8 habits that you harm others

If you hurt someone else's feelings - it's not our problem. We did not want anything, and not to blame for the fact that others are taking to heart. Familiar situation? So, it is not correct. The series "13 reasons why" well described the consequences of what happens when we do not watch your behavior and words. To avoid unpleasant situations in your life, I have collected 8 bad habits in communication that make us bad companions, friends and partners.

1 interrupts

8 habits that you harm others

If the way you show what is involved in the conversation, then know this: your interlocutors effort is not appreciated. Interrupt someone's speech - little gesture, but it shows that the other person's thoughts are not as important as yours.

Psychologist Steven Duclos said:

You decide not to listen to what the other person says, preferring thoughts swirling in your head. Interrupt - so hurt, even if you did not intend to argue.

2. Do not thank

Strict boss, parents are perfectionists, selfish friends - some if not genetically predisposed to say "thank you." Remember, any appreciation is symmetrical. Fortunately, from this destructive habit is easy to get rid of: just start thanking people for what they do for you.

3 rolls his eyes in conversation

When the interviewee voiced outright nonsense, eyes rolled themselves under the eyelids. Your body just rejects the speaker, and in the company rolled his eyes often are crossed over his chest and irritable "ttststs". If your interlocutor so annoying you, why do you even entered into conversation with him? Otherwise, be careful, because this innocent gesture can cause a lack of confidence in speaking and feeling, as if laughing at him.

4. To say that everything will be okay

8 habits that you harm others

The friendly people often say anecdotal "Everything will get better." This does not help those who are experiencing a painful experience. These innocent words unconsciously express that suffering - is nonsense. In dealing with positive people have to pretend to sacrifice and optimism to hide their difficulties. And this leads to the suppression of pain, feelings of alienation and isolation.

5. Sarcasm

Sarcastic comments seem ridiculous, but if you can not stop in the manifestation of cynicism, then soon you will no longer be trusted. Excessive ridicule - is a manifestation of a sign of passive aggression and self-doubt. And if one day you'll meet someone who will surpass you in the art of sarcasm, then your reputation will be difficult to repair, because the strong devour the weak.

6. Canceling plans

Millenialov habit - the inability to say "no." This leads to the fact that in your schedule so many plans, how many do not have time to carry out by Alexander the Great. But it is better to refuse someone in the meeting, if you are not sure have time than to promise and then fail.

Nothing fatal has happened, and people certainly came into your position, but what if this meeting was very important to him? What if he was waiting for her, as the Chinese eat the passover? Involuntarily the cancellation of plans we always hear: "Other things more important to me than you." If you know what it is, it does not do so itself.

7 as amended and grammar-nazi

No wonder those who constantly teaches others how to speak, is called grammar-nazis, because these people - a real beast! Cause a person to experience the humiliation of a public or private, to hint at his rustic education, or simply cause irritation beneath the sky showing the levels of the intelligence - is it not evil?

If you do these, you know: in the best case, you're just going to annoy everyone, at worst - Given interlocutor bunch complexes, fear of judgment and, as a result, the reluctance to communicate with you.

8. Ask the woman about children

There is a legend that if a woman is constantly asking about marriage, sooner or later it will have a husband. So, with children the same situation. According to statistics, 7% of Russians consider themselves childfree - women who do not want a child to be considered a full-fledged life. Others can not have children for several reasons: career growth, the presence of diseases, unstable financial condition, or simply the lack of a partner. And if there are those who likes to remind others why his life is not centered around children, for others, this theme can be painful or beaten.