Why do I get pimples on the face in adults?

Acne on the face of young people and adolescents do not surprise anyone. After the occurrence of this problem at this age is considered inevitable. In this case, everyone understands that it should gradually disappear by itself, but it also happens that, despite the intervening years, the face becomes clearer or rashes appear on the skin of an adult person, who knew no such problems in adolescence. Why is this happening? What causes acne? Let's try to sort out this issue.

The urgency of the problem of

What causes acne? Such is considered a clear sign that there is a malfunction of the sebaceous glands. We have already mentioned that the problem is particularly prevalent in young age (14 to 19 years). This is the period when there is puberty the young man. Moreover, according to available facts and figures, red foci of inflammation on the face can be seen in 30-40% of girls and boys.

Why do I get pimples on the face in adults?

As adults, they have pimples are much rarer. A similar phenomenon is observed only in 20% of women and 5% of men who are aged 20-25 years. For forty years the people those numbers even lower. In this period, the inflammation of the face are observed in 5% of women and only 1% of men. Regularly appearing on the cheeks, chin and forehead red unsightly stains deliver severe discomfort and anguish. But every human being, without a doubt, it would be desirable to have a healthy skin, so as not to be ashamed of their appearance.

What causes acne? Their causes are very diverse. But, nevertheless, they need to know. This will stop the inflammatory process, do not hurt yourself even more. In addition, it is important to eliminate not only the available effects, but, if possible, and the root cause of disease.

So why pimples on your face? Consider the most common causes of their occurrence in the adult human skin.

Hormonal imbalance

Why do I get pimples on your face? In many cases, the perpetrators of the problems with adult skin are hormones. Even in adolescence, and adolescence in the body begin its active production of steroids. For the most part they are androgens, ie male hormones. It is worth noting that, despite its name, its development is not only boys but also girls. This phenomenon becomes the main cause of acne in young people.

For men and women, in their body androgen levels increase significantly. These hormones have a direct impact on the appearance of acne on the skin. How is this process?

Steroid hormones have a direct impact on the course of complex biochemical reactions that occur in the skin. As a result there is an increase amount of sebocytes, which are the secretory cells of the sebaceous glands.

In his biological norm for sebum is characterized by watery consistency. But things are changing under the influence of hormones. Androgens multiply the amount of fat produced, making it dense and viscous. This leads to clogging of the ducts of the hair follicles. After all, a thick mass of fat is transformed into a kind of cork. Originally in this place there mikromedony. It was only after a while they turn into open or closed comedones.

Why do I get pimples on the face in adults?

This process carries a certain danger. After appearing cork, besides the fact that the pores do not allow to be released from fat surpluses also prevent their release from the other products produced by the sebaceous glands. This leads to a rapid reproduction propionic acne bacteria, which due to overfeed are the main cause of inflammatory processes of the skin and of acne.

Because of what is happening hormonal disruptions in the adult?

The menstrual cycle in women

What causes acne in an adult? According to medical research, suffers from this phenomenon is almost 80 percent of women. And very often worried about pimples lovely ladies during menstruation. A red rash on the skin there is already a few days before the critical days, disappearing almost immediately after their completion.

These changes are due to hormonal instability during menstruation. During the cycle there is a sharp deterioration of the skin due to increased progesterone, as well as the disruption of sex hormones. This explains why there are spots before menstruation.

Sometimes women try on their own to eliminate the rash on the face. But they are unlikely to reflect on the real reason that caused such a phenomenon. Menstruation is a rather complex process that produces hormonal changes in the female body. During the critical days of acne formation is systematic. All in the menstrual cycle include a few phrases in each of which there is its change in hormone levels. Consider these periods more.

In the first phase of the cycle the estrogen hormone reduces the amount of substances secreted from the sebaceous glands. Next follows the active period. This is the second phase of the cycle, when the most active hormone progesterone. It stimulates the skin and the negative reaction when exposed to harmful factors and allergens. Similarly, the hormone increases and a person's susceptibility to stress. This explains why women develop acne during menstruation.

Why do I get pimples on the face in adults?

The rash at the same time may cause itching and soreness, or simply violate appearance of the skin. And that is why there are red pimples before menstruation continuously better to ask your dermatologist. If this phenomenon occurs with surprising frequency, only a specialist, based on the individual characteristics of the body of his patient, can give this question the correct answer. Some women are worried: "Why acne began to appear at the end of the cycle?". Reply to this question is more complicated. Most often, red rash after the completion of the critical days arise from the fact that several delays the process of aging. Due to the decreased protective functions acne starts from step easy to grow in moderate.


Why do I get pimples on the forehead, nose and other parts of the face at a time when a woman is waiting for the baby? A similar phenomenon is also associated with a change in the hormonal balance of the body, and it, of course, the skin reacts. Acne during pregnancy - a phenomenon by no means rare. They not only spoil the appearance of a woman in an interesting position, but also often accompanied by a feeling of discomfort and soreness.

Other causes of acne while waiting for child

What causes acne and itching in pregnancy? Of course, the main reason for this phenomenon lies in that a radical restructuring, which is experiencing hormonal balance of the female body. But apart from that there is also a number of other factors that exacerbate the situation.

Why do I get pimples on the face in adults?

Among them:

- increase in the number of produced progesterone activates the activity of sebaceous glands, which is a favorable environment for acne;

- stressful situations, nervous feelings, fears arising prior to delivery, as well as any violation of mental balance and psychological instability;

- poor nutrition with inclusion in the menu of a large amount of salty, spicy and greasy food;

- bad habits, including not only smoking or alcohol abuse, but also fulfillment of a wish from time to time to drink a beer or a glass of red wine;

- lack of fresh air;

- inadequate care of the skin cover in the form of insufficiently purified them from pollution and use of substandard cosmetics; - violation of drinking regime, leading to dehydration.

reasons listed above allow us to answer the question "Why do I get pimples on the chin and cheeks during pregnancy?". In order to avoid such trouble, the woman will need to eliminate the factors that trigger this phenomenon.


Why there are acne in women during menopause? Their formation is due to changes in hormonal levels. This is the time when the body is a marked decrease in estrogen production, but increases the amount of testosterone. The first process provokes the reduction of volume produced collagen responsible for the strength of skin. In this case, an overabundance of testosterone increases the activity of the sebaceous glands, which is why they are starting to excessive secretion production.

Other causes of rashes in menopausal

Why do I get pimples on the face in adults?

Why do I get pimples on the cheeks and other parts of the face have enough mature women? Not the last role in the formation of this process is played as follows:

- impaired thermoregulation, arising due to hormonal differences that provoke profuse sweating;

- violation of the regenerative processes in the period of menopause, which significantly increases the duration of the processes of cell renewal, causing them to slow excretion from the sebaceous ducts and the formation of acne;

- the extinction of reproductive function, which adversely affects the psycho-emotional sphere, transforming this period into a permanent nervous stress;

- poor circulation and dehydration that accompany menopause;

- worsening of various diseases associated with the digestive system, the kidneys, liver, and metabolic disturbances from that due to a general weakening of the body;

- unhealthy lifestyle, which is expressed in immobility and addiction to smoking in the wrong nutrition and alcohol abuse. Why nose pimples covering the whole T-zone and cheeks during menopause? Such unpleasant phenomenon causes mite called Demodex. It provokes excessive exfoliation of the epidermis, itching and redness. The main reason for the spread of the parasite is in the weakened immunity, which is characteristic of menopause.

disorders of fat (lipid) metabolism

What causes acne in adults? Sometimes guilty of this becomes a failure that occurs in the body's fat metabolism. This happens when the level of phospholipids, triglycerides, cholesterol and other lipids. Oversupply of such substances is vascular congestion and cause impaired circulation process. These factors provoke the development of different, quite serious diseases.

The fact that many in the body lipids, detected only by laboratory studies. After all, the symptoms of negative effects of lipids on the vessels are already evident with significant lesions of arteries in the form of tinnitus, vertigo, and pain while walking.

The causes of lipid metabolism, can be very different. For example, eighty percent of such a malfunction of the body caused by a genetic predisposition. Sometimes this situation is caused by malnutrition. Disturbed lipid metabolism and in the presence of an adult diabetes and obesity. Slagging vessels, causing the appearance of acne on the face, it is possible because of advanced age, tobacco smoking, and alcohol abuse. Disturbed lipid metabolism in women during menopause. Sometimes this phenomenon is taking certain medicinal drugs. Among them are retinoids, corticoids and contraceptives hormonal type.

Pathology GI

What causes acne on the chin, cheeks and forehead of an adult? The reason for this are the problems associated with digestion. This phenomenon is quite common. Already to 23 years, many are beginning to suffer from ailments such as gastritis and esophagitis, dyskinesia biliary tract, intestinal dysbiosis, and other diseases. And, according to medical statistics, or that the pathology observed in more than half the adult population. What happens in this case? Since the mucosal surface begins to absorb toxins into the bloodstream. This process causes the formation of acne, as the aggressive substances very quickly find themselves in the subcutaneous fat layers. Often the cause of acne lies in the chronic intestinal dysbiosis.


Why pimples in adults? Sometimes the cause of such a phenomenon becomes hyperkeratosis, which is a violation of keratinization process. Pathology provokes the appearance of the skin of small entities in the form of fish scales. In this case, the sebaceous glands produce an active secret, which, together with slag and microorganisms retained in the pores. It also provokes the formation of acne.

Hyperkeratosis - a disease rather serious and sometimes life-threatening. Its cause is a gene mutation, intoxication, vitamin A deficiency, as well as effects on the skin products produced on the basis of oil.


This is a common cause of acne on the face of an adult. Situations when people are under stress, cause the body to excrete toxic substances. They go through the skin and appear on the face in the form of a red rash. It happens that even a slight disturbance leads to a 2-3 red dots.


Tom, whose skin has a tendency to the appearance of acne, you should use only nekomedogennye means for hygiene purposes. They will clear, tinted and face scrub, without clogging the pores at the same time.

Why do I get pimples on the face in adults?

If there is any doubt that the cause of the rash, it became inopportune lotion or face cream, it is worth to try to replace it with a specialized tool that, in addition, does not cause allergy, which is in some cases the cause of acne.

Squeezing pimples

It is not necessary to get rid of acne in this way. After all, when acne occurs squeezing the reproduction of bacteria, which quickly learn healthy skin. One unfortunate red bump may cause the emergence of dozens of new, translating into a severe form of acne.

Exposure to the sun

There is a myth, according to which the ultraviolet light is a good tool for the treatment of acne. However, it is not. And if, after exposure to the sun visually it seems that red rash has decreased, you know: they are simply disguised tan. In fact, UV light destroys the protective film that is on the skin.

Why do I get pimples on the face in adults?

This leads to the fact that the bacteria multiply on the face more active. In addition, tanning contributes to the creation of a new layer of the skin and sebaceous glands have to work at it even harder. And given the searing ultraviolet epidermis, it is not surprising that the pores are clogged, and this process leads to the appearance of acne. However, as long as sunburn finally come down, red spots will not be visible.