Growth hormone: reviews, review, admission rules

And the lack and the excess of growth hormone may lead to a number of unpleasant consequences. Somatropin (this is called the compound), as seen from its actively used by the general name of the masses, is responsible for human growth. It's not just centimeters in height: growth hormone (or somatropin, somatotropin) affects the musculoskeletal system, primarily on bone. Currently, it is often used by athletes, especially in bodybuilding, but an overabundance of the compound in the body can lead to undesirable consequences. In addition, growth hormone for muscle growth, produced on a synthetic basis, is not for everyone. Let us consider what features of somatropin.

Growth hormone: reviews, review, admission rules


Somatotropin normally produced by the pituitary gland (anterior lobe). Thanks to this substance slows down aging, organs, muscles are actively growing, the physical condition in general is getting better. However, this only applies to situations where the compound is present in the body in the normal amount. Lack and surplus of lead to unpleasant consequences and complications. Due to growth hormone fat layer gets smaller, but increases the amount of muscle.

If the organism does not normally produce the required amount of somatotropin, the doctor may recommend synthetic growth hormone. His appointment signals a danger, the probability of occurrence of side effects. Often to injections of growth hormone resort athletes who want to provoke the growth of muscle mass. This approach is currently causing heated discussions - harm and benefits is quite controversial, and besides, not everyone knows how to use the tool properly.

Growth Hormone: synthetic analogue of

As used in bodybuilding growth hormone is a white powder. To use his first diluted special substance is then injected. For dissolving the compound is usually used procaine. Injectable route of administration - the only man-made version of how to take growth hormone. An alternative way - stimulation generating compound in the body naturally. It is known that in the normal growth hormone is produced during the night's rest, that is, until the person is asleep. growth hormone may not work properly if a person went to bed on an empty stomach or too tightly to eat. This feature is due to the chemical reaction of insulin and growth hormone, cortisol, which are able to inhibit the growth of hormone-producing area of ​​the brain.

Growth hormone: reviews, review, admission rules

What do the doctors say?

Since growth hormone in bodybuilding is widely used and highly regarded doctors have accumulated a lot of knowledge about the features of the effect of growth hormone on the human body. In particular, the doctor found that the substance is not necessary to enter by artificial means - can stimulate its production in the body if you eat protein food in very limited quantities. Incidentally, a natural compound much more efficiently than products Nordex Somatropin. Synthetic analogue is not always absorbed and triggers various side reactions, while the substance that produces the pituitary under the influence of the natural systems of the body mechanics, is perfectly safe.

Also, studies have shown that the rate of growth hormone in a person needs only to the age of twenty. But the older he helps only affect muscle mass, burn fat. It is this effect and directed such controversial products Nordex Somatropin, used by athletes. Doctors working with people lacking growth hormone is usually prescribed other options, time-tested. However, experience has shown that growth hormone is very good for ligament injury, stimulating tissue healing, and generally activates the regenerative processes in the body.

Hormones and growth of

For information on how to take growth hormone, usually the doctor says, if revealed underdevelopment. But in a sport resort to it to increase the power capacity and the volume of muscle mass. If there are no medical indications for use of the compound, it is necessary to consider options for lifestyle adjustments in order to stimulate the production of a compound in the body naturally. Indeed, growth hormone from the "Nordex" is a fairly simple solution - single shots much easier than the constant control mode of the day, but the natural control methods to help manage without side effects.

Growth hormone: reviews, review, admission rules

positive for the production of growth hormone affect the hormones produced by the reproductive system, the amino acids arginine, glutamine. Good results provide physical activity. But as noted must depress the rise in blood insulin concentration and abundance of fatty acids, as well as hyperglycemia. If you are experiencing problems with the growth hormone, should consult a physician - perhaps in a particular case is really suitable growth hormone from the "Nordex". But abuse it strongly recommended!

How does it work?

As can be seen from the review of growth hormone does not show a pronounced effect if the daily body gets up to 4 units. Professionals who build a career, they know for sure: the norm, which allows to achieve the desired performance muscle size - from 10 units daily, and more. Reviews of growth hormone include mention of that notice appreciable effect only after a week or a half. Course duration - up to three months.

If growth hormone is recommended to use a doctor, the doctor determines how long will therapy, and regularly takes tests to monitor the patient's condition. From reviews of the growth hormone shows that when used alone such a composition in the home, many do not have the possibility to check the performance of internal systems efficiency, and this can lead to unwanted side effects. If you are using on their own initiative is necessary to strictly adhere to the manufacturer's recommendations regarding the duration of the course and the daily dosage. Efficiency is largely determined by gender. This applies to both the rate of muscle growth, as well as areas of the body where the effect is most pronounced. If the daily dose - up to 4 units, seen tangible results will not work. In general, the recommended first visit a doctor, only on the basis of consultations to decide on the dose.


As can be seen from the review of growth hormone quickly leads to hypertrophy of muscle tissue. This process initiates cell hyperplasia. Effectiveness can be experienced only a relatively short time: the human body quite quickly get used to the artificial growth hormone and more than three-month course is unlikely to give a good result. It is important to respect the reasonable limits of dosage and duration of treatment.

Growth hormone: reviews, review, admission rules

I buy?

The price of growth hormone rather big - up to a thousand rubles in specialized sports stores. Absolutely legal means, its sales are not prohibited. This obviously confirms the use of synthetic growth hormone in the drug therapy of certain diseases. However, presented at the pharmacy the drug will cost even more - at a dosage of 4 IU it costs about 3,500 rubles per pack, and the concentration of 10 IU cost seven thousand. Indeed, the price of growth hormone is impressive. However, the manufacturers (except powder) directly complement the set of a special syringe. Also, the package containing solution, wherein the diluted artificial somatotropin.

Wishes to save, not ready to give so much money for guaranteed means now can take advantage of sporting goods stores services. But it is necessary to understand: no certificate guarantees that the tool is not a fake, one can not give. If there is a need for a synthetic growth hormone pharmaceutical preparation should acquire possible.

Do you believe me or not?

If the pharmaceutical product is rarely in doubt, the products presented in sports shops, according to some analysts, 70% fake. The vial containing the white powder, may be only a small fraction of the artificial hormone, and otherwise it there and does not. What, then, is in a test tube? It is hard to say. This can be any safer for the human body powder, but no one can guarantee.

If you want to buy a licensed product, it is necessary to pay attention to "Dzhintropinu", "Dinatropu", "Ansomonu". Side effects of growth hormone, if it is a fake, it is impossible to predict perfectly, so do not risk your health and life because of the desire to save.

And that's dangerous?

Rumors and assumptions about the side effects of growth hormone in the vast World Wide Web, and among professional athletes a lot. Some believe that the drug is harmful, and its use can easily lead to severe lesions of the body - until death. But others are convinced that the fear absolutely nothing, are safe, despite its ability to change human hormones.

Growth hormone: reviews, review, admission rules

Many agree that all should be the measure. In a lot of salt and can kill, and the most dangerous poison in a tiny dose of cure serious illness. The same is the case with growth hormone: a substance when applied as directed, within reason, its use would be beneficial to humans, but in excess of the recommended norms to predict the negative impact is not always possible.

Unpleasant consequences of acceptance: what to prepare?

Normally, growth hormone is produced in the human body, so by itself the connection can not be dangerous or harmful - if present in living tissues in a reasonable concentration. But for long-term acceptance of artificial substances in high doses may be encountered with high blood pressure, numbness of arms and legs, impaired thyroid function. Some athletes observed glucose levels increase. Abuse of synthetic growth hormone can cause the accumulation of large volumes of fluid in body tissues. Take this medication with a doctor is necessary readings. Some doctors believe that professional athletes somatotropin is also shown, but this practice should be followed by regular inspections. The fact that the human body may well be an ulcer, tumor, which, before the receiving means "sleeping", but an increased concentration of growth hormone probably provoke its growth. Before the start of complex therapy it is important to undergo a full examination of the body for the presence of formations and only to the exclusion of the presence of those starting to inject. During the course, you should also regularly visit the doctor.

Growth Hormone: the positive aspects of the effect of

It is believed that administration of somatotropin in an artificial organism provokes not only an increase in muscle mass, but also a number of other effects, less significant, but still enjoyable. For example, restore hair color, become healthy, thick, at the same time to improve memory and thinking acquire clarity. Some assure that the growth hormone makes the body more resilient, including sexually, while others say the elimination of wrinkles and lifting effect - the skin is firmer, younger, man looks much more aesthetic.

Growth hormone: reviews, review, admission rules

Manufacturers growth hormone for athletes certify that their products have a positive effect on the mood of the people of their host, leaving the last state of depression. At the same time normal cholesterol levels in the circulatory system, the pressure is stabilized. Well, and, of course, many promise a boost in growth. How large - it depends on the integrity (or lack thereof) from the manufacturer.

Eternal youth

As it seems, this is what the manufacturer promises a synthetic growth hormone. Unfortunately, we should not accept too trustingly all the information of the posters. It sounds nice, but in practice, even for big money can not secure eternal youth and beauty - at least not yet. It should be understood that the possibility of being eternally beautiful pretty mythical, but the dangers of synthetic hormone injections uncontrollably, without following the instructions in the absence of indications to the use of this drug is quite real. Indeed, studies have shown that the natural decrease in the concentration of growth hormone in the human body leads to fat accumulation, loss of muscle mass, strength, endurance, decreased cognitive function. But it is quite a complex biochemical process that can not simply be reversed, vkoly artificial joint. By the way, its digestibility is relatively small, and this should be taken into account.

The dangers of using hormone

At present there is no accurate information regarding the time of receiving the long-term effects of artificial growth hormone. Some experts suggest that such therapy without having to serious indications may cause malignant tumors and diseases of the heart and blood vessels. It is noted that among use artificial growth hormone without significant reasons increased frequency of changes adequate behavioral responses. Of course, you can take the risk: these adverse reactions were observed in 100% of consumed synthetic hormone, but everyone there is willing to risk for the sake of gain muscle mass in this their future in the long term?

The main risk factor associated with the use of the compound - an uncontrolled adjustment of the concentration of the first insulin-like growth factor into the circulatory system. Clinical trials have shown that it can cause carpal tunnel, pain, diabetes, edema. Some people on the background of the use of artificial growth hormone developed arthritis, bloating. There is a possibility of chronic pressure rise.

That is not?

These possible negative reactions are more likely to occur when a person decides to use artificial growth hormone illegally, without any evidence to that. If the expert has recommended to inject the hormone against the background of identified pathology or active sports, you can use the drug at a relatively low level of danger: no one is safe from the occurrence of side effects, but the odds of their occurrence is quite small.

Growth hormone: reviews, review, admission rules

If possible, instead of an artificial source necessary to resort to strategies of behavior that stimulates the natural production of the hormone in the blood - of course, this applies only in healthy people, but it gives better performance than an injection that can disrupt hormones and lead to unexpected negative results.