What if all the time you feel tired

The old saying goes, we only as old as we feel. But what if you constantly feel tired and exhausted? A symptom of chronic fatigue - is not just a temporary phenomenon that will leave you after a couple of days off, so its treatment should be approached comprehensively and seriously.

We talked with the candidate of medical sciences, a neurologist, a specialist in sleep problems and pain, and the chief doctor of the clinic DocBrain Tsukurovoy Larisa and learned what chronic fatigue syndrome and how we can improve vitality.

For too active women fatigue - a common phenomenon, but if this condition continues for longer than 6 months, it is called chronic. Chronic fatigue usually accompanied by a variety of unpleasant symptoms: physical weakness, sleep disturbances and memory, headaches and muscle aches, increased irritability or apathy. If you are already facing this problem, be sure to consult a doctor so that he can pick up the necessary treatment. Here are some of the most effective methods that will help improve your condition:

Counseling psychologist

What if all the time you feel tired

Increased emotional activity depletes the body's energy resources and reduces the ability of their own to cope with daily stress. Psychological therapy can help awaken the hidden potential of their capabilities and find effective ways to manage emotions, to minimize energy consumption and to keep forces in order to achieve the more important things. Ultimately, communication with the therapist - is a way to get high-quality support, to restore order in his life and accelerate the process of convalescence. Sign up for the program


What if all the time you feel tired

The injection of a modified form of botulinum toxin that is different from the version used for the treatment of wrinkles, make it possible to block the headaches and chronic migraines, muscle cramps and syndromes of vegetative-vascular dystonia. Numerous clinical studies have confirmed the efficacy and safety of this method in comparison with the majority taking painkillers - it does not give negative side effects and does not affect internal organs.

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What if all the time you feel tired

methods of Chinese medicine can also help to alleviate some of the many symptoms of chronic fatigue. In combination with other therapies acupuncture can be an effective part of a healthy lifestyle will help you to achieve significant results and increase vitality. Rehabilitation sessions allow to cleanse the body of toxins, eliminate pain symptoms, increase efficiency and improve resistance to stress.

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What if all the time you feel tired

Even with a daily 8-hour sleep feeling of constant fatigue you would not leave if you feel pain and stiffness in the body, which prevent him to get needed rest. During the initial examination, osteopathic physician can accurately determine the changes in the body have a negative impact on your health. Already after the first session of osteopathic massage you will feel a burst of energy, improve sleep quality, increase mental alertness and physical endurance. register for the program

What if all the time you feel tired

The high efficiency of treatment of chronic fatigue can be achieved owing to the combined effect on the body. Specialty DocBrain clinic - to assist in the effective prevention and treatment of various diseases caused by chronic psycho-emotional strain. Here you can get advice from a therapist, psychologist, neurologist and acupuncturist.

In the course of comprehensive treatment programs can significantly improve physical and mental performance, relieve pain syndromes, significantly improve the quality of life and prevent the development of severe somatic diseases, such as stroke, heart attack or atherosclerosis.

And how do you cope with the symptoms of chronic fatigue?