7 tips for a successful presentation at work

We are faced with the need for something to convince people in different situations: to get the leadership of more comfortable conditions at work; submit a business plan for investors to start their own businesses; explain to the family why it is important to save you now. In each of these cases we need confidence, communication skills and knowledge of basic rules of presentation. We tell you how to protect any idea to the public.

1. Do what scared

7 tips for a successful presentation at work

The best way to stop being afraid - go and do something that is terrible. At first you will be horrified, and then - in a light stress, then - in an uncomfortable situation for themselves, and eventually - in a familiar and familiar surroundings.

Develop the skills of the narrator: stories tell it to friends movies or books, joke, conversation creek with strangers on the street or in a queue. This will help to improve the spoken language, but do not forget to be diverse - select synonyms, provides compelling examples.

Your presentation you should also work. First porepetiruy before an imaginary audience. Practice not only speech, but also movements: gestures, interaction with the computer, position in which will stand. Then you can train on the family.

2. Know your audience

Take into account that, before whom you play. If it's a new audience for you, try to find out in advance about it anything: age, gender, interests. From this it depends directly on the structure of your presentation, choice of vocabulary. You have to understand what will be understood by analogy to these people, some jokes are appropriate in their company and whether they are relevant at all. Remember that your task - not just to perform well and to convince those who will listen to you. Always keep in mind the result, which you want to achieve: to get approval, to find investments, gain allies.

3. Do not hesitate to resist criticism

7 tips for a successful presentation at work

Speak clearly, confidently and do not hesitate to defend its position. React calmly to the criticism, arguments, but do not ignore it, otherwise the audience will decide that you have nothing to say. Negative comments also need to be answered, but do not stoop to the level of the interlocutor, and do not let yourself to display emotions.

If you're assertive enough, people will have to get serious about your offerings.

4. Be concise

Carefully work on his speech. It should be clear, understandable, but not boring. Do not complicate the narrative, makes it a dynamic and consistent.

Donoso complex ideas in stages. Remember that the audience is not possible to go back and reread some thought, if she does not understand the first time. While avoiding platitudes, otherwise people will quickly lose interest in you.

5. Use pictures

The clearer your performance is, the more likely that he will understand. Do not forget the cardinal rule of electronic presentation, one slide - one idea. Ideal slide - headline, image, short signature.

Draw graphs, maps, flow charts, equations - so people will be able to as long as possible to concentrate on your speech.

Without visualization it is now can not do almost no one show, and this, too, can be overdone. When a person is trying to portray every word, including a greeting, it looks ridiculous. Resort to pictures and images only if it really will simplify the idea, and it will not banal confirmation.

6. Warn questions

7 tips for a successful presentation at work

Even to the obvious question is better to be prepared. Think what comments or clarifications can express people about your speech, and find answers to them. Reasoned, not only from my point of view, but also from those who you want to influence.

Treat on a positive - it's a good sign if people are interested in something, it means that your idea will not leave them indifferent. Stocks of facts and accurate data to convince the audience in their competence.

7. Whether natural

Choose the style of his speech, and thou shalt speak calmly or emotionally, joke or catch the drama begin to gesticulate and move around the room or will occupy one position.

Let your tactics behavior will be as close to the natural temperament for you. If you are the quiet one, it makes no sense to play the fiery orator enough to pronounce the words clearly and confidently. The more comfortable you will feel better cope with their role.

In any case, try to observe the basic rules of interesting monologue: My narrative pace, can cope with the confusion and does not deviate from the essence.

How do you cope with the excitement of public speaking?