Glasperlenovy Sterilizers for manicure instruments: description, application guidelines, reviews

Nowadays it is very important to observe good personal hygiene. Especially when it comes to nail polish. Nice beauty treatments able to lift your mood and self-esteem for both women and men. In addition to the beauty produced, customers need to be safe, which is guaranteed by careful processing tools.

Neglect of sterilizing manicure equipment can result in dire consequences for the customer in the form of fungal nail plates, skin diseases, and it is, at best, and at worst - tuberculosis, hepatitis, HIV-infection.

Glasperlenovy Sterilizers for manicure instruments: description, application guidelines, reviews

In order to avoid such terrible consequences, should initially think about the reliable disinfection process. To date, this issue is very easily solved glasperlenovy sterilizer tools. This instrument is particularly relevant for manicure masters who conduct the procedure at home.

Description and actions

Glasperlenovy outwardly sterilizer is a metal container with cap (Plastic allowed). Located inside a special container in the form of a sleeve of heat-resistant material. In this backfilled glasperlenovye glass balls (glass beads).

How does glasperlenovy sterilizer? It's simple. Glass arranged around spiral heaters which transfer a predetermined temperature of the glass filler. The device is able to warm up the balls at a high temperature - 250 degrees. Thus, when filler glowing, high pressure is generated. Inside has the tools and leave them for a while. Molten balls in contact with the surface of the tool, kill pathogens, thereby conducting the sterilization procedure.

Glasperlenovy Sterilizers for manicure instruments: description, application guidelines, reviews

Operating Instructions

Like any other machine, and at glasperlenovogo sterilizer instructions for use there. It is very simple, but requires strict adherence. Before sterilization, instruments must be treated disinfected with a solution (water with "Alaminol") and allow to dry. Do not allow moisture inside the unit falling, as this will lead to its damage and the unsuitability of the filler.

For 30 minutes before the processing must include glasperlenovy sterilizer so that it reached the desired temperature (within 15 minutes). On the unit LED lamp installed. If it is green, it means that there is still a process of heating.

Glasperlenovy Sterilizers for manicure instruments: description, application guidelines, reviews

Then take dry tools requiring sterilization, and placed inside a heat-resistant bulb filled. Devices should be lowered into the open state (cuticle clippers and scissors). It is very important that there was a contact cutting surfaces and balls. You should also avoid contact with the walls of the tools and the bottom of a heat-resistant container.

The residence time varies from the size of nail accessories. If the instruments are small, the high-temperature pressure will be enough for 15 seconds to kill pathogenic organisms. If the equipment is large size, it is necessary to wait for 25 seconds. The maximum time of processing tools in glasperlenovom sterilizer can reach 30 seconds. It is not necessary overdo manicure instruments, as this may damage them.

When will the right amount of time, you should get the tools and get started right away.


It is best to carry out the processing tools before use, since the procedure in glasperlenovom sterilizer is not designed for long-term preservation of sterility obtained.

The device must be stored in a dry place at room temperature, isolating from heat.

Glass beads during prolonged operation fail, losing their conductivity. Depending on the frequency of use, the old filling has to be replaced with a new one.

How often to change bulbs?

In glasperlenovom sterilizer before you start it is necessary to verify the suitability of the filler. This can be understood by the shade balls. If they become dull or purchased gray, yellow, white, shades, then immediately have to spend replacement.

Glasperlenovy Sterilizers for manicure instruments: description, application guidelines, reviews

To change the need to direct new packaging glasperlenom. The machine takes about 1, 5 packs filler. Throwing out the old bulbs, you need to pour a new glass in a metal container on the part of 2/3.

In general glass beads period - 1 year (regardless of the activity of the application).

But it is recommended to carry out the change glasperlena month, if the machine is used on a daily basis and for a few hours a day.

If the load glasperlenovogo sterilizer average, it will be sufficient to carry out the replacement of 1 every six months.

And to extend the life of a refractory material, wash the beads with a solution of soda enough every 2 months (it is possible and on a monthly basis). Then rinse with clean water and allow to dry, and then go to sleep back in a metal bowl.

Pros and cons of the device

If you consider the benefits glasperlenovogo sterilizer, it is worth noting the most important:

  • time of the disinfection procedure (device is superior to other methods of sterilization, since the processing time is calculated in seconds, literally, that will allow for disinfection of any metal tool quickly);
  • security blade at manicure tools (the principle of operation of the sterilizer does not lead to oxidation and metal erosion of deformation);
  • Device dimensions: compactness, portability, and low energy consumption.
Glasperlenovy Sterilizers for manicure instruments: description, application guidelines, reviews

But it is necessary to take into account also the opposite direction. Cons are:

  • small capacity (small space, which allows the processing tools certain size);
  • monotony of treatment (due to the high temperature metal accessories only allowed processing);
  • partial sterilization (in the filler sinks only part of the working tool, the handle is no treatment).


Price glasperlenovy sterilizer ranges from 1,000 to 8,000 rubles. It all depends on the brand and the brand apparatus. When you select should be guided by the extent of providing nail services.

glass filler price starts from 200 rubles per 500 grams. Price of heat-resistant beads depends on the manufacturer, and can reach up to 1000 rubles.

Acquire the sterilizer and filler is best in specialized stores, in order to avoid low-quality products.

Reviews glasperlenovom sterilizer

In the apparatus a positive reputation. Many artists say the ease of use. As the main advantages note the time of disinfection. Previously, you had to soak the instruments in solution for 30-40 minutes, which affected the klientooborote.

Glasperlenovy Sterilizers for manicure instruments: description, application guidelines, reviews

With glasperlenovym sterilizer processing time is reduced by several times, but not to the detriment of the quality of sterilization of manicure tools.