • With the help of tweezers. If the chest formed a small amount of rare hair, they can be gently remove with tweezers. This method has a long efficiency since appendage will be removed together with the root.
Hairy chest - particularly the possible causes and interesting facts
  • Shugaring - the most modern hair removal procedure. Applied to the skin, the liquid sugar paste, which is then removed special strip.

All of these methods allow for some time to get rid of unpleasant phenomenon. But still recommended to find the cause of the formation of a hairy chest to fix it.

Pregnancy and lactation

Hairy chest - particularly the possible causes and interesting facts

Women with big and small hairy chest - not a rarity. The causes of such a defect may be several. Pregnancy and lactation - is a two-period, during which the body begins to work with heavy load. Hormonal balance is disturbed, because of what may appear sparse hair on the face and chest. It is worth noting that this is an absolutely normal phenomenon, and try to cure disease drugs are not necessary. After delivery or completion of lactation defect will pass on their own.

other reasons

There is also a few less common reasons due to which it becomes pretty hairy chest

  • side effect of medication. If you are having this problem, then the patient should inform the doctor so that he picked a more appropriate method of treatment.
  • Malfunction of the pituitary and adrenal glands.
  • Endocrine disease.

To determine the reason for such a cosmetic defect alone is impossible. It is able to do only a specialist, looking at the results of the diagnostic study.

Modern methods of

The most effective way to remove the bristles on his chest - a search for the reasons for its emergence and selection of drugs, allowing it to eliminate.

Removal laser or photoepilation is that the affected area of ​​the body is directed laser beams. They penetrate the skin and affect the hair root, destroying them. After that, the scalp falls and disappears forever.

Electrolysis involves shock effect on a specific area of ​​the body. As a result, the hair disappear and are lost forever. you can make several similar procedures, if necessary.

The device is designed for hair removal, you can buy and own. However, the procedure should only be carried out in a beauty salon in a sterile environment. Important: Before its implementation is required to undergo medical examination. Contraindication thereto is an inflammatory process, lactation, breast disease, and any tumors in the chest area.

Folk remedies

There are a number of proven "old wives' methods to forget about hair forever.

  • Tincture of walnut.

The shell is required to burn, and the resulting ash is diluted with a small amount of warm water. It should get a thick paste. It is required to apply to the problem area and leave for 15 minutes, then rinse with warm water. Repeat three times a day, the course - 1 month.

Hairy chest - particularly the possible causes and interesting facts
  • potassium permanganate.

This is the simplest method of removing the cover with a hairy chest. medium consistency simply make the solution and apply it on your skin after taking a shower twice a day. Important: You can only use a small amount of potassium permanganate. Otherwise, the skin can become dry and flaky.

Hairy chest - particularly the possible causes and interesting facts
  • Grape Juice.

The most gentle method of hair removal at home is a skin treatment grape juice unripe fruit. Firstly, this means excellent removes hair. Secondly, it makes the skin soft and smooth.

Hairy chest - particularly the possible causes and interesting facts
  • iodine tincture.

The most effective folk remedy is a tincture of iodine. For its preparation requires mixing 3 grams of iodine, 10 grams of castor oil, 10 grams and 70 grams of liquid medical alcohol. A solution is required to apply a thin layer to the skin twice daily. Rinse off only when it is completely colorless.

folk remedies course of treatment can last from 2 to 3 months. It is recommended before starting the procedure at home, consult with your doctor.

3 interesting facts about his hairy chest:

  1. The coat has two important functions. In cold weather, it warms the body. In summer hairs absorb all the accumulated moisture, thereby cooling the skin of a person.
  2. In 1996 Aykarakudi alias, an American psychologist, conducted a number of studies. He came to the conclusion that the more vegetation on the body, the person smarter.
  3. Many women claim that man's hairy chest is a symbol of sexuality. The more cover on the chest of a man, the more temperamental than he in private life.

The woman - a delicate and sensitive nature. Every woman wants her skin was always smooth and flawless. If there is such a cosmetic defect, as the hair on his chest, you should first find out the reason for their appearance, and only then to start treatment, consult an experienced endocrinologist or dermatologist.