5 reasons to learn to laugh at yourself

5 reasons to learn to laugh at yourself

Little is so soothing I like laughing at their failures. Science, too, began to see the value of self-irony. Self-deprecating humor is not only uplifting, but also improves overall health.

The study, published in the journal "Psychology and Individual Differences", reports that people with advanced self-irony more prosperous in psychological terms.

Arnie Cannes psychologist who studies humor, says that it all depends on the context. Depending on how we use jokes, they can lead to positive or negative consequences. So, it is better not to resort to self-irony to hide his anger.

Understanding how beneficial laughter can improve your life. If you are looking for reasons to treat yourself less seriously, they are in front of you.

1. You will be easier to establish a positive relationship with people

Laughter releases oxytocin, a hormone that increases confidence and helps a person to open up.

In addition, sincerity always attracts. Revealing their shortcomings through humor, you're a person has to himself, and he starts to feel comfortable.

Finally, the third argument - no one likes a whiner. People are drawn to those who radiate positive.

2. You can rethink their problems

5 reasons to learn to laugh at yourself

When you're faced with the fear or stress, allow yourself to see the funny side, but it is in any situation. Laughter will give out your emotions, soothe and help to take a look at what is happening from a different angle. Of course, we should not laugh in the face of all threats, otherwise your life will turn into a continuous hysterical. But most of the trouble you face is not as serious as you imagined them.

3. Humor will help to develop creative thinking

It's not just about self-irony, but also the laughter as a whole. There are many studies that show that positive emotions allow us to be more creative and effective problem solving.

Arnie Cannes recommends paying attention to what makes you laugh: funny stickers in social networks, silly songs and fun show. Over a joke can be one of these things.

4. This is an excellent tool to combat the possible stress

5 reasons to learn to laugh at yourself

The impact of something positive before you experience stressful situation, reduce its bad influence. Since you control the irony is "something positive".

If you're afraid difficult meeting or interview, discuss it with someone else in a humorous vein. This will help reduce the pathos of the upcoming event and relax.

Humor - a powerful tool to overcome any life stress. The ability not only to understand other people's jokes, but also use self-deprecating humor always helps you to control the situation.

5. You will begin to feel better about himself

Self-irony should be a gentle way to recognize their own weaknesses for you. Poking fun at yourself, you give to understand that all people are imperfect.

When can you kindly treat their shortcomings, you will become more tolerant and to others too.

Jokes on themselves can be vicious, tough, what you will, all the same they will help you to love yourself more.

Austrian scientists believe the craving for black humor sign of high intelligence. They asked more than 150 people with different levels of education to evaluate the 12 darkest comic jokes about death and mutilation. Their study showed that fans of black humor is not aggressive, intelligent and emotionally stable. The results are published in the journal Cognitive Processing.

Feel the positive effect of self-irony you can just in case, if it is sincere. Observe boundaries: not pushed in self-abasement and turns itself into a laughing stock. Your goal - not to evoke pity, but from a good laugh.