Where rent TRP? TRP standards for students and adults

A huge role in the upbringing of a physically fit and healthy generation of the country at one time played sports complex TRP standards ( "Ready for Labor and Defense"). With the collapse of the Soviet Union, the requirement to pass the standards of sports disappeared, and in modern Russia resumed only on the decision of the government in 2017. The main purpose of the complex is to raise the level of fitness of citizens and raise their patriotism, identity and health promotion.

Steps sporting regulations

Before you know where you can pass GTO standards should be more familiar with all the rules. set of standards drawn up on the basis of age groups of citizens, individually defining requirements for school children, adult women and men. 5 stages are set for children, who are divided by age school children from 6 years and ending 17 years.

Where rent TRP? TRP standards for students and adults

The older generation is losing regulations on adult requirements, which are also determined by the age, but with a big step, and by gender. Wonder where rent TRP, even citizens older than 70 years, because for them, assigned to the last stage of standards.

Holiday Complex is passing the test from the obligatory list and to choose from. Among the necessary tests:

  • run on both long and short distances;
  • pull-ups;
  • push-ups.

Among the additional tests - the ability to test your coordination, endurance, strength and other skills. Each stage of standards distributes the results of the three difficulties, at the time that the participant will be awarded a gold, silver or bronze insignia together with the certificate.

The icons TRP

Where to pass GTO standards to get a distinctive sign? To do this all over the country organized special centers. Badges are awarded to anyone who has been tested, its corresponding level and a certain complexity.

Externally identical icons. They are made in the form of a five-pointed stars, which upon their twenty-five. Center the distinctive sign adorns the running athlete, and the red inscription "TRP" underneath. Between the center and of course the star icon crowned treadmills around. On top of the whole composition is the coat of arms of Russia, and from the bottom of laurel branches.

Where rent TRP? TRP standards for students and adults

in the complexity of the icons differ only in the color scheme:

  • is topped with a golden star red backdrop for a running athlete;
  • silver - blue;
  • bronze - green.

A common characteristic for all decals is also the fact that the bottom of each indicated its compliance level. You should also know that for everyone to take the test over 40 awards made only gold badge at the time of higher complexity. Icon size diameter of 2 to 4 cm.

Test Delivery

On the question of where to pass GTO standards, can not be answered precisely. At the moment, the country has not yet created special systems, so all the testing take place on the basis of existing in a city or village sports facilities.

Where rent TRP? TRP standards for students and adults

In order to apply for the test passing, it should be submitted online at the official resource gto.ru, get individual number and wait for an invitation. It is important to remember that to pass the test, you must have approval from a physician.

Where to pass the TRP?

On the territory of the whole country for this purpose is not set up special centers, but the results of tests made on a variety of sports facilities, corresponding to the selected types of sports. Swimming sit in pools, running on stadiums or sports facilities and so on. If you need sports equipment, organizers themselves should ensure their presence during delivery standards.

Where rent TRP? TRP standards for students and adults

In addition to the described method of testing delivery, such an event can be timed to the sporting event. So, often, participants become major figures in the celebrations "Athlete of the Day" and other sporting celebrations in Moscow. Where to take the TRP in other cities prompt organizers.

When to get tested?

Before you decide where rent TRP Students need to know exactly how and allowed for this time. So, for the older generation to apply and take the regulations allowed for the entire year, but for generations of school only during the school year.

The surrender of all the selected standards participant is allocated only 1 day. Optionally peresdat rate, we can use the second attempt, but no sooner than 2 weeks. For 1 year may be no more than 3 mulligans one standard.

Announcement of the results of

Where rent TRP is now clear, but how to get a distinctive sign? Find out the results of the tests pass, you can at the same web site. Needless awarding badges necessarily takes place in a festive atmosphere, and can also be timed to coincide with a specific event. Golden icon TRP can give to enter a university extra points. In addition, it is a great way to prove to yourself that much you can.

Where rent TRP? TRP standards for students and adults

Anyone interested in where you can pass GTO again, you should know that the award marked a degree within age level happens. should wait to obtain a second distinctive sign, when the age allowed to take part in the event in a different category.

The standards for students

Starting from January 2018, in the reporting standards of the TRP bit will move the graph, so the authorities allow small changes in the testing standards. In general, the situation will not change much. For high school students will also be a separate table standards, distributing them on the 5 stages of age and each stage in the 3 categories of complexity. Also, the standards are available separately for boys and girls.

Parents need to know that no matter where the pass TRP, the event is not accompanied by any cash contributions, all for free. The need for admission to the delivery of the complex is only a medical certificate from a doctor.

Where rent TRP? TRP standards for students and adults

The standards for students are in the public domain, so that everyone can for them to get ready. On the site there is a special training video telling how to do certain tasks with maximum efficiency and minimum effort. The last stage for high school students aged 16-17 have already approached to adult standards, but regular exercise does not become an obstacle to obtaining a distinctive sign.

Adult Standards

Each stage of standards for adults divided into separate categories, not only by age but also by gender. Additional tasks are also marked by snow and snowless regions of the country. The total number of assignments for gold icon male is 8 Test 6 stage 7 - to the seventh, 6 - to eighth, 5 - to ninth and tenth and 4 - to eleventh. For women, the differences in mandatory testing begins only 8 steps, where you need to take 5 norms. Further, the situation is similar.

Where rent TRP? TRP standards for students and adults

Of course, even of mandatory standards everyone can choose the more appropriate. For men it is pulling out of Vis on high bar, kettlebell jerk or push-ups and pull-up for women from Vis lying on the low rung or push-ups.


It is important to know that passing standards on the program today is conducted on a voluntary basis and is aimed at strengthening the spirit of sport and the health of new generations. This sports complex is a norm of physical development of children and adults of all ages. An additional incentive for pre-preparation is represented by the fact that the authorities plan to not exceed the permissible number of handed the gold badges, and therefore, for them to be a good fight, and pass only the minimum will not be enough.

For prospective availability MSU insignia higher degree enables to obtain additional 5 points to the overall exam results, and thus increase the chances of admission, which represents one additional stimulus.