How to get to the bridge from a standing position: step by step instructions and recommendations

Bridge - the best exercise for the back. In the East, the ability to implement it is considered an important indicator of physical health. This activity occurs in the Taoist systems, Shaolin kung fu, yoga. In the West the right to perform it from the position of standing do not know how many. Typically, this gymnasts, dancers, wrestlers, and some advanced lifters. Most of us, unfortunately, can not imagine how to get to the bridge in the home. And it makes a terrible mistake. Why? Let's investigate.

How to get to the bridge from a standing position: step by step instructions and recommendations

The use of the bridge

The most important organ in our body - the brain. He supervises the work of all other life-support systems. Without impulses coming from it, other organs will not function. Support the brain communicate with the body helps the spinal cord, which is a complex web of tiny nerves. It is located in the spinal column, which carries the ligaments and muscles. They are designed to protect the delicate spinal cord from damage that can lead to serious consequences, up to complete paralysis.

Man's task - to support the operation of the spine, strengthen the muscles around it. Unfortunately, instead we are sedentary, recruit extra weight. Not surprisingly, the flexibility of the muscles is lost, there is a stooped posture, the back starts to hurt. Inattention to the spine can lead to displacement drives, a pinched nerve, malfunction of the body. Exercise "bridge" - the best way to remedy the plight of, develop good posture, back wheels in place, improve blood flow in the tissues, as well as to strengthen the deep muscles of the back. Thanks to him, digestion improves, start at full strength to work the lungs become strong arms and legs.

Preparation exercise

The bridge does not fit well into the usual fitness training, it is rarely seen in the gym. We devote more time to pull up the press, the muscles of arms and legs. Therefore, most people require training to carry out a full bridge. Do not rush immediately to set records - instead of the desired benefits you get ripped off his back.

Before class, you need a good warm up your muscles. To do this, follow:

  • of rotation of the hands;
  • twisting the spine to the side;
  • pulling up;
  • deflections back from tilting the head back, hands on the back;
  • tilts forward and sideways;
  • deflections back up and down from a standing position on all fours;
  • push-ups;
  • lifting the upper part of the body from a prone position on his stomach, hands clasped behind his back to the castle;
  • deflection from the same starting position, in which you grab hands and ankles start to sway back and forth.

The Bridge on the shoulders of

Turning to the main workout. If you do not know how to get to the bridge, learn to start its light version. To do this, lie on your back, knees bent. Hands, grasp the ankles. On the exhale, severing the pelvis off the floor, the maximum sag in the back.

How to get to the bridge from a standing position: step by step instructions and recommendations

This is a great exercise for those who suffer from displacement of spinal discs. When the amplitude of movements reduce pain. Most people on the shoulders of the bridge comes easy. In this case, it can be a little harder.

The Bridge on the direct hands of

This exercise involved more muscle. It allows you to put into operation the hand, and interscapular region. How to get to the bridge right? To begin, sit down, legs stretched forward, resting his hands on the floor. Then lift up the housing so that the body weight is evenly distributed between the direct hands and heels. Trunk at the same time forms a straight line. Head toward the ceiling.

How to get to the bridge from a standing position: step by step instructions and recommendations

If the exercise is given hard at first allowed to bend at the knees. Hold at the top for a few seconds. It is recommended to develop a bridge to direct the hands gradually, starting with 10 repetitions. When you get up to 40 times in the three approaches, it is time to move on.

a lightweight version of the bridge

To prepare your body to perform a complex exercise, use the means at hand. It is known that the higher the initial position of the body, the more easily get up to the bridge. So learn to do it, pushing away from the table, and then on the bench (if there is no suitable conventional bed or a sofa). Thus strengthening the arms, shoulders, thoracic spine.

How to get to the bridge from a standing position: step by step instructions and recommendations

How do I get to the bridge to stop? To begin, stand with your feet shoulder-width apart. Lean back, placing the upper torso on the bench or table. Hand bend, lean on the surface, the fingers rotate toward legs. Now straighten your elbows, until your head and neck will not appear on the weight. Thigh lift, too. Try to see the wall behind him. Do not worry if fully straighten the arms can not. Continue to exercise, and the results will come.

How to learn to get up to the bridge from a prone position?

You will need a non-slip surface to avoid injury. Lie down on your back, knees bent. Put your hands near the head, fingers pointing towards your feet, elbows looking at the ceiling. Now raise your pelvis, pushing limbs. The ideal bridge has 4 features:

  • arc arched back;
  • highly elevated pelvis;
  • straight arms and legs;
  • deep, even breathing.
How to get to the bridge from a standing position: step by step instructions and recommendations

To achieve these goals need strong muscles of the back, good mobility of joints and toes, hardy iris. Go to it gradually. To begin, it is permissible to lay a pillow under your back, a soccer ball or a rolled blanket. Straighten the arms and legs as you can. To properly distribute the load between them, slightly shook. All movements do smoothly.

Over time, reduce the distance between the hands and feet. You will notice that as the exercise "bridge" much easier. Just how to master this stage, you can move on to the next.

How do I get on the bridge standing

Embarking on this exercise is always scary. For insurance for the first time, use conventional wall. Stand with your back to it at arm's length. Leaning back, touch their hands up the wall. Expand the thumbs down and begin to gently move the wall, bending the back. Knees and hands should be bent. Hurry. You will have to depart a little from the wall on the descent. As a result, the hands should touch the floor, and the body is bent in the full bridge.

How to get to the bridge from a standing position: step by step instructions and recommendations

How do I get to the bridge from a standing position without the aid of the wall? You need a gym mat or a regular mattress, capable of protecting the fall. If there is an assistant who wants to insure you - just fine. Stand with your feet set shoulder-width apart, lift up the hands. Slowly flex back, moving the hips forward. Zaprokinte head. Seeing him under the floor, get down gently on the straight arms. Remember that exercise need a good deflection of the back. If, instead, bend the knees, followed by a fall. Go to the bridge arms, not arms.

The rise of

How to get from the "bridge"? For this task you need a good preparation. First, learn how to descend and climb the wall "walking" with his hands. It is important not so much flexibility as the force. To master the ascent to the wall without a support, stand facing her a short distance. Behind the place mat. It insure you from falling backwards and forwards.

Lifting is carried out due to the weight transfer to the legs, knees bend more. Serve the pelvis forward, disengage the fingers from the floor and is rectified using your back muscles, abdomen and legs. Hands are always near the ears. No need to pull them forward. Exercise is easier to perform if the feet a little wider to place.

Learn how to get up to the bridge, proceed to training. Remember: with exercise, you will gain not only strength and good stretch, but first of all a healthy spine. He - the frame, which ensures proper operation of other organs. Take care of your body, and it will respond to you well-being.