11 signs that you will be difficult to get pregnant

Even if now you do not plan to have a child and it is postponed to a time when everything is stabilized with a career, relationships, and personal realization, it would be nice to know in advance whether you have difficulty during pregnancy.

Fertility problems are fairly common: about 10 per cent of women aged 15-44 have difficulty with conception and pregnancy, according to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention. The general definition of infertility means that you and a partner had unprotected sexual intercourse for 12 months and he did not lead to the desired pregnancy.

A woman's fertility depends on many factors, from age to body mass index and other physical parameters. Doctors allocate 10 key symptoms:

1. Age

11 signs that you will be difficult to get pregnant

You obviously have repeatedly heard the phrase "biological clock" and how your ticking symbolizes fertility and the ease with which you can get pregnant.

Dr. Sherry Ross says:

Fertility declines with age. The aging of the ovaries - the known biological phenomenon, which we call the clock. When a woman approaching 40, the ticking gets louder, and in 45 it is simply stunning. fertility peak occurs about 20 to 24. After 35 gradually decreases, but accelerated closer to 40. After 40 the likelihood of miscarriage is 50% due to the quantity and quality of oocytes.

2. Irregular cycle

On the one hand, that your cycle goes astray at times, in a sense, it is normal. On the other - if this situation continues for a long time, and you've given up trying to keep track of it - this leads to serious problems. Absence of menstruation and ovulation means no, and you need to constantly ovulate, then to be able to have children. If not, then it may develop polycystic syndrome or other hormonal problems, such as thyroid, making it difficult to become pregnant.

In addition, doctors recommend to try to return to normal cycle. If you are already a lot of years, taking oral contraceptives, you can not see the real picture of their natural cycle. Give your body a break, to see what it looks like your normal cycle.

3. Painful periods

If you proceed painfully critical days - it may indicate the presence of endometriosis. The main symptom is pain in the pelvic area, while the other symptoms indicate pain during or after sex, and excessive bleeding. This disease is often diagnosed in women who are tested for futility. It develops in a place that connects the uterus and lead to scarring of the fallopian tubes, preventing fertilization.

4. STD history

11 signs that you will be difficult to get pregnant

Protected sex is necessary not only to prevent disease, but also to prevent problems with fertility. pelvic inflammation - frequent disease caused by infections, sexually transmitted infections, such as gonorrhea, chlamydia and syphilis. Anyone can have serious and long-term reproductive problems. For example, infection and inflammation from chlamydia lead to blockage falloopievyh pipes that may cause ectopic pregnancy. Men, too, should be careful with STDs: internal scars diseases can affect sperm quality.

5. Chronic diseases

Cancer a history of diabetes or increase the risk of infertility. Treatment of these diseases may include insulin and antidepressants, which negatively affects the reproductive system of the body. It should also be noted that many drugs from chronic diseases should not be taken during pregnancy.

6. Symptoms of male infertility

Some believe that infertility can only apply to women, but in practice, men also have problems with conception in 40% of cases.

Make sure your partner pay enough attention to their way of life. Sperm quality even cigarettes affect. In April 2016 the European urologists analyzed 5,000 men across Europe and confirmed that smoking reduces sperm count, impairs their motility and morphology.

7. Hair loss

Hair can fall out for several reasons, and not all of them are associated with fertility. This may be due to autoimmune diseases, thyroid problems, anemia, and psoriasis. Nevertheless, the sharp tips of thinning and hair loss are also symptoms of polycystic ovary syndrome.

8. Stress, depression and anxiety

Your mental state affects the condition of the body, and this applies even fertility. relaxation training, mindfulness, yoga and acupressure - a great helper in the fight against negative energy. At the same time they will help you throughout the pregnancy.

9. The consumption of caffeine and alcohol

11 signs that you will be difficult to get pregnant

Both men and women are advised not to smoke and not to drink alcohol in an attempt to conceive a child. Or at least to reduce the consumption of tobacco and alcohol as well as caffeine.

10. Night shift

According to the clinic Malpani infertility, another name for night shifts - "fertility change." On it there are just two important reasons. Firstly, the lack of sleep affects the production of certain hormones, such as estrogen and progesterone, which are associated with fertility. Secondly, insomnia affects hormones. For example, produced by leptin - a link between sleep and the ability to reproduce, because it is the hormone that affects ovulation and should be developed to assist in conception.

11. The risk of miscarriage

According to gynecologists, miscarriages occur in 10-20% of pregnancies. However, if the girl had two or more consecutive miscarriages, should really worry. The older the woman, the higher the risk of miscarriage due to an increase of chromosomal abnormalities - an abnormal karyotype in the ovaries.

It is worth to remember that although there are so many signs that determine whether you can conceive, only a doctor can determine the probability and the real chances of getting pregnant. Do not panic, if you're familiar with some of the items. None of these symptoms is not an absolute sign that you will have problems.