What is better to eat before a workout

Proper nutrition can not only help improve your immune system, but also influence the attitude to training. If now you hardly force yourself to do cardio, and then feel terribly hungry, consuming more calories than you spent - you should seriously reconsider their habits. Today we decided to look into what kind of food can be consumed before exercise, which is to refuse from and what time intervals should be observed.

The types of items

What is better to eat before a workout

Each macro element that we use before exercise, plays a role. The ratio of correct consumption varies depending on the person and the type of exercise, but there are some basic rules that should be followed.


In studies published in PubMed, highlighted that protein intake - though separately, though together with carbohydrates, increases muscle protein synthesis. In addition, protein helps repair muscles, to improve their strength and performance. That he should be given preference when choosing a snack before exercise.


As fuel your muscles use glucose derived from carbohydrates. In the case of short intense exercise and supplies the accumulated glucose is already stored in your muscles, can be a major source. But for long-term exercise of some stocks is sometimes not enough. If you are preparing for a marathon - then you need to go to the high-carbohydrate diet that can maximize glycogen stores in your body. Fats

While glycogen is used for short and high intensity exercise, fat is a source of fuel for long and moderately intense exercise. Studies show that the four-week diet, with 40% consisting of fat, increases the running endurance runners. It is worth considering if you are a gambler and is committed to high performance in sports.


It is extremely important to consider the amount of time that is left before your workout. To maximize results, try to eat a complete meal containing carbohydrates, proteins and fats, for 2-3 hours before exercise.

The closer the occupation - the easier and easier to be the dish. If you eat for 45-60 minutes before your workout, choose foods that are easy to digest, to avoid stomach discomfort during the session.

Examples snacking

What is better to eat before a workout

If you have an hour before classes

  • Greek yogurt and fruit
  • The food bar with proteins and other sports supplements
  • Fruit crisps

If you have 2 hours before the class

  • Fruit preserves with wholemeal bread
  • Smoothies from milk, protein powder, banana and berries
  • Wholemeal porridge with milk
  • Porridge with banana and almonds

If you have 3 hours before classes

  • Brown rice with roasted vegetables
  • A sandwich with a slice of whole grain bread and lean meat
  • Egg omelet
  • with avocado fruit and whole grain toast


If we talk about serious sports, you can be useful and special sports supplements.

  • Caffeine helps reduce tiredness and stimulate fat burning, it is necessary to take 90 minutes before workout. In this case, the use of a form is absolutely not important - whether it is organic coffee, tea or tablets, its performance is about equal.
  • amino acids with branched side chains or BCAA - help reduce muscle damage and increasing muscle protein synthesis. They should eat no later than one hour before the workout.
  • You can also use supplements of beta-alanine - amino acids, which increases physical performance and reduce fatigue. They should also take an hour before the start of classes.
What is better to eat before a workout


Studies show that another important factor that helps your body adjust to the training, - adequate hydration of cells. Before class, be sure to drink water: 4 hours before classes are not less than 0, 5 liters and 15 minutes even though the glass.

What do you usually eat before training?