How not to spend their youth wasted

Millenialy are more prone to depression and an inability to resolve conflicts than other generations. This is indicated by studies conducted by the Social Science Research BDA. Because of the emotional stress they do not have time to do their work on time, work overtime, suffer because of this even more stress, and it becomes a vicious circle. Fortunately, you can break the cycle by adding new rules their lives. You should familiarize yourself with them if you do not want to think about 30 years that has spent most of his life completely in vain.


Have the courage to say, if something is not working.

How not to spend their youth wasted


Say what you must say, even if the others are afraid.

How not to spend their youth wasted


Look at yourself and ask, "If tomorrow I cease to grow, I'll be the person that I want to stay for the rest of your life?".

How not to spend their youth wasted


Decide that does not matter to you, and stop to invest in time and money.

How not to spend their youth wasted

5 Most often think about how you lived, if social networking did not exist, you would not have documented every step and did not see the glossy retouched photographs, which could be compared to itself.

6 Stop saying that you want to be in a relationship forever, and just be there. Your relationship with the second half - what you build, not what you're stuck. If you do not realize you're always be disappointed in a partner. 7

Stop over-react to everything.

How not to spend their youth wasted


Establishments topics of conversation that can not be reduced to a discussion of other people.

How not to spend their youth wasted


Stop worrying about what you are "fat". no one will say at your funeral, you're done, because all my life wearing size S.

How not to spend their youth wasted


We have one mouth and two ears so we listened and less talked more. Therefore, ask more questions to others instead of talking about himself.

How not to spend their youth wasted

11 Stop to represent that you have the most subtle and sophisticated view of things, try to be sensitive person.

12 Slow down. One of the most common regrets, which may occur after you knock 30, lies in the fact that you do not have time to enjoy the moment. I'm talking about just an opportunity: to make the morning a deep breath and enjoy a coffee, knowing that you are doing great with the chores.

How not to spend their youth wasted


Achievements do not change your life, in contrast to the habits.

How not to spend their youth wasted


Do not burn bridges. Learn to maintain friendships, relationships, work and parties.

How not to spend their youth wasted How not to spend their youth wasted


Learn how to be nice. This is the most powerful life hacking life, and yet many deliberately ignore it. Learn how to be nice to people, and you will get faster desired.

How not to spend their youth wasted

18 Live so that death was nothing to steal. Leave everything on the table. Do not hide your thoughts, love, creativity, do not postpone it to another day. 19 Live within your means. If you do not learn to do when you have some money, you can not do it, when they will be more. Well-earning people sometimes also live in debt and instability because they spend more than they can afford.

How not to spend their youth wasted

21Ctremis to the goal more than a momentary pleasure. Pleasure does not change your life for the better, it just makes the discomfort bearable.

How not to spend their youth wasted


Get rid of the illusion that the real life of the people shown in the Instagrame. This high-quality fake sketch.

How not to spend their youth wasted

23 Think about what makes you encourage bad habits. Whatever it was, it's a symptom of unmet needs. Think and feed this resource. So your external problems will be solved easier.

24 Admit that you are projecting their mistakes on others.

What do you like in people - that is what you like in yourself; you hate what you can not find in itself.


Learn to be happy now. If you do not know how it is, no work, no partner, no success, no travel, no money would not be as nice as all of them say. You can not save their own happiness, to throw it later. Either this is you now or not.