6 reasons to stop chasing happiness

The idea of ​​positive thinking has long evolved from a philosophy in marketing. Recipes of happiness in the form of books sold on the benefits of optimism, of autosuggestion training, bright slogans that have to enjoy every minute and day spent without pleasure, was in vain. Against the background of ever-joyful people in the news, even one who was satisfied with his life, will feel happy enough.

However, the idea that everyone should learn to always keep a positive attitude, not so harmless. Many studies show that happiness has a dark side. That's what happens when your life will turn into everlasting euphoria.

1. You will lose creativity

6 reasons to stop chasing happiness

In 2008, Mark Alan Davies studied the results of several studies on the relationship between mood and creativity. As a meta-analysis has shown that people have a very strong happiness, they become less creative than they are in a moderately positive mood.

Despite the fact that there are studies proving that humor helps a creative approach to problem solving, euphoria only interfere in finding unconventional ideas.

In addition, the psychologist Barbara Fredrickson found that too many positive emotions and little negative makes people inflexible in the face of new challenges.

2. You will become reckless

Other research has shown that happiness can lead to reckless behavior. You yourself may have noticed as you want in moments of euphoria hug passer or stick his head out the car window.

The tendency of happy people is confirmed by scientists to engage in risky behavior. Even if we are not talking about extreme sports in the literal sense, you could regret the decisions that are taken when I was stoned.

3. Do not be able to adequately assess their capabilities

6 reasons to stop chasing happiness

The excessive optimism leads to errors in planning: you will not be able to objectively assess how much time and effort is necessary to ensure that the job done. According to scientists, positive people tend to overestimate themselves. It is all those who believe that have time to deadline, and like to leave all the works on the last day.

At the same time optimists do not learn from their mistakes. Despite past experience, they still continue to hope too much on our own strength.

4. You will become less productive and manageable

Happiness brings a deep sense of satisfaction, indicating that not only in Letov's songs, but also in your life everything goes according to plan. You calm down and slow down their pace of life.

But negative emotions do not exist only in order to ruin your day. It's a push that gives you motivation to go further. Why develop if you are satisfied?

This idea underpins the study of Maya Tamir of the University of Jerusalem. Two groups of people playing computer games. Those who were in a happy mood, worse fought for the victory.

5. You will become too trusting

6 reasons to stop chasing happiness

Another study confirms that happy people tend to be more trusting than pessimists. If I were a heroine romkoma, it would take you by the shoulders and said, you need to trust people. But in reality, naive attitude to life will not be your competitive advantage.

6. not cease to enjoy life

Sorry for the tautology illogical, but in the end luck will make you unhappy. When a person is constantly on the positive, it is more demanding to life. Everyday events no longer make him smile.

To confirm this theory, scientists from the University of Massachusetts and Northwestern University in Illinois, compared the level of happiness of lottery winners and others.

Lottery winners are not positively respond to the usual things like compliments, chatting with a friend, and pleasant things, like the ones who had big no luck. They compared all that happens to win the lottery, and nothing could surpass this event.

What this implies

6 reasons to stop chasing happiness

The point of this material is, of course, is not to convince you to be miserable until the end of life. Extreme negative emotions, too, do not do you any service.

Researchers are inclined to think that the pursuit of happiness does not make any sense. Better to let this feeling be a reward for the pursuit of other goals: career, success, help others.

The more a man seeks to be happy, the less likely to experience this condition. The secret of a comfortable life - in moderation, so negative and positive should balance each other out.