TCA peels: what it is, real effects and contraindications

With the advancement of technology there are new methods to improve the state of the skin. Not so long ago became popular procedure with TCA. Many people want to know what it is, TCA peels, as it is performed and what results are achieved. After all, this procedure applies to the entire epidermis and reaches the membrane, that is a clear boundary between the layers of the skin.

Completion of peeling (TCA 15 percent) of a dilute solution of trichloroacetic acid called surface. But, despite this, the molecules of the substance still penetrate to the membrane itself, providing a beneficial effect. The deep peeling is via the acid is dangerous to carry out, because it has a high level of toxicity.

TCA peels: what it is, real effects and contraindications


Today, many people want to know what it is - TCA peels and what results it gives. After the procedure, patients receive such effects:

  1. Exfoliation. The basic substance which is used in the process of peeling, can destroy the original barrier, fastening and holding on the surface of the skin dead cells. That is why after the procedure, each patient has a pronounced peeling.
  2. The stimulatory effect. Under the action of trichloroacetic acid skin gets burn, which causes the active cell division and metabolic processes are accelerated. With this skin, which took the road to recovery after injury, it looks much younger. To provide enhanced oxygen demand and nutrients necessary to expand the capillaries. After elimination of toxic products of metabolism, as well as elements of dead tissue becomes stronger lymph.
  3. The antimicrobial effect. Microorganisms carrying harm the skin, are on the surface and in the mouths of the sebaceous glands. Get rid of them help a high concentration of acid.
TCA peels: what it is, real effects and contraindications


TCA peel is a controversial procedure. People speak of it both positively and negatively, so many beginners question whether they need him at all. Advantages and disadvantages of the TCA peel can help deal with this issue.

The list of the main advantages of the procedure include:

  • effectiveness;
  • fast training;
  • short period of rehabilitation;
  • painless;
  • flexibility.


Together with the advantages of TCA peeling face has certain disadvantages:

  • presence of a large list of contraindications;
  • the possibility of unpleasant sensations in the process of cleaning the face;
  • and a high risk of side effects.

Despite the fact that the number of disadvantages less, they still need to be taken into account. In any case, we must be prepared to ensure that, together with the improvements could begin and some deterioration of the skin condition. Of course, they will soon pass away, but to experience them is not always easy.

TCA peels: what it is, real effects and contraindications


Positive feedback on TCA peels often come from people who have decided to turn to him because of the testimony. These include:

  • stretch marks on the body;
  • age-related changes of the skin (the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles around the mouth, forehead, eyes, and decreased skin elasticity and its sagging);
  • appearance of pigmentation, freckles, post-acne.

In this case, it is worth considering that acne scars can not be called just an indication to this variety of peeling, because you can work on them and more effective local ways. Experts do not recommend to resolve this issue to give preference to TCA peel. What it is, it is already known, so it is best to consider other similar procedure (diamond microdermabrasion). The same as about the scars, we can say about the excess fat of the skin of the face and enlarged pores. This applies particularly to the young person. In order to normalize the sebaceous glands and narrow pores, it is best to choose a less dangerous option peeling (almond, enzyme).

TCA peels: what it is, real effects and contraindications


Together with the testimony of the procedure TCA peel has certain contraindications. As mentioned above, the list is quite large. These include:

  • rosacea;
  • recent surgery with surgery on the face;
  • a fresh sunburn;
  • decompensated diabetes;
  • increased convulsive;
  • are serious problems with internal organs and the cardiovascular system;
  • wounds, abrasions and cuts in the areas to be treated;
  • oncology;
  • psoriasis, dermatitis, atopic dermatitis;
  • during pregnancy or breast-feeding;
  • endocrine system diseases, and especially of the thyroid gland;
  • a pronounced pigmentation that filled quite a large area;
  • tendency to allergies;
  • frequent formation of hypertrophic or keloid scars on the face;
  • fungal diseases (trichophytosis, mikrosporiya, pityriasis versicolor, etc);
  • not a good tolerability peels and microdermabrasion procedures carried out in the past tense;
  • period of the year with the active sun (spring, summer and autumn months, the pair of the first);
  • presence on the skin of any manifestations of viral diseases (herpes, warts, papilloma, molluscum contagiosum).

Knowing what it is - TCA peels, and under what circumstances it is not worth doing, you can protect your skin. Observing the contraindications, the face will not have any extra education, and his general condition will not worsen. Therefore, to take into account all the nuances of this list it is necessary.

Preparation of

Chemical TCA peels, as well as any such procedure requires special training. It is necessary to begin a month before the session. To this end, during all this time we have to give up sponges, special cleaning brushes for the face, lips, and hair removal treatments. From the same moment you need to start using the tools that protect from the sun, SPF that is at least 50.

About two weeks before the procedure should begin regular use of funds, as part of which featured fruit acids, but only in the not too high concentrations. In preparation for this step is the most important, so you can not miss it in any way.

For 4 days before peeling need to start taking specific antiviral drugs. This is necessary to the people who experienced an exacerbation of herpes in the past six months.

The final stage - a few days before visiting a specialist is necessary to completely abandon the bath and solarium. At the same time, it is necessary to forget for a while about shaving and plucking eyebrows, so as not to irritate your skin once again.

of the procedure

Superficial TCA peels carried out in several stages:

  1. cleaning and degreasing the skin.
  2. The application of funds from the acid. It is distributed all over the skin evenly. The first layer may be painless, but the second can start to appear unpleasant sensations. They are not so strong, so they will be able to sustain each patient. As a rule, in the process of peeling, no painkillers are not used, as they may replace the fan or the fan. On peeling efficiency would indicate the occurrence of a white bloom on the surface of the face, called Frost consisting of coiled by the action of acid skin proteins.
  3. The neutralization acid. The remaining amount of the basic substance is neutralized by special means. In certain cases, it contributes to the appearance of hiss in facial surface when reacted with an acid. Avoid such consequences can be when applied catalyst layers. At the end of the stage means is washed off with plain water.
  4. The completion of peeling. Once washed converter, skin person close certain cream. In its composition should be present inflammatory, antiseptic and wetting elements.
TCA peels: what it is, real effects and contraindications

after the treatment period

The important point is to care after peeling by day. TCA peels require rehabilitation for a month. In the first step (Week) film is formed, the skin peels off actively. In the first 24 hours after the session observed swelling and redness of the face. The following day, on the face of the thin film is formed, which is 2-3 days turns into a dense crust.

Since the completion of the procedure must be applied to the skin daily special moisturizing and antiseptic agents (foam, spray). The ideal drug is considered "Panthenol". Start to wash only allowed from the third day after the peel, but it should be done without aggressive foams, hydrophilic oils and fat-containing milk. To cleanse the surface of the face it is best to apply the ampoule concentrates or serum that will help in the recovery.

The effects of

After peeling session in most cases there are consequences. They are not as terrible as not too pleasant. Because of them I do not want to go out, because the person does not look quite natural. To the list of consequences include:

  1. is well expressed by the swelling of the treated area. The most severe swelling occur in those who are prone to allergic reactions. For prevention in this case it is recommended to take antihistamines for some time to visit a beautician.
  2. A strong feeling of dryness and tightness of the skin. After the acid exposure of the skin formed fibrin film which is capable of strong enough to pull the skin. As soon begin to fade peel, this feeling will diminish.
  3. Peeling. Since the cover is gradually eliminated, skin peeling can occur from a few hours to a couple of days.
TCA peels: what it is, real effects and contraindications


In the salons on with TCA procedure will have to spend about 7000 rubles (one session). This amount, in some cases, will have to add the price of surface peelings and cosmetics with acid content, which is necessary to prepare. In the end, a pretty impressive price, but the resulting effect it is consistent.


In general, reviews of TCA peels, there are positive, although sometimes there are negative. The first thing you need to consider the disadvantages that produce customers. Most often, they say that there is too long a list of contraindications, because of which it is impossible to carry out the procedure, as any conscientious professional simply did not allow her his patient. At the same time, people celebrate discomfort during the procedure. This, of course, does not hurt, but still tolerate it turns out not at all.

Positive comments about the procedure there is much more. Patients claim that the effect lasts for a long time, if we compare this peeling with other species. Along with this are often found comments about the fact that the skin is perfectly smoothed and standing at attention, which is not even expected. Most of the girls is glad that to get rid of their problems they did not need to undergo a full course of treatments.

TCA peels: what it is, real effects and contraindications

In addition to the efficiency of peeling, customers often speak positively about its value. According to the girls for such results and can give large sums of money, because this effect they could not reach, even with more expensive procedures.