How can I get more pleasure out of life

Once standup comedian Louis C.k. spoke in an interview about his first flight in an airplane, equipped with Wi-Fi. The technology is impressive and he enjoyed it while reading the news. At some point, the Internet has broken down, and the man in the next seat momentarily upset, as if he had taken away the most important part of life. It sounds absurd. People constantly complain: "Our flight was delayed by 40 minutes! I had to miss because I could not do anything! ". As if we had forgotten that before people could not fly at all. We often forget how to be happy, so it is necessary to memorize the secrets of light and happy life.

1. Learn to listen to

How can I get more pleasure out of life

Listen to what people say, whether good or bad. Pleasant words make us more positive, not very nice - reminiscent of that in life there are dark days. Listen - it is to be enlightened. Only the good heart listens.

2. Put yourself in the place of others

It was the best advice in most situations for ages. However, people forget to keep that in mind. When someone else is in a terrible situation, we condemn it and say, "He did not need to do that," "It would be better if she did not do it." We talk as if experiencing the same thing and we know how to be better, but it is not. You can not know, what the tests faced by other people every day.

3. Do not judge

We're all imperfect, and sometimes do terrible things. Advise something - useful, but do not need to judge others. From this we are not perfect.

4. Learn to forgive others and yourself

Forgiveness - is not that what we give to others. We are doing it for yourself to find peace. Do not let your heart be filled with hatred and anger, it will kill you. Happy heart - a happy life.

5. Accept the fact that there is

There are things that we can not change or just afford. Just accept it. All we have designed the universe, will be given in due time.

6. Wait for your turn

The world is in chaos because of the people, who can not wait for their turn. They will do anything to get rid of anyone who stands in front of them, that's just life it does not work. We need to be patient - the rush and bustle of harm cases.

7. Accept setbacks and failures

How can I get more pleasure out of life

Failures - part of our lives. Do not blame others if you have a problem, do not blame the government that you are not rich, do not blame God if your life is problematic - because that's life. Instead, think about how to benefit from their failures.

8. Talk to friends and family

Sometimes we just need to talk. The problem that people expressed, half solved. The conversation can not completely solve all the troubles, but essentially shift the problem with space.

9. Accept help from others

You're not Superman, and there are things that you're just not in your power. You can always ask for help! You did not lose from this. Take care of others and do not forget to say thank you.

10. Trust Higher Powers

Universe controls you. Just need to follow the way things happen.