Sage Hair: medicinal properties, the use of oil and broth, reviews

Boast shiny healthy hair can not every woman. Modern environmental conditions have a negative impact on the state of curls. Improper diet, stress, the use of aggressive cosmetic products - all this is also capable of adversely affect the hair. To rectify the situation as possible, resorting to traditional medicines, one of which is considered to be a sage. Hair benefits of this plant is priceless. As reducing agents may be used sage oil, its broth.

The use of sage for hair

Sage Hair: medicinal properties, the use of oil and broth, reviews

As part of the sage among the plurality of vitamins and minerals, due to which the hair roots receive valuable nourishment. If you regularly use a spirit or sage oil for hair, then soon you will notice that they become thicker, more elastic and healthier. In addition, sage contributes to the accelerated growth of the hair, so it is appropriate in cases where there is a desire to grow hair. At this sage benefits do not end there. This means a natural origin has the following properties:

  • anti-allergic;
  • antifungal;
  • antibacterial.

The healing properties of sage allow its use in diseases of the scalp. Agent is effective against itching and irritation.


Sage - a plant that will give head of hair shine and strength. It is important to bear in mind that you can not use it all. It is forbidden to fight for the beauty of their hair using sage to people who have thyroid disease. From its use is necessary to abstain from inflammation of the kidneys. It is undesirable to hold hair recovery rate in this manner under reduced pressure. As for pregnant women, the use of sage for hair is not prohibited, but before you start to conduct such procedures, it is necessary to discuss this issue with your doctor. For nursing mothers use sage - a taboo, because it helps to reduce lactation.

The essential oil of sage: use for curls

Essential oil of sage can be found in the list of components of many cosmetic products for hair care. This tool has a positive effect on hair. Due to the antiseptic properties can eliminate problems such as dandruff, itching, seborrhea, and other scalp disorders. How to use sage oil for hair? The easiest way - is to drip a few drops of shampoo. Carry out such manipulation can be directly in front of the wash head.

Sage Hair: medicinal properties, the use of oil and broth, reviews

sage oil can also be an excellent component of hair masks. To prepare the reducing composition of the need to connect a couple of tablespoons of jojoba oil with two drops of oil of sage and rosemary. The finished mixture is to be distributed across all the strands touching the roots. Rub it means to gently, as a strong mechanical action on the scalp can cause hair loss. After the mixture is distributed in the strands, the head should be covered with plastic film and let it stay on the hair for at least half an hour. Next, the need to rinse with warm water.

A decoction of sage for hair

Sage Hair: medicinal properties, the use of oil and broth, reviews

On the basis of sage can prepare medicinal teas and infusions, which will accelerate the growth of hair and make them stronger. If your hair is slowly growing, you can use the following method. It is necessary to take 30 g of sage in dry form and fill them of 0, 5 liters of boiling water. The mixture should be given to infuse for half an hour. Thereafter, the resulting infusion can be used for rinsing hair. The decoction of sage apple cider vinegar can be added to the hair. This tool is most appropriate for quickly spoiled curls. Rinsing hair with infusion of sage allows to regulate the sebaceous glands and cleans every inch of dirt.

Hair Coloring Sage

It's no secret that the harsh chemicals that harm the locks are composed of hair dyes. Excellent alternative application may be a sage. For the preparation of natural dye composition must take 1 liter of water and 1 tbsp. sage. The plant should be placed in a pot, add water and boil for half an hour. If the time is extended, then the broth will be more saturated, which will give your hair a shade darker.

Sage Hair: medicinal properties, the use of oil and broth, reviews

Once the mixture has cooled, it should be filtered, to the hair and leave for 30 minutes, then rinse with water. If the unpleasant odor of sage, it can be easily neutralized. To do this, rinse the hair with water, which added a few drops of lavender essential oil. Such a conditioner will also give curls shine and strengthen them.

To shade kept his hair longer, painted them with the sage needed a few times a month. This noninvasive method of coloring will help improve hair, make them more manageable and shiny.

Nourishing mask with sage oil

Due to the healing properties of sage, based on it prepared a variety of masks for the restoration and growth of hair. Such tools will only help them with regular use.

Sage Hair: medicinal properties, the use of oil and broth, reviews

need to take the following components for the preparation of moisturizing and nourishing mask:

  • for 2 tablespoons. l. burdock and castor oil;
  • 2 drops of lavender oil and sage.

Vegetable oils need to warm up in a water bath, add to them ethers lavender and sage. The mixture should be rubbed into the roots and distributed throughout the hair. To enhance the effect of the procedure is desirable head wrap film. After 30-40 minutes the mask can be washed off. The course of hair restoration with the help of a mask involves 15 procedures.

Mask for hair growth on the basis of sage

Masks with sage for hair growth are effective when used regularly. By this means it is possible not only to awaken hair follicles, but also eliminate the problem of greasy roots. You need to prepare for a natural remedy:

  • apple vinegar and vodka (at 0, 5 liters);
  • sage and rosemary leaves (150 g);
  • nettle leaves (200 g).

All the components of the mask should be placed in a glass pot and put in a cool dark place for 14 days. Before applying the composition to the hair, it should drain. The mixture should be rubbed into the roots and wash off after 12 hours. It is best to carry out a similar procedure for the night.

by Sage gray hair

If a woman finds a gray hair, then, as a rule, she tries immediately to mask this problem by staining. With the help of sage can be stopped early graying, but for this it needs to be properly used.

For the preparation of an anti-gray hair need to take 5 tablespoons. l. sage and pour boiling water over them. It is desirable to press the mixture into a thermos for several hours.

Sage Hair: medicinal properties, the use of oil and broth, reviews

The resulting infusion is necessary to add 1 drop of vitamin A and E. To remedy not sushilo hair, it must be connected to 3 tbsp. l. glycerol. Fully mixed material should be rubbed into the hair roots and distributed throughout the length. Rinse with a mask with anti-age effect can be half an hour.

How to collect and store sage?

For medicinal purposes are suitable flowering tops of the plant and its leaves. The first collection of sage is carried out in early September in the year of sowing. Subsequently it preform takes place in two stages:

  • in the budding stage (mid-summer);
  • in the period of ripening (early fall).

In the first two years after sowing be exclusively tearing away the lower leaves of the plant with the petioles, the length of which is at least 2 cm. In the future, is carried out preform medicinal raw material collected from all aerial parts of shoots. Sage Hair can be assembled in different ways: manually and with the help of a sickle or scissors.

Sage Hair: medicinal properties, the use of oil and broth, reviews

harvested plant better in the dry clear days. If the sage is covered with dust and dirt, before collecting it must be watered with water and wait for the complete drying. At the time of harvesting it is important to ensure that the feed was not sick and damaged leaves pests.

Dry sage needed in dark, ventilated area or under the eaves. If possible raw materials can be dried in a special oven.

For storage of dry sage suitable glass jars, cardboard boxes, bags made of canvas fabric. If the raw material has been collected by all the rules and is stored in the proper conditions, the shelf life can be up to about two years.


If your hair lacks luster and thickness, this is not a reason to go to the store and buy ready-made cosmetic products, which in most cases include our chemical components. You can pick up for your shag most suitable folk remedy and to undergo hair restoration, in particular using salvia for rinsing hair. You can also use the essential oil of this plant. On this basis we find an effective restorative and rejuvenating mask. To enjoy all the healing properties of this plant, it is necessary to be patient and pass the course completely.