How to choose skis for child growth?

Instill love of sports, children need from childhood, and it is important in this regard to observe all the rules of gear selection. If you buy the baby uncomfortable shoes or other equipment, it will always feel the inconvenience and discomfort, so, most likely, will quickly lose interest in useful employment.

How to choose skis for child growth?

The skiing for children is an important aspect of the choice of skis themselves. Just-fit models can save the novice athlete from sliding back and possible injury.

Types of skis

Usually divided into skiing downhill and cross. The latter, in turn, divided into classic and universal ridge. Before you choose the right skis child, you need to decide on the style of riding, which will develop the baby.

Conventional models

Classic models feature a pointed end and a large length. These skis are used to move the athlete, even on unprepared track. The manner of movement in this case is alternately parallel movement of the legs. How to choose a ski child of such a model? It is originally based on the experience of the baby in the skating.

How to choose skis for child growth?

If it is only taking its first steps, it is better to pay attention to skiing with notches. They will prevent large acceleration and slip back. The advantages should be attributed, and no need to use special ointment. A disadvantage of such ski is to requirements temperature regime. In warm weather, they will be bad slide, and unpeeled road incisions will become clogged with snow. In such cases, the weight of the equipment will increase, and your child will be more difficult to cope with the management. How to choose a ski child with the experience? To do this, you can buy your child a classic model without incisions. Such skis develop more speed but require the application of specific products for holding.

The optimal length for the classic children's models is the increase to the growth of the baby 20 cm.

Skating Model

We have already mentioned that before you choose a ski child, you need to decide on the style of riding. If the baby has mastered the classical technique, we can safely proceed to the development of the ridge. It is a movement of the feet "herringbone", like riding a skate.

How to choose skis for child growth?

Skis used for this special, with a rounded nose and a much shorter length. The size of these skis is determined by the growth of the child and the addition thereto of 10 cm. Incisions on these models does not happen and they can be used only on the prepared tracks.

Universal model

How to choose a ski child in the future? Most often, parents acquire this versatile model. First, they are used for classic skiing, and then - to the ridge technology. Skiing for this are rounded nose and an increased width.

In practice, the purchase of equipment "for growth" only worsens the child's education. Kids get used heavily, and their rate of growth will require the purchase of new equipment much sooner.

Models for mountain skiing

These skis are soft, necessary for a comfortable passage of relief, and a short length. Before you choose skiing for an older child, you need to measure its growth. Weighing in at a young athlete more than 40 kg of equipment should be up to him to the nose.

How to choose skis for child growth?

If a child at this age is not enough riding experience should choose skis up to chin, they will be more maneuverable. For starters early age athletes should take greater account of the weight. Baby up to 20 kg need ski length 0, 7 meters with a weight of 30 kg - 20 cm long and weighs 40 kg - 1 meter. The baby was easier to control your body during the descent, you must select the "form-fitting" model.

The choice by weight

Many instructors believe that is not quite right to choose skis for child growth. What should I do they think? First of all, take into account the weight of the baby and his style of riding. It is from these indices depends largely on the degree of punching skis. Thus, for children engaged ridge skating style and weighs less than 25 kg, a ski length is 120-140 cm. Further, with the addition of a weight of 5 kg should be added to the length of the gear, respectively, is 5 cm, i.e., 25-30 kg - 140-145 cm, 30-35 kg - 145-150 cm, and so on.


On a par with many of the usual wooden skis today are often used for children and plastic. The advantage of this material is its lightness and resistance to moisture. Young athletes are skiing become real helpers in the development of winter sports, but it should be borne in mind that they have a lack of grip. It is best to choose a model with a large number of notches.

How to choose skis for child growth?

Wooden skis perfectly show itself in severe frosts, but it is very susceptible to moisture and stop slide well in warm weather. In order to improve the coefficient of friction should be used special ointments.

Ski poles

In the early stages of a child's learning without them at all you can do. Initially, the child should learn to keep balance and stand straight, so the stick can only interfere. Before choosing skis and poles on the size of the child, should pay attention to their other characteristics. Sticks must be light, durable and with special straps to hold them in their hands. Tips in this case should not be sharp, capable of hurting the baby, as well as the necessary support. Purchase sticks "for growth" will contribute to overloading of the shoulder belt and the optimum length is determined strictly by the growth. For classic skiing ski poles must rest on the child's armpit. For example, during the growth of 125 cm is ideal for baby gear size is 100-105 cm. The dimensions of the sticks represented manufacturers in increments of 5 cm, so choose the ideal for each child is not difficult.

How to choose skis for child growth?

ridge style has its own characteristics, so stick to it should be slightly above the child's shoulder. For the growth of 125 cm - about 105-110 cm is followed by guided by the characteristics of the child body composition and its convenience..

Special shoes

So, how to choose the right skis and poles are now the child is understandable, but it's not all the nuances of proper selection of equipment. When purchasing equipment for the baby to be considered and to mount ski shoes. For the youngest athletes had better pay attention to the soft and semi-rigid model. They can be mounted directly on a conventional shoes. Semi-rigid structures are considered more reliable.

For the more experienced athletes can safely select the hard mount that require longer purchase special ski boots. Such attachment allows the maximum safe fix his leg, do not pinch it. In this case, high-quality equipment can be easily removed by the child without removing the mittens, because it has a large handle with a soft swing.

Rigid mounting, in turn, are divided into several models:

  • NN 75;
  • SNS;
  • NNN.

The first is a method proven over the years ski attachment. They are considered the most inexpensive, reliable and durable, but at the same time, difficult for the child. Two further models are already belong to the modern developments that can securely lock the leg in special shoes. Shoes are manufactured by many brands, so it is easy to pick up. SNS mount allows you to fix the foot even hands-free, is sufficient to substitute the correct shoes.

How to choose skis for child growth?

Before you choose a ski child for growth or weight, you should decide on the method of attachment to their feet. Based on the latter, it is necessary to select a special ski boots. It is very important not to take shoes "for growth", as this would complicate the child's ability to maintain balance. It is best to use when fitting and when riding, special ski socks that will not cramp the foot and allow it to breathe and remove excess moisture.

Also for good results of the child should equip special clothing. Only her baby will feel comfortable and be able to concentrate on the main task.