Filler "Princess": reviews, instructions for use and efficiency

Plump lips - the dream of many women and women's full lips - the dream of most men. But what about those girls, whom nature has deprived such dignity? To go under the surgeon's knife? Not the best, and quite a risky option, especially at a young age.

The beauty industry has developed less traumatic and less effective drug for lip augmentation - filler.

In this article, we will consider filler "Princess", which reviews cause a desire to use this drug.


What is the filler?

Filler - a drug having a viscous, elastic gel structure. With its fine needle inserted under the skin for correction and elimination of defects.

Using this cosmetic injections to the lips, it is possible to give them volume, change the contour, in general, to make them perfect.


Filler "princess"

Fillers for contour Princess plastics ( "Princess") - one of the innovative hyaluronic contour means in cosmetology. The drug is very popular to eliminate external deffektov.

The uniqueness of this means is that for its production used a special modern technology called SMART. This technology gives the fillers 'Princess' unique properties, due to which he valued:

  1. The hyaluronic acid produced by this manufacturer are long cell chains, which, by their extent are superior to those in other media.
  2. The modern SMART technology that underlies the development of "Princess", gives the composition of uniform consistency, which is very valuable for gialuronka.
  3. The viscosity of the filler allows the introduction into the fabric of a long time to keep the desired shape and spread.

"Princess" - a drug from the Austrian manufacturer that is a leader in the beauty industry for 30 years. Until 2009, the company engaged in production of different cosmetic products, but then proceeded to launch a filler, and this produced an unprecedented sensation. This product has even been awarded the title of "Brand of the Year" in Monaco.

What problems solves the drug?

Versatility - one more advantage of the drug. Reviews of fillers "Princess" proof. But what challenges handles drug?

  • Improving the lip contour and shape.
  • The elimination of wrinkles of any depth.
  • Reviews fillers "Princess" for nosogubok say that with the adjustment of this area means copes perfectly.
  • elasticise lost its zones.
  • Adjustment of the facial contour.
  • Getting rid of the puffiness and bags under the eyes.

Young girls are gialuronka "Princess" for giving his lips desired volume.

The range of fillers from this manufacturer contains several types of formulation differing amounts of hyaluronic acid. And every kind of directed to perform specific tasks:

  1. Princess Filler.
  2. Princess Volume.
  3. Princess Rich.
  4. Princess Contour.

Princess Filler

This means in the line of products aimed at the specific task - giving the skin firmer and the elimination of medium and deep wrinkles. Reviews of fillers "Princess Filler" filled with admiration for this facility.

Princess Volume

This kind of filler to successfully cope with the following tasks:

  1. Reduction in the rate of oily and combination skin, fight acne, as well as with its traces.
  2. The fight against deep wrinkles.
  3. Pulling facial contours and the contour of the lips.
  4. Lip augmentation.

Volume in combination with Filler allows you to achieve excellent results in giving volume lips women age, which can be very difficult to achieve.

If about lip augmentation fillers reviews of "Princess" is not convincing for you, consult a beautician. By the way, leading experts highly recommended the Volume, guaranteeing amazing results.

Reviews of contouring with Princess Volume fillers from professionals do not contain negative statements.


But no matter how wonderful it may be a means, it still has a couple of disadvantages that are worth mentioning.

  1. The effect remains relatively short when compared to other drugs of the line - only six months.
  2. After the procedure, which is accompanied by unpleasant sensations in the actuated portion formed bruising and inflammation.

According to reviews, the lip of the filler "Princess Volyum" get volume, but at the same time look natural.

Princess Rich

Reviews of fillers "Princess Rich" very positive. And rightly so, because the drug copes with its task - a face lift, neck and décolleté. After treatment the skin is filled with moisture, wrinkles are smoothed, even profound.


Princess Contour

Based on Contour name, injectable drug designed to improve body contour. As a means of increasing "Princess Outline" does not work.

Why "Princess" - one of the best?

Of course, this filler is not the only manufacturer on the market cosmetic injections. However, among the large number of competitors, he managed to take the lead and hold onto this position. So why?

  1. Filler "Princess", due to its soft and at the same time flexible structure capable of well distributed in the tissues with minimal formation of lumps.
  2. Hyaluronic acid mark "princess", space filling tissue, is able to recognize the places where its presence is necessary. It flows smoothly and fills a "void". This ability is called intelligent recognition.
  3. filler Value from the Austrian manufacturer starts with 8000 rubles. This figure is slightly lower compared with the products of competing firms.
  4. His result filler retains quite a long time - up to 1 year.
  5. There are no contraindications for use on sensitive skin preparation.
  6. "Princess" - one of the few fillers that can operate in tandem with hyaluronic preparations of other firms.

Preparation for procedure

Using filler involves direct penetration gialuronka under the skin. Therefore, prior to its implementation is necessary to carry out a set of preparatory activities directly on the day of the procedure and the week before.

  1. 7 days before the intended use of filler is necessary to stop these effects on the skin, as the use of aggressive scrubs or other peeling, tanning in the sun or in the solarium. The rejection of these procedures several times to reduce the risk of adverse effects.
  2. And the very day of cosmetology procedure, after examination of the skin, cause it dizenfitsiruyuschie means and, if necessary, an anesthetic cream.

As a filler procedure "Princess" performed?

So why are the results of reviews and filler "princess" so admired try it girls and women? The answer is simple: work means justifies all expectations. What procedure is carried out? The popularity of "Princess" has nothing to do with the method of its application, it does not differ from the use of other, more expensive or cheaper drugs.

First, a beautician conducts analysis of all parts of the body and determines the areas that need to be subjected to injections. After the marked points on the special cream is applied, which is somewhat relieves pain. Only then has been implementing filler in tissue.

Depending on how the work is carried out may vary vvedniya preparation technique with some portion of the skin (e.g., different depth of insertion). Time of cosmetic procedures in one area of ​​the body does not take more than 40 minutes. Immediately after the session, the client can go home.

The rehabilitation period

The day after the injection done by a period of recovery of disturbed areas. At this time, the skin should be left alone and avoid the following:

  • prolonged exposure to the sun and just a direct hit by its rays on the skin;
  • is to abandon the use of rough scrubs, as well as the application of cosmetics;
  • not to swim in salt or chlorinated water;
  • refrain from visiting saunas or receiving hot tubs;
  • to reduce the intensity of physical activity;
  • reduce fluid intake, otherwise inevitable edema;
  • dirty hands touching the injection site is prohibited: the skin is very vulnerable and the risk of infection is high.

Such restrictions are necessary to comply with for a week, maybe less, depending on the personal qualities of the skin and health.

And here is the result of Buda clearly visible on the next day after the introduction of the filler. After a couple of weeks you will need a repeat visit to the beautician. Swelling and bruising had already held, and a specialist will be easier to evaluate their work. In addition, it checks the extent to correctly and securely in the drug in tissues, and if in doubt, conduct a small correction. This procedure is completely free, and the correction is carried out remains of the filler from the last time. As a rule, the master of the first session involves only a portion of the filler (that is enough), and the other is stored and used for correction and elimination of defects.

Possible effects and contraindications

Cosmetic treatment in the form of the use of the filler has a number of contraindications:

  1. The tendency to scarring.
  2. The exacerbation of chronic diseases.
  3. Autoimmune disease.
  4. Pregnancy and breastfeeding.
  5. The presence of herpes on the lips.
  6. The presence of skin injury: bruises, scratches and wounds.
  7. Not recommended (but in fact, and why not) the use of filler to persons under 18 years of age.
  8. Personal intolerance.

Failure to comply with these contraindications may lead to serious health problems.

But even if the girl there is no reason for abandoning the procedure, all the same negative consequences may arise:

  • will be swelling;
  • frequent bruising;
  • some women the pain may be accompanied by even a few days after the procedure.

But, fortunately, these effects are rare. And, then stored for a brief period, even if they are possible.

The result of the use of filler "princess"

So what is the use of filler leads? From reviews of the filler Princess ( "Princess"), it is clear that the results justify all expectations.

  1. Lip contour becomes clear and smooth.
  2. Lips are beautiful swelling due to increased volume.
  3. Introduction filler "Princess" in the nasolabial folds (reviewed the one of the most common) contributes to their apparently smoothing. These folds indicate the particularly age-related changes. Even though the girls in their twenties are clearly visible folds, this particular structure.
  4. The visible effect is the skin tightened, it becomes elastic.

What do the reviews?

On the preparation "Princess" women, girls respond entirely positive sayings. And why? And all because the expectations are completely consistent with the result.

But the negative aspects still come across. The negative attitude to the procedure and formulation consists of the fact that the client "stumble" on unprofessional master incompetence which would entail a lot of trouble. But these women, fortunately, a little bit. It should be careful in choosing a cosmetic salon and master in particular.

Reference is also made in a review Price filler "Princess." Most of the wearer feel that it is too overpriced. For the use of 1 injection of 1 ml will have to pay:

  • Filler - from 9,000 to 15,000 rubles.
  • Volume - 10000-15000 rubles.
  • Rich - 8000-10000 rubles.
  • Contour - 8000-10000 rubles.

Even though it's worth noting that no matter how high the price may seem, fillers "Princess" is one of the cheapest drugs, compared with others. If competing firms the cost of hyaluronic acid starts from 10,000 rubles, "Princess" "starts" from 8000.

Duration of the effect of the procedure up to 1 year (depending on the particular formulation of the line), and a good result for injection giluronovoy acid.



As can be seen, to be afraid of such a drug, as a filler, it is not necessary. Naturally, it is less traumatic than surgery and the final result is not worse, and most importantly, it is.

If you are tired of watching the mirror age nasolabial folds, facial wrinkles, sagging facial contours, or just wanted to give you the sexual lips, the hyaluronic acid - this is what the doctor ordered. And it should give preference to the drug with 30 years of experience in the cosmetics market - "Princess". Expensive, but the result is worth it. And if before the concept of the fillers were only a few, that in the modern world, hyaluronic acid is widely known, even among young girls dreaming of plump lips.