How to effectively use ineffective time

If you think a dozen tips written in a friendly tone, immediately revolutionize your life, then you are greatly mistaken. Neither read an article in the world will not help you become sverhproduktivnym man - as long as you do not change your habits. If you no longer have enough motivation - start with an analysis of their time costs, to discover how effectively you spend time on that.

Each one of us there are such moments when there is no desire to work, and the rest can not afford. In these moments you prokrastiniruesh, painstakingly removing unwanted files on your computer or chatting with colleagues, believing it is the establishment of social ties. You need to identify what it is you're distracted most of all - and fill in the blanks useful things. Here are some simple examples of filling the "inefficiency" of the moments of the day:


How to effectively use ineffective time

Assume that your morning starts at 7 am. It is with alarm bell breaks your best sleep per night, but do not be upset about it. Do not place a call on repeat and try to get up 10 minutes earlier than usual. Spend those moments out to meditate, write down a few thoughts in a diary or to make an easy stretch.

At 8 you can already be in the transport, which is full of unsmiling and gray people. This time - the best time to read something inspiring. Do not open the tape of social networks, and a selection of books that will help you find something positive in this early morning. Soon you will notice that the road begins to take less time - and the book was never going to end. At 9 in the morning you come to the office, and if you are not very busy week - surely you can not get started right away. Do not check social networks, do not check e-mail and communicate with colleagues, if this is your case. Honor little professional literature, pass additional tests in the application for the study of languages, look for seminars, which you could visit for his career. Then proceed to the most difficult task of the ones that you have available - to gradually gain momentum.

At 10 you can begin to respond to incoming messages, but if the right offer is not in the head - to put it briefly. If you often answer in a similar way - to make templates that are inserted by pressing a specific key combination.


How to effectively use ineffective time

The hour of the day, and you just have dinner, and certainly colleagues invite you to a joint a smoke and a cup of coffee. Instead, go for a walk around the office - walking will help you gather your thoughts, focus and clear my head.

At 6 o'clock you go home feeling frazzled hard day. Open the book to the point where it left off - and use the time in a traffic jam for a little change from the bustle of the work. If you're the car itself - includes an audiobook or podcast.


How to effectively use ineffective time

In the evening you will have a lot of work: to wash it out, wash it, take out the trash, cook dinner. Put on your wireless headphones and use motivational podcasts to the home routine is not bothered. At 8 you remember that promise to myself to exercise regularly, but did not find the strength to get up from the chair. Of course, at this point it is not necessary to arrange a hour of cardio, but you can pick up a small dumbbells and workout while watching your favorite TV series. Do not sacrifice your time for a flexible body - enjoy multi-tasking workout. But make sure that you train too late, because the strength exercises before bedtime can cause insomnia.


How to effectively use ineffective time

Let's count, how much you could do in a day - without spending a single extra minute.

Meditation - 10 minutes

Reading - 30 minutes

Learning English - 10 minutes

Walk - 10 minutes

Reading - 30 minutes

Listening to inspiring podcast - 30 minutes

Fitness - 15 minutes

In total, more than two hours of meaningful action, not take a minute out of your day. You could strengthen and mental and physical muscle, boost their productivity and well-being.

Of course, no one recommends that you do not communicate with colleagues and friends or to avoid reading news. But you can always reconsider your own time and discover those times when you absolutely on anything you can not concentrate - and use them doubly effective.