18 ideas on how to live a full

The proper function of man - to live, not to exist.

- Jack London

We often live on autopilot - repeating each day the same way as the previous one. It is convenient and saves a lot of nerve cells - as long as you do not start to take stock of the year or even five years. If you want to really live your life, to experience all the thrills and enjoy it to the full - you need to look for ways to escape from the routine. Editorial Heroine remind you some simple ideas that can be made already this weekend.

1. Think of the morning ritual

18 ideas on how to live a full

Say hello to the sun of awakening, and tell yourself that you will not spend a day in vain. Do stretching straight up in bed, meditate or fill diary. Add in an unusual coffee syrup or flavoring. Think up your own way to start the morning and enjoy the first minutes of waking up.

2. Take a chance

From time to time we all need to take risks - and even let all goes wrong. Inspired by the success stories of other people, try to make your hobby work or to ask about coaching a man who has long admired. Invite someone you like for lunch and send the application to the competition, which seems interesting to you.

What are you most afraid of? What stops you on the way to the dream? Whatever was your phobia - to meet with her face-to-face and think about how you could overcome this fear.

3. Catch your thoughts

Learn to recognize the negative thoughts are constantly swirling in your head: self-doubt, complaints, excuses, criticism of people around. Stop yourself every time you notice an evil thought - and replace it with positive affirmations.

4. Give up control of

It is not about how to get drunk to unconsciousness: just give up in order to control yourself and everyone around. Your habit only leads to stress and anxiety of your loved ones, so let them live as they see fit.

18 ideas on how to live a full

5. Go out on the street

Do not allow yourself to be in for days indoors. Come out to the street, regardless of the weather - Look at the beauty of the falling snow, close your eyes and listen to the pounding rain. Walk barefoot on the lawn and sit at least a few minutes in a comfortable chair, imagining the sun fill your body with energy.

6. Get out in offline

Internet and social media take up all your attention. These minutes will never get back, so that the translation of your phone in airplane mode and Spend this time on what really brings you pleasure.

7. Seek sunsets

Make a new ritual of tracking sunsets every evening. In advance, prepare a snack and go out to find the best overview of how the sun sets behind the horizon.

8. Train

18 ideas on how to live a full

Get up from the chair and go for a walk. Do some push-ups or drag to the tips of my toes. Purchase a bicycle or a trip to the mountains - not even a little bit of sport every day will change your life for the better.

9. Open Your Heart

Your heart - a big scar remaining after the heavy losses and parting loved ones? To heal it, we must find the courage to show it to the world and to be prepared for the fact that you can get even more love that you deserve.

10. Go on a journey

Of course, you want to travel - one day when he got to save money. Find a way to see the world right in this month - even visiting the nearby town. Maybe you have to give up an expensive meal or subscriptions to Netflix, but it's worth doing, to travel as often as possible.

11. Discover what is really important to

for you

18 ideas on how to live a full

Spend an hour on it to make a list of all the important things in your life. Comfortable apartment? Laugh your child? New video caught in trends? Add to this list those things that you just are going to do. Then cut the list down to five points - only the most important things at the moment. Concentrate your life in the coming months specifically for them and not be distracted by all the fun side.

12. Take away everything else

Think about what else in your life is now present, but not inscribed in the list. This activity is to spend your time and distract from what is important - so look for options for how to simplify their lives, freeing up more time.

13. Be romantic

Enjoy the moment and be romantic: write love notes, come to kiss in the rain, to dress up in the best clothes. Even if this is not in a relationship, you can always spend an evening in care of yourself worthy to become the scene of the movie.

14. Do not forbid myself to suffer

Life is not just limited to the incessant happiness and fun, and sadness, despair and pain are an inevitable part of life. We have to lose loved ones, sick, injured and in need of money. Learn to feel your pain and really grieve, but not ban yourself upset. But when you fully prochuvstvuesh their suffering - you can move forward to happy days.

18 ideas on how to live a full

15. Became volunteer

Join the activist movement to show compassion and to learn how to make life easier for others. Spend a few days with sick people, or at least donate a substantial amount of the charitable foundation.

16. Spend time with children

Children know very well how to live to the full, and all the emotions they express immediately. If they are hurt - they cry if they are having fun - laughing loudly. Learn from them and forget this immediacy that makes your experience to behave differently.

17. Get a new skill

Constantly engaged in self-development, and not because now you're not perfect, but because it's just nice. Love yourself with all the flaws - it is important and useful, but it does not mean that we should not try to become a better version.

18. Do not do anything

Try at least one day not doing anything useful. Do not read educational books, do not watch the show, not to be engaged in spring cleaning. Learn to be in silence, to hear your own voice and be in harmony with each other.

Do you feel that you live to the full?