8 ways to become emotionally stable

In theory, we all know that the difficulties tempered, and any negative experiences can be positive. But a mere repetition of this banal truth as something not very helpful to go through a difficult parting, accept the dismissal of or ignore the fact that you insulted bystanders.

Plus the fact that the nervous system is flexible, and you can train it easier to overcome stress. Heroine has collected a number of ways to become emotionally stable.

1. Stop avoid all unfamiliar

8 ways to become emotionally stable

People subconsciously seek to do what is already familiar: you know exactly what you can handle, and it boosts self-esteem. Fear of failure prevents to go out of your comfort zone.

The problem is that when you are selective you participate only in specific activities, then limit yourself. Saying, "I do not know how to skate / paint / sing / speak in public" and similar phrases, you constantly remind myself that something can not and fueled uncertainty.

New experience teaches us to overcome embarrassment, fear of failure and eventually makes resistance to stress.

2 living complex emotions

8 ways to become emotionally stable

The ability to escape from the negative situation helps reduce stress right now. But to become resistant to the complex emotions in the long run, try to go through your feelings, not repel them.

Put simply, learn to suffer without consoling himself and without having to switch to something else. So you prove yourself, that is able to experience painful emotions, and manage them.

Of course, not necessarily dwell on every uncomfortable feeling. But when you keep you push and overwhelming emotion, it does not make your nervous system stronger.

3. Look for the humor in any situation

Humor - a healthy defense mechanism of our psyche, so you should learn to use it in stressful situations. This does not mean that you should treat lightly what is happening. But the irony will help take control of their complex emotions and discharged.

The ability to laugh at the situation is useful not only in the moment when it happened. Suppose you hard to overcome negative emotions right now, if after a while you humorously tell her friends about her failure, she will not leave a trace of serious on your mind.

4. Remind yourself of your achievements

8 ways to become emotionally stable

has produced several positive statements about your opportunities. This should be the words that will remind you stubborn and strong. Say to yourself: "I went through hard times, so I can overcome what is happening now." Let statements about your achievements will be a positive mantra.

What we say to ourselves in the difficult moments that directly affects our mood. To challenge negative thoughts and remember that this is not the first test on your way.

5. Practice positive reframing

As the therapist Jenny Menpaa use positive reframing - does not mean to pretend that everything is all right. This change in thinking, which helps to take another look at the situation.

Instead of blaming ourselves or to judge someone for what happened, realized what had happened and what constructive conclusions can you make from this. I understand what you learn from this experience and move on.

6. Learn to accept what is happening

8 ways to become emotionally stable

This is not quite the same thing as living emotions. Often we get annoyed, worried, and suffer because of things that can not control. Deny what is happening, getting stuck on the destructive emotions. Try to accept the reality of what is happening. To recognize that this has happened (not all important "if"), to assess whether you can do anything, and, if not, move on.

7. Create a circle of support

Be emotionally stable - it does not mean to be able to cope with everything alone.

Is a source of emotional support in their environment. Form stable friendships, in which you will feel safe. We have already told how to do so, so as not to lose friends over the years. Do not hesitate to share with friends their failures and experiences. To build relationships with their families.

Anyone will feel more confident and stronger, when he knows that there is a person or company of people who are on your side. Make sure that you always have someone to turn to.

8. Take care of yourself

Your physical condition greatly affects the way you cope with stress. Get enough sleep, eat regularly, move, and you will be much easier to manage their emotions.

In addition, learn to distinguish when fatigue or hunger affect your feelings. Try not to make important decisions whether or not to draw conclusions in emaciated condition.

How do you deal with difficult emotions?