5 species of morning mood

If chronotype in humans emit only three, then the spectrum of the morning is slightly wider. Someone starts the day with peace, someone with a mad rush, someone with a hatred for all living things. Heroine has compiled a list of species of morning mood and recommendations for each of them.

1. Zen

5 species of morning mood

A positive, easy, calm mood, when it seems that you are in harmony with oneself and with the world. As a rule, it catches up early in the morning and is accompanied by a desire to admire the waking city.

How to achieve this mood

To be happy to get up early, go to bed early and have to observe the regime. Treasured 8 hours of sleep should be your habit.

Another rule - the refusal of the Internet in the morning. The day should begin not with a tape of social networks, so much easier to achieve peace.

What to do if such a mood you

This is the best time to practice mindfulness. Meditate, plan for the day, do stretching, workout favorite hobby. Spend the morning hours only on much easier, because there are usually no other matters at this time.

2. sociopathic

5 species of morning mood

This kind of sentiment is familiar owls, although it can test anyone who has been deprived of full sleep. Midnight crammed exam or working on an important project, and the morning began with a nasty wake-up or other gross interference in your sleep. Result: aggression, headaches, stress. What to do if such a mood you

Try to limit contact with humans. In order not to be rough with joyful lark, explaining that it was not in them, but in your state and ask not to touch you for a few hours. If possible, do not plan any important meetings and business for the first half of the day. If the morning will have an exam or other important activities, mobilize all forces and promised myself a good rest in the afternoon.

What if this mood of another person

Get away to a safe distance and do not touch it until noon. If the talk is still necessary, be tactful and patient. Do not force a person to do any choice at this time, even in small things. His brain now needs to be involved to a minimum.

3. Hurricane

5 species of morning mood

This condition occurs when they decide to spend more time sleeping and less morning routine. In the end, all you need to do to turbo speed, do not have time to reach out, to recover, to think about life, and sometimes even for breakfast.

This mood can be productive, because you mobilizuesh every effort to immediately engage in life. Even if you have already had time to work, he does not leave the energy and desire to do things quickly.

What to do if you have a mood

Do not abuse this state, because you can quickly burn out. If your morning routine went in a hurry, try to take a short break, when I came to work. Have a cup of coffee and tune in for the day. What if this mood of another person

Please take into consideration that it may always be late. Try not to get confused at his feet during the high tide of energy and remember, that by the middle of the day it will end.

4. The jet lag

5 species of morning mood

This is a strange mood arises due to jet lag, when your biological clock has not adjusted to the local time. You know jet lag by malaise, sleep disturbances, irritability, reduced working capacity. Under certain conditions, this mood can be taken for Zen, as in the beginning you can be relaxed and productive. This condition is very quickly replaced by fatigue.

What to do if such a mood you

You can alleviate the symptoms of jet lag, but it can not be completely prevented. To strengthen the body is recommended to include in the diet of adaptogens. Also, you can for a couple of days before traveling shift mode, so that the body began to get used to.

To cope with this mood, you need time. The average body adjusts to one or two time zones per day. So, for example, five time zones will need about three days.

The first day is the most difficult. Try to stay longer on the street - our body is guided into the sunlight. Do not sleep during the day or go to sleep no more than two hours.

5. Tired Warrior

5 species of morning mood

This is the mood like a sociopathic, but its cause is not one bad night. This condition occurs when the lack of sleep becomes a way of life and chronic fatigue accumulates. You are still adequate, able to work and can not even notice how your decreased productivity.

What to do if you have a mood

At one point, it is not correct, then you need to adjust mode. Tips are the same as for the Zen, plus nutrition and self-care.

What if this mood of another person

If someone from your family constantly looks listless, apathetic, tired, should tell him about it and offer assistance. Often people with chronic fatigue syndrome, refuse to recognize their condition, or simply do not notice it, writing off all on a bad day or a week.

How do you usually feel in the morning?