12 trends of healthy lifestyle, popular in 2018

One of the reasons why it is difficult to adopt a healthy lifestyle - there are too many trends and directions. Today, all share the healing properties of starvation and eat the sun tomorrow convinced of the need for intuitive power, and in a week you will know that there is enough only one secret product per day, and you will be the healthiest and happiest person in the known universe. I think the secret is to find among this variety that is right for you and develop your recipe for eternal youth and beauty. I gathered the main trends of healthy lifestyle. Observe all of them are not required, but be aware of definitely worth it.


1. Dancing

12 trends of healthy lifestyle, popular in 2018

The practice of sport with ease - whether it is a dream. Many fitness programs consist not only of physical activity, but also entertainment, such as dancing. Zumba, Latin, belly dancing, Pole dance - great way to get a cardio and strength exercises with incendiary mood. Such training you certainly do not throw, because you come not only for the beautiful body, but also emotions.

2. Kickboxing

Not the new kind of sport, but more and more studios create kickboxing classes for group exercises. This is one of the variants of intense interval training. Kickboxing is effective because it combines cardio and weight load. In addition, this sport involves not only muscles but also the mind.

3. Tabata

12 trends of healthy lifestyle, popular in 2018

Tabata has gained fans around the world. The main advantage of such training - the minimum cost of time. Classes need to spend only 4 minutes a day. At the same time, according to adherents of this kind of exercise, they are no less effectively help fight obesity than other sports. The essence of Tabata in hard alternation of activity and rest 20 seconds exercise, 10 - a break, and so eight approaches. Tabata to fit the most common exercises: push-ups, sit-ups, jumping. The main thing - to strictly observe the intervals and use as many muscle groups as possible.

4. Retro tracksuits

This year, the sports fashion, like the rest, is oriented to the past - namely, bright and crazy '90s. Leggings, jackets, bombers, sports pants with stripes on the sides. All this in the most bizarre and original colors. Do not forget that now is the clothes not only for gyms - is still a sport-chic allows you to combine incongruous, to look boldly and feel comfortable.


5. Periodic fasting

12 trends of healthy lifestyle, popular in 2018

During this diet a person consumes daily rate products during the "food of the window." The rest of the day only water is allowed. "Food box" is determined individually and is usually no more than 8 hours. The remaining 16 hours of fasting enough to start the process of burning fat in the body. Night's sleep - the same "food box". To adhere to the periodic fasting is sufficient to move the dinner to an earlier time.

6. The ketogenic nutrition

Its advantage is not only in reducing weight. Ketogenic meals good for the brain, it helps control appetite and decreases the risk of developing diabetes. This is a low carbohydrate diet, there is a lot of fat, and a moderate amount of protein. Instead of carbohydrates the body has to look for alternative fuel sources, namely ketones - they are produced by the liver in processing fat. Learn more about the benefits of the ketogenic food we already told you.

7. Walnut drank

12 trends of healthy lifestyle, popular in 2018

This product is not very well known in Russia, but nutritionists now is a favorite among the nuts. It contains all the essential amino acids and a lot of magnesium. Nut oil drink is rich in mineral acids omega-7 and omega-9. In addition, scientists have confirmed that regular consumption of drinking several times reduces the risk of developing breast cancer. This nut grows in the Philippines and is exported in dried form.

8. cannabidiol

This compound is contained in cannabis, but does not possess narcotic properties. Cannabidiol is still being studied, but it has been proven analgesic, antioxidant, anticonvulsant and immunostimulatory effects. Beauty industry quickly picked hemp trend - cannabidiol is added to the body balms, hand creams, lubricants, mascara and anywhere. In Russia, all these means, of course, are not available, so, you're in California, Washington, Colorado and Oregon - to test the miraculous properties of cannabinoids. No psychoactive effect will not even dream of.

Holistic treatment of

This trend of alternative medicine based on the fact that it is necessary to treat not a specific disease, but the whole body. Holistic treatment does not necessarily mean non-traditional methods. This may be a conventional therapy, but complex, with all the features and physiology of the human psyche.

9. Acupuncture

12 trends of healthy lifestyle, popular in 2018

An increasing number of people seeking treatment for a reflexologist - professionals who deal with the impact point on the parts of the body, such as acupuncture. This procedure is used to treat nemedikametoznogo virtually all diseases, from insomnia to autoimmune.

10. Jar facial massage

Cup massage is popular among athletes as a means to get rid of pain in the muscles. One of the modern trends - can massage the face. He does not leave bruises and marks. A small cup creates a vacuum and gently lifts the facial tissue. It improves blood circulation, tightens the skin, making it supple and smoothes wrinkles. The procedure is available in a store, in addition, this technique is quite possible to learn at home. The main thing here - the regularity, the effect only gives a massage course.

11. Gua sha

12 trends of healthy lifestyle, popular in 2018

Another technique face massage based on ancient Eastern practices. It is performed using a scraper or platelets. Specialist works on specific reflex zones on the face and body. Feature of Chinese massage Gua sha is that it helps to eliminate the internal disturbances in the body, it is not only a consequence but also the cause of the disease.

12. Jade roller

For home massage treatments are widely used jade roller face. This stone is known for curative action. This massage improves blood circulation, increases skin elasticity, toxins. With regular use, the result will be evident pretty quickly: evens skin color, swelling takes place under the eyes, tightens facial features. The procedure is very simple. Before using the scooter is recommended to put in the fridge.