The internal conflict: why do we argue with ourselves

Where does the indecision, why can not we sometimes choose and whether you can win in a dispute with itself. Heroine understands that such an internal conflict. We find out, which is why most of our subconscious is fighting and what to do.

What is the internal conflict

The internal conflict: why do we argue with ourselves

During the internal conflict in you adjoin two opposing desires. The external problem is solved much easier: you either win or you lose and have to accept this result.

When an internal contradiction, you are, in any case you will lose something, so it is difficult to determine. If you get stuck in a situation. It can last for years, but to get rid of the war in your subconscious can, if properly understand its causes.

What are the internal contradictions of

The internal conflict: why do we argue with ourselves

There are several types of internal conflicts, depending on what area of ​​life they touch. Are the most common:

    • to The moral conflict. An illustrative example of such a conflict described by Plato in his dialogue "The State". You took the knife from his friend, knowing that he was in inadequate condition and decide whether to return the weapon. On the one hand - this is theft. On the other - your step can prevent other harm anyone.
    • Love. With the conflict faced almost every one of us. Fall in love, but do not want to commit; I do not know who of the multiple partners you would like to stay. In general - almost any conflict in the relationship can turn into the inner, because you have to take into account not only the facts, but also their feelings.
    • Sexy. A classic example - sexual minorities. Before each of the LGBT community representative raises the question: to take their desires or suppress them, to meet the social settings.
    • Interpersonal. Not to be confused with the outside. This is what happens when you have to behave not as really feel in order to maintain a positive relationship with the person. Hate boss, but polite with them. Against alcohol, but allows for a glass of the company, not to offend anyone.

Why internal conflict arises

You will interfere with the attachment

According to Buddhism, the majority of our problems creates attachment to things that we mistakenly assumed to be constant. To go along with the idea, do not necessarily have to be a Buddhist. Often there is an internal conflict, because you can not give up the lessons from childhood beliefs, familiar surroundings, or other stable things.

Do not will realize their desires

This is part of the internal conflict - you want something, but to deny yourself. This mechanism is necessary because sometimes our desires are contrary to moral norms. Self-control does not allow us to indulge all his whims.

But sometimes you limit yourself without any objective reason. Do not do what you want because of the fear that you will think about the surrounding. Do not ask for a salary increase, because I believe that it is impolite. Resistance - a key point of the internal conflict. This is the point at which it is worth considering why you say to yourself "no", and imagine what will happen if you do what you want.

The internal conflict: why do we argue with ourselves

No long-term goals in your life

The better a person is his life, the easier it be in harmony with each other. We want so many things, sometimes contradictory, so it is important to be able to set priorities and follow them.

When in your life have purpose in which you are sure - a career in a prestigious company, travel, business, big family - you simply make decisions. Anything that does not help you to implement his plan, is eliminated easily and naturally.

You did not know yourself

It's almost like with the objectives of: if you're not sure of their moral guidelines, internal conflicts can not be avoided.

When you do not know who you are, what you believe and what you want, it is logical that you do not know how to behave.

To understand yourself, have a lot to reflect. And still - to be possible with a fair.

What type you face most often internal conflicts?