10 asanas to recover after a party

It does not matter whether the alcohol, or are you just danced the night away - these exercises are ideal to recuperate after a long night. None of these asanas does not require much effort, and execute them as possible, even if you suffer a hangover.

1. Adho Mukha Savasana (Downward Facing Dog)

10 asanas to recover after a party

Lean on your hands and knees. Wrists should be strictly under shoulders and knees - at hip level.

Inhale and stretch your toes. Then exhale and lift your hips to move to the next position.

Open your hand, but it follows that between the thumbs and elbows was a straight line.

Relax your head and let it hang between your arms. Lead glance at the legs or abdomen. Perform five breaths.

2. Uttanasana (Standing Forward Bend)

10 asanas to recover after a party

tighten bend the feet, put his hands on the foot. You can keep your knees bent.

On the exhale, strained the press. Place the chin to the chest, relax your shoulders and stretch your spine as much as possible. Shift your weight on your toes, try to straighten the knees.

Put your hands on the ground, aligning fingers on the level of the stop. Repeat five more breaths.

3. Virabhadrasana III (Warrior 3)

10 asanas to recover after a party

Take a step the right foot forward. Then bend the knee, lower your torso and lift your left leg, bending the body parallel to the ground.

Pull out your hands in front of him, squeeze his hand. If a sore shoulder - keep your hands shoulder-width apart. If the tension in the hands of still painful, you put your hands on your hips.

Naprjagi press and hold this position for another five breaths. Then lower the left leg and sat down on the mat. Through Vinsu repeat on the other side.

4. Utthita Trikonasana (Open Triangle)

10 asanas to recover after a party

Put the legs to a distance of a meter and stretch your arms to the sides. Unfold the right foot to the right and the left let looks ahead.

With an exhalation bend to the right, placing your right hand on the rise or the inner edge of the foot. Tyanis left hand up, opening the chest.

Stretch your neck and try to fix the sight in his left hand. Perform asana for 5 breaths, then change position.

5. Utthita Parshvakonasana (Extended Side Angle)

10 asanas to recover after a party

Put the legs to a distance of meters, stretch your arms to the sides. Unfold the right foot to the right and the left let looks ahead.

Bend your right leg at the knee at an angle of 90 degrees.

Put your right hand on the floor to the right of the foot. Unfold the left chest. Stretch your left arm up, continuing the line of the body on the left leg. Lead lookup.

Perform asana for 5 breaths, then change position.

6. Parivritta Parsvakonasana (Rotated Side Angle)

10 asanas to recover after a party

to lunge left foot, making sure angle is exactly 90 degrees.

Unfold the body to the left side and put his right hand over his left leg on the outside so that it is parallel with the extended left leg.

Pull left shoulder maximally upwards. Lay down your arms.

Perform asana for 5 breaths, then change position.

7. Utkatasana (Chair)

10 asanas to recover after a party

From a standing position bend the knees and lower the hips, lifting his hands up.

Focus on the fact that the weight stayed on his heels. Strained the press, keeping your back straight. Relax your shoulders and look at the ceiling. Perform asana for 5 breaths, then change position.

8. Garudasana (Eagle)

10 asanas to recover after a party

Stand up straight. Lift your right leg and left obvey it around, resting his thumb on the left foot.

Did the same with his hands, joining them and giving a thumbs up.

Keep your balance and try to sink as low as possible, but without lifting the heels off the floor.

Perform asana for 5 breaths, then change position.

9. Ardha Matsiendrasana (Seated Spinal Twist)

10 asanas to recover after a party

Sit on the floor, extend your legs in front of him. Bend your left knee and push the calf muscle and thigh together. Place your left foot under the buttocks.

Bend your right leg at the knee and the head of the foot of the left thigh so that the ankle adjacent to it. Put your right hand on the floor for balance and look at his right shoulder.

Press the left hand on your right knee, use every breath, to lengthen the spine.

10. Savasana

10 asanas to recover after a party

Lie down on your back and close your eyes. To fully relax and open your body, let your arms will be separated from the body and the palm facing upwards.

Omit the shoulders to the hips and try to squeeze the lower back to the floor.

Once found a comfortable position, keep it for 10 minutes or until your heart rate slows down and breathing does not return to the rhythm.