7 ways be organized

Regularly repeat to myself that it's time to stop postponing important at the last moment, but a week later you come back to your favorite strategies, hoping that everything will be solved by itself? Overestimate its strength, grabbing the three projects with good pay, depriving yourself of sleep? If you are just like me, all the time wondering how to successfully manage so many girls who are familiar with the secrets of their organization and planning affairs.

7 ways be organized

1. Learn to delegate

It is very important to have a Google Calendar. I give access to all around - my friend, my manager, my sister, so that they know where I am and what I'm doing. It helps to plan everything from the time for the collective creation of the book before writing to the hairdresser. I also use the Notes application to maintain a list of small tasks. For a long time I was working on a book about money, full of different studies, and I needed to keep the interview, statistics and found various documents. I hired an assistant for this book, and she has done a terrific job of organizing all this information. Delegate is very useful, because all the charge - not noble. If you can get help from people who you pay, either by good friends - you have to do it.

- Gaby Dunn, co-author of the books "I hate everyone but you," and "Just between us"

2. Start function scheduler

I am the CEO and creative manager of our brands - Blogilates, POPFLEX, and POP Pilates. My day can include anything you like, including the establishment of training, filming, editing, creating strategy, meeting, call and, of course, anything that comes to social networking. When it comes to in order to stay organized, I try to write down everything. I am a person who appreciates the visual component, so choose the planners that not only functional, but also aesthetically appealing. I plan my meals, his water consumption, hours of sleep, their own training, as well as a list of tasks for the day.

- Casey Ho, CEO of healthy lifestyles and training

7 ways be organized


3. Find the tools that you like, and make them work

at you

Stay organized - a critical component for my performance, as well as the mantra, "Use your time wisely." I advise, spend and meetings, work as a mentor and do my best to live a successful life.

I am responding to the letter from the keyboard, not the phone. I get many messages, so I have a custom filters and customizable notifications. I also use additional tools to deal with spam and scheduled emails. On my Android I use TypeApp application with which to create a template of long phrases inserted at a combination of a few keys. Autocorrect best: saving time, fewer typos.

I use separate calendars for different aspects of life: Google Calendar, MeetUp, TripIt, so that I always have an idea of ​​what's going on with my time.

I also put reminders of important events for an hour before them. If something needs to be done in the morning, I add a reminder 12 hours, not to forget the good night's sleep. I used to think, "sleep is for wimps", but recently, still came to the idea that you need to get enough sleep. I use SleepyTime calculator that helps to wake up gradually, rather than abruptly, and use it even when I can not afford a long lie. If you do not want to install anything, I recommend at least become familiar with web application Sleepyti.me - Chris Wu, Consultant

4. Normalize the working hours schedule and stick to

I stay organized? The answer is simple: I have a huge fear of failure. The thought that I would miss the deadline, so scared that I never miss it. I'm also a big supporter of the allocation of working time. I work as a freelancer, so I can technically work at any time. But such a disembodied schedule - the easiest way to do anything and constant panic. I force myself to write about from 10 am to 4 pm, depending on the workload, and keep track of all appointments and shooting in a paper planner. Now I'm juggling several projects: the script of the podcast, film, short film, series pilot television projects, on YouTube channel and another project about which I still can not speak. I try not to think about all the work that I have to do in the next few months. Instead, I'm just working. Wake up, exercise, work, dine, I watch a movie. I get enough sleep. Yes, it's not glamorous and does not seem cheerful, but ensures that no one nakrichit me.

- Allyson Raskin, co-author of the books "I hate everyone but you," and "Just between us,"

7 ways be organized

5. Use the color selection

I create and manage a schedule for creating educational videos YouTube Channel, handles all the preliminary data, in charge of pre-production, writing announcements to each roller, looking for filming locations and negotiate on cooperation, as well as distribute our content on all social platforms. My main application for the organization - Google Calendar, because it is easy to use and integrated into all devices. There, I manage all the work projects and personal tasks side. I use color coding to reflect the priority: blue and green objects can wait a week, while the yellow, orange and red tasks to be performed immediately.

I also keep track of the time spent during the working day. When I started my job, I felt as if I spend too much time in meetings, but could use those hours to write the script program. I solved this problem as follows: no email between colleagues should not contain more than two or four sentences. If it is long - standing call on the phone and talk for 15 minutes. If a person can not meet this conversation, you need to plan a separate meeting.

- Emily Graslin, curator of the Field Museum

6. Do not settle for something new if the schedule has no place

I used to be obsessed with lists of cases, and I have had several applications To Do. Now, when someone offers to perform work or asks me about the meeting, I open the calendar and look for an empty seat. Sometimes I have to ask clarifying questions: do you want me to participate in this seminar. How often it will be done? How many times a year? There are the approximate dates of the meetings? If the person does not have all the information, I often refuse the offer, because it is not sure I can hold it in your calendar. - Tiffany Dufu, author of "Throw the ball"

7 ways be organized

7. Do not be afraid to bribe yourself

My calendar is filled with cases related to my daughter: date games, birthdays, training and much more. In such a situation to be organized is crucial. I've been using Google Calendar to which there is access from the husband and his colleagues that they always knew what I was doing. We also use Asana service to assign and prioritize tasks. When I come into the office, the first thing - I write a list that I need to accomplish. It helps to visualize the day and to feel useful. Also, I bribe myself a reward for completed tasks and what has remained the productive - such as candy.

- Emily Schuman, founder of Cupcakes and Cashmere