Why be useful list of errors

Why be useful list of errors

In our culture inherent feeling that mistakes and failures - something shameful, and we are constantly trying to avoid them, or hide. This explains why we are so afraid to go after a dream - we're just not ready to face the humiliating failures, heartbreak, loss of time or money. But the more your ambitions, the more you depend on how to cope with setbacks. Psychologists recommend to record stories about how you took the wrong decision to assemble the short list, and there are several reasons.

Error List allows you to organize thoughts

During the day, we are constantly distracted by thoughts: thoughts of the past, about the future, worries about the future plans. However, your brain is still limited in how much can take over, and it is not necessary to overload the hundreds of parallel processes. If you are taking the time out to write error, this will allow you to organize and streamline the thought of different areas of your life.

You must learn to distinguish between minor mistakes by the disaster

Why be useful list of errors

As long as you write error, you'll find some of the patterns and the patterns of their behavior. In general, we tend to assume that spoil everything. However, small errors tend to go unnoticed - and whether you're making them again and again. It is crucial to learn from small mistakes, so they are not out of control in the future. If you start to share dips into several categories can be found, what should work, and that should not hold your attention.

  • Silly: absurd and awkward situations when you you step your cat's tail, drop the fork at a business lunch or slips at the entrance to the supermarket.
  • is simple: errors that could have been avoided, but it was too late. Guests did not have wine, you are called a taxi at a time when only an hour left before the flight.
  • Duplicate: events that you can prevent, but it needs to make an effort, for example, to stop being late to work or eat junk food because she had forgotten to cook a normal dinner.
  • Serious: errors which are the major causes of the complex and it is unclear how to avoid their recurrence. This category may include the wrong decisions in the distribution of income of your business, the toxic relationship that you agree to continue.

The list does not allow mistakes define who you are

With every possible achievement come risks. But if you can not survive what was wrong, then these failures will you determine and you will always assume that is not worthy of a better life. Recording failure, you will be able to manage them, and this will make it easier to move on.

Follow your feelings is important for awareness

Emotions that we experience after a mistake, determine your awareness. Write down how you feel when you realized that did not go that way. Think about what you do not want to experience it again, as if you could avoid it.

can be written and leave the mistakes in the past

Once zapishesh all their failures, may they always remain only on paper. Do not let them grow in their head. Repeat this procedure often enough, but not so much to dwell on the past. All that you can do - is to move on and learn from mistakes.

You can give yourself a promise that everything will be different

Why be useful list of errors

Tell yourself that you will no longer be the victim of his past mistakes. Do not be too strict to yourself, but allow yourself to change and get a lesson. Adds new items to the list and let yourself grow from the mistakes committed long ago.

Write Council itself, worked, what would you like to change. The Council itself - are more valuable than others clues. You're the only one who feels this set of emotions - and no one else did not fully understand your feelings.

And what a mistake you can not forgive himself?