Digest Mojo media # 39

As is known, in the third "hero" to make predictions on the coming week. We do not want to deceive anyone, so do not do such stupid things. Instead, we analyze the past week. Or rather what they themselves have done. Because it's Mojo Media Digest, and we invite you to join us.

Last week was remembered jokes about Grudinina that awaits Spider-Man pictures before lunch, and the son of my mother's friends. A magazine BroDude remembered his hatred of sharp kid, and some other articles.

Digest Mojo media # 39

"Games with deep meaning and is not for everyone"

In fact, make a selection at times even more difficult to answer than precious readers. Do not think that we belong to the drafting of articles more responsible than the answers.

As a general rule, at the very beginning you have two or three films, tracks, books or games for which a selection is made. You already know in advance that you will write about them, words and sentences are born in my head. But two or three points - it is not enough, and you have to very carefully and brokenly choose other candidates, to strain gyrus, turn the memory card file, while thinking about whether this product fits into the concept. This is a very long and tedious process. But this collection was different. The list was formed at the beginning and once seemed ideal. All because the game sneaks to the soul itself, and themselves give rise to genuine reviews of the author.

"How to be like everyone else, without turning into an idiot"

And here is an article for men and boys who dream to show off their individuality and not stupid. But here's the problem: the line between unique and silly even thinner than a layer of sauce that is called the kraft burger. Especially when you do not desire to be like everyone else, it is motivated by an abundance of facilities. But Rodion Macha and at such council exists. He knows how to stand out from the crowd without arousing the desire to hit on the nose (tell you a secret, it is so healthy out that even if I act up, such a desire would not have arisen).

Digest Mojo media # 39

If you will not listen to Rodion, it'll be like Tom Cruise. Not a great actor and a country full of person, affected by muddy and hungry sect. More about him can be found in the article "Tom Cruise: how to make a great career and pass for an idiot."

"6 tips to help you even in the dark times"

Life as a form of football club "Juventus": black band, white band, sometimes come across a sponsor and even manages to grab the star. Anyway, without black bars in any way, and flee from the inevitable stupid. Therefore, in this article we will talk about what you should do in case not the most positive changes in their lives.

Any film ends with a song, and any training - shower (normal people, at least). We have combined these two concepts because we write about and movies, and about training. We agree, perhaps this is the most disgusting of all existing hoses, so just listen to the music that is so pleasant to pan out. Its only drawback - the lack of the song "Changeling itself, the substitution of" the prophet of San Boy.

Which came first: the healthy or Heroine feminism magazine? We already own doubt, because it is possible that Simone de Beauvoir inspiring articles Alina Kolesnikova. But it's thought, let's see what our maiden write this.

Digest Mojo media # 39

"Orgies without obligation: 7 myths about polyamory"

While some advocate polygamy and love to the grave, the other firmly believe that happiness in polyamory. Not difficult to guess the meaning of this term, but the right thing is to define it as a set of ethical views, which allows for the possibility of multiple love relationships one person to several people simultaneously. The main thing that everyone agreed and satisfied. Julia Zaykova talk about the myths that envelop this complex and one of the four most commonly used terms on Google in 2017. "7 things you need to get done before the end of the winter"

Spring close February close to the equator, and until someone pulls the ink and cries, our maids make the plan useful things and new experiences for the remaining three weeks of winter. We found as much as 7 ways to diversify everyday life at the time when the tree is already discarded, and lilacs have not yet bloomed.

Digest Mojo media # 39

"What to wear on Valentine's Day"

This question could not be acute now, the day before the holiday. No need to panic, because the time is full, and we have, fortunately, there Darya Kharchenko, who knows how to go to the store tortured and tired, and go out elegant and romantic.

There are three ways to be special: vote for Maxim Suraykin the presidential election to know who Max Suraykin, read our amazing channels Telegram.

"Know!", Which is popular and very interesting talks about science. For example, about the timber, which is comparable in strength with the metal.

"We will lie with me", where we openly and unabashedly tell about sex and show a video about the consent of the culture.

"They are moving", where the best SIFCO, which only saw humanity.

Will be coming soon and "Mole". Anyway, we hope so.

Someone who likes the sound of our podcasts for leading voices, someone - for topics raised in them, someone - for the drive and energy ... What are we? People love to boast and at the very least take a detailed review of the Fab Four of our podcasts.

Ichthyologists in the show "Employee of the Month" was not yet. Finally, a representative of this rare, precious and very interesting profession has come to our pirate radio room. Thank her for sincere story that interested in our leading Daria: fertilization of eggs and similar delights. Ichthyologists are people too. Men of science, as a mere mortal, characterized by simple human weakness. They also may get drunk and create foolishly drunk, as detailed in the show "Wild Ducks".

How to stop being afraid of the relationship after the dumped guy? The answer to that is known only to Heroine authors of the journal and the leading podcast "Guys, we have sex."

These lead, only supplemented composition, discussed "Full House", women's chips and is very resourceful, you can even say, genitourinary hunter ghosts. But in another show by the name of "We live in this" - the true temple of madness on the waves of our pirate station.

Olzhas, Jack and Kate - that unites these people? No, not MZHM and membership (this is a good word) in our nationwide chatting in the Telegram. What is it - You can only join him. Do not worry, it's free.