How to set yourself up for weight loss psychologically?

How to set yourself up for weight loss? This question is usually interested in before you have to travel to a foreign resort or a grand party on New Year's Eve, a holiday and the beach season, or if your favorite jeans have become small and leather jacket does not fit at the waist.

Weight loss

Women, girls, and sometimes representatives of the stronger sex are thinking about how to get in shape to a specific date or event, return the old comfortable weight. I want to feel young and healthy, to be light and agile and catch yourself admiring glances. Weight loss, dieting, exercise - for all this takes a lot of effort and discipline. How to set yourself up for weight loss? Further advice will be given for those who wish to lose weight properly.

the wrong approach to the intended target

Waiver of eating habits, physical activity, which is not used (or weaned) body, considered by the body as stress. Before we talk about how to properly configure itself to losing weight, it is worth noting that is fundamentally not true. Prohibited:

How to set yourself up for weight loss psychologically?
  1. The aggressive long-term diet. They are, unfortunately, will not help to lose weight properly, and after, and fix the result. Most often, this method leads to failure and further weight gain.
  2. Exhausting load once a week. They do not lead to the desired result, and after and did no longer wish to play sports.

Also note that without a strong motivation process will not budge. Sometimes a person does not need to diet for a few days. In fact, it should be a lifestyle change, it means a change of habits for a healthy and correct, otherwise the weight loss will not succeed. How to set yourself up for weight loss? This will continue to be written in the article.

a success rate

Lose one or two kilos before the party will not be difficult, it is likely that the weight will come back later. But to lose more and more kilograms without harm to health and should not return to previous levels - a more difficult task, and we must approach it comprehensively. One of the components of success in weight loss is a mental attitude.

It is very important psychological preparation!

In order to achieve the result required target. How to configure the brains of losing weight? It is in the mind are the blocks that prevent lose weight.

People often comforted by the following:

  • I like myself this (second) as it is;
  • I feel so comfortable;
  • I was happy with everything.

The idea that it is necessary to change habits, causing real discomfort.

That's right, the body need to love, but do not forget that the normal weight - the guarantee of health. Proper nutrition, regular exercise, healthy sleep should be the norm. Only then the body returns to normal.

Positive attitude - this is one of the most important aspects of this difficult process. How to set yourself up for weight loss psychologically?

How to set yourself up for weight loss psychologically?
  1. Psychological support can have close friends that will compliment for results. You can find a company, for example, offer a friend, sister or husband stick to the selected program together.
  2. need a diary to fix the results. It will be necessary to write honestly eaten per day, to make their measurements and weight once per week. Regular diary will demonstrate the results will help to understand what leads to weight gain. You can additionally carry photo diary, by posting on the wall of your own photos in a swimsuit or clothing, to which there is a desire to lose weight.
  3. Achieving the ultimate goal divided into several stages and set intermediate, which come to be easier. Important - the end result should be real. Average weight loss ranges from three to five kilograms per month.
  4. Find a hobby, an interesting hobby for the soul, which will detract from the desire to snack frequently or jam stress, or failure to act in front of TV.
  5. Visualize the future result. This can help the old photo in which the weight corresponds to the desired and expected. And how to attune themselves to losing weight? In the review, the girls write about what you need to create a positive image in the mind and encourage myself to continue working on them.
  6. The belief in their own strength - it is the key to success.

motivation to weight loss

Morally set yourself up for weight loss? In order to achieve the result required target. As they may be different depending on the gender and age:

  • like the opposite sex;
  • to return to the old forms, to be able to wear your favorite dress, short skirt or jeans;
  • to be in better shape, get rid of health problems related to being overweight;
  • to look younger for several years, and maybe more;
  • to establish a relationship with her husband (or wife);
  • to win their own complexes.
How to set yourself up for weight loss psychologically?

The most common reason that people want to get rid of excess weight is failing health. In addition, excess weight is often the cause zakompleksovannosti and self-doubt.

There are many reasons, of which it is necessary to choose the one that will motivate stronger than the other. It makes no sense to lose kilos to certain activities of normal weight to become permanent.

Do not procrastinate

"Just today I still sing, and tomorrow will begin" - this phrase is very familiar to those who have sought from next Monday to begin a new life.

Having decided to give himself a shape once and for all, should begin immediately. Not Monday, as it usually happens, and on the day the decision is made.

For the literate weight loss need not two or three days or even 2-3 weeks. This process could take three to six months. And as the body adjust to the weight loss is not easy and it does take time, it should start today.

Changing diet and eating habits

In order to develop the habit of something, a person needs for one month. Wake up early, do exercises or walking in the evenings. So it is with nutrition. The body must be trained to consume the right foods. It is not difficult to wean all overdo or consume a lot of sugar in its pure form. Sol replaced by natural spices, and sugar consumption minimized. You can gradually accustom the stomach to the lower volume of food consumed. And then the question of how to set yourself up for weight loss, will no longer be so acute.

How to set yourself up for weight loss psychologically?

A certain "harmful" food should not be a reward, and should be strictly prohibited. You can afford to eat baked, grilled or favorite candy. But it should always know when to stop. To reduce weight should choose comfortable diet that will not become a personal torture, and will be a joy. If it is difficult to give up eating after 6 pm, you can give preference to diets that provide for an early dinner and light healthy snack in an hour and a half before going to sleep.

Often, in order to start losing weight, you may need rapid diet. Such diets are designed for seven to ten days, with strict observance of guaranteed weight loss of two to three kilograms of the given period. One of the ways it does not evade the specified list of products - everything you need to buy in advance and before the end of the period does not consume anything extra.

How to set yourself up for weight loss psychologically?

to deceive the stomach with water. During the day, in addition to other fluids should be consumed for at least 1, 5 liters of clean water. During the day, to satisfy a sudden hunger to help one small apple or a handful of nuts (except peanuts), and the evening hunger can be fooled by a carrot or yogurt. Eating healthy foods should become a permanent habit.


Further more. How to set yourself up for weight loss and sports? Again, should set a goal and see the new body, which will appear in the result of simple, but regular physical effort. Motivation to sport can be as follows: that will be acquired as a result of the effort?

How to set yourself up for weight loss psychologically?

This includes:

  • excellent physical shape;
  • the ability to easily cope with physical activities such as walking tour or climbing stairs;
  • a new wardrobe, for two or three sizes smaller than the former;
  • psychological comfort in the society.

You can call the same number of good reasons for deciding to start doing sports, not only to lose weight but also improve your appearance.

It has long been known that a kilogram of body fat in two or even three times larger in volume than muscle kilogram. People with the same weight may be totally different. It all depends on what more fat or muscle. And one more rule - muscle burns calories faster than fat tissue. So, you must first transfer the amount of money. That is to pump excess weight in muscle. After that, the right kind of exercise program will help to reduce the volume of the body. Place it will be faster. Since muscle mass burns calories for 48 hours after a workout, and even at rest.

Adequate sleep will help to lose weight!

A proven fact - enough sleep contributes to weight loss. Chronic lack of sleep stimulates the hormone - ghrelin, which causes a person to eat more. Conversely, adequate sleep relaxes the body, contributing to the development of another hormone - leptin tells the brain about the lack of food needs. At a constant lack of sleep and thus insufficient rest the body will replenish energy reserves at the expense of food, consuming without all the calories. As a result, excess weight is guaranteed. Therefore, wanting to achieve very fast results, a diet should pay attention to sleep.

Tips for those who want to lose weight

How to set yourself up for weight loss psychologically? In the review, the woman wrote that first of all need a strong motivation. Without this, any attempt to work out and reset the hated extra kilograms are doomed to failure or the failure of another. The goal, of course, must be clearly defined.

How to set yourself up for weight loss psychologically?

Not because someone wants to, not because summer is approaching, it is a bad choice of target. Healthy lifestyle should be chosen primarily for themselves. The result of the application and the accompanying efforts should not be temporary, it should become permanent.

A small conclusion,

Regular exercise and control of power must become a way of life. An important component of any program aimed at weight reduction - the love of one's own body in all its manifestations. You can not blame yourself for failure, but we must praise for the small victories over himself. We need to have faith in their own strength and achievement of the goal. Good luck!