5 words, labels, from which it is time to get rid

In our society, ubiquitous desire to evaluate and razveschivat all around labels - thus creating a sense of order and there are contingent barriers. At the same time, people - not banks with cereals, on which you can sign inside. Using labels to describe people leads to the fact that we begin to ignore their individuality, and our perception is distorted. Today Heroine decided to examine some popular labels, which we were told since childhood, and from which it's time to get rid.

1. Whore

5 words, labels, from which it is time to get rid

There is a specific parameter by which to evaluate all women, deciding never know she had a lover or too much. Moreover, in our society, which prefers to live in a culture of violence, there is an obvious double standard, according to which the license is approved by men and women are forced to be ashamed of their sexual desires. If a person wants to explore their sexuality - it is absolutely his case, and no outsiders should not judge someone else's choice as partners.

2. moron

5 words, labels, from which it is time to get rid

"moron" and "idiot" - two words that should never be used to describe someone with Down syndrome or other intellectual disabilities. It should stop using and in ordinary speech, in respect of your friends, colleagues, and friends. Whenever you ask for it on the tongue harmful word, remember that it is usually used in order to humiliate the person, highlighting its features of thinking and to expose both weaknesses. The fact that someone does not understand the math or do not see the warning signs - does not mean that he deserves abuse and insults. Remember also that there is no real opportunity to assess the intelligence or cognitive abilities on a single scale, which means that you can not truthfully say that one person is much more stupid than the other.

3. Psycho

5 words, labels, from which it is time to get rid

If you call someone crazy, that is mentally unstable, it is very likely due to the real disease of the psyche. It affects millions of people around the world, in connection with which such conversations can not be considered a joke. No one can protect yourself from anxiety, depression or bipolar disorder, and behavioral problems can occur at any age in a person of any social stratum. You should not joke about these issues - much more attention should be paid to ensure that the study mental health issues and look for ways that you can help others cope with their problems.

4. The model plus-size

5 words, labels, from which it is time to get rid

No one is talking about the models who wear size S, - "regular-sized model." All people are beautiful in their own way, and no one should feel worse by the fact that he has a waist size or growth of other, different from the average. Such quotas only exacerbates the problem posed by the culture industry - rather than to recognize that everyone has the right to have any weight, who wants to, we only select those who "breaks the rules", giving the race for the perfect looks a little more interest.

5. Freak

5 words, labels, from which it is time to get rid

The social stigma against the exterior of women is particularly high - in glossy magazines, on television and in social networks constantly flashing people carefully retouch their shots. standards of beauty in 2019 are inflated so much that they are almost impossible to achieve in real life, and this leads to the fact that we regularly compare their data with the possibilities of others, taking out on the basis of these indicators, "the sentence." But something as simple - as the size of the breast, nose or ear form - should not be the parameter that allows you to identify a person. Your physical condition has nothing to do with personal qualities, not to mention the ability to do the job, build healthy relationships, or even to bring up children.