Modern Etiquette: grog pirate

Damp and gray, in a head climb memories of the sea, and desperately want to drink? Prepare for your New Year's party a little grog - this sea of ​​drink.

Modern Etiquette: grog pirate


According to the definition Mirra Webster, grog can be called any alcoholic beverage containing liquor, rum and water. As an example of the use of vocabulary leads sentence: "The sailors demanded more grog."

The history of the drink is closely linked with the history of colonialism, British expansion and the development of manufacturing technology of the Roma. Colonizer William Penn arrived in Jamaica in the 1600s, captured the land with the natives, and said that it now belongs to the Royal Crown. However, Penn and his men could not be located in the territory without a good wine - the water was simply undrinkable, unlike alcohol. The only problem was that the wine and beer was hard to get in the New World. They had to look for any products that could be turned into alcohol.

One hundred years on every British ship spread recipe fermented liquid made from sugar cane - rum. And though it was the best drink to Captain Jack Sparrow, he did not help the team preserve a clear mind.

Admiral Edward Vernon saw that it was time to deal with the problem, he realized that he was drunk team is not able to cope with the management in the storm. To reduce the effects of alcohol on the sailors, Admiral Vernon ordered the rum to distribute only diluted with water and lemon juice. His nickname at the time was "Old Grog" because of the name of his heavy coat of a mixture of silk, mohair and wool, and this led to the name of the new drink. Sailors were, to put it mildly, unhappy. They wanted to fill myself liquor stronger, because it makes them more tolerant to the terrible conditions of life and endless cleaning of the deck. They did not know then that eventually grog save the lives of thousands of sailors - those who refused bread and salt for sugar and lime.

The head of the cause of death in the sea from 1500 to 1800 was the scurvy. It killed more sailors than all other illnesses, disasters and combat. Lime also helps prevent diseases that are caused by lack of vitamin C. The sailors did not know about it, because they are simply mixed the ingredients. But years later, still the grog has become a favorite drink of the Royal Navy. Time passed, and he was a prerequisite that must be on a ship going to sea. He "endured" and the War of Independence, and the two world wars.

Modern Etiquette: grog pirate

In 1970, the ship was introduced last barrel of alcohol. The authorities felt that now the living conditions have improved, so that they do not necessarily compensate.


According to the warming properties of grog similar to mulled wine. In some variations of the above ingredients except in the part of lemon juice and spices: cloves, ginger, cinnamon, mint.

The most popular recipe is as follows: half a liter of water, four teaspoons of black tea, 2 tablespoons sugar, lemon slices, cloves, rum stack, stack of liquor, ginger and cinnamon. Brew tea, mix it with spices and alcohol, and fill special large glasses. For decorating, do not forget the lemon or lime slices and whole clove. Let's option and with butter: for that you need a few thin plates. Pour the rum and sugar with boiling water, insisting a bit, add cream slices. Easy mixing, and thunder strike me, warming drink for a cold winter's ready!

Grog is fed to the table hot, high-glass, with a special saucer. Eat recommended cocktail sips, and its largest dose should not exceed one glass. Drink through a straw-smoking - it's not you Pina Colada!