How to wake up in a good mood

We all have severe morning. Wake up by the alarm clock screaming and angry that you can not stay in bed a little longer. Boil all the stronger as going to the door. Putao laces, returns for his wallet, and every trouble threatens to turn your whole day into a catastrophe.

Even larks have to fight for it to stay positive in the morning. A study at the University of Warwick found that happy people are more productive. And from experience we also know that life becomes easier when we have a good feel. Before you go out the door, try these seven tactics to raise the mood of the morning.

1. Exercising

How to wake up in a good mood

Exercise makes you more energetic due to the release of endorphins - chemicals in the brain associated with mood improvement. Do you think that you do not have time for this? In fact, there is no need to drive yourself for an hour. A small set of exercises for 15 minutes - for example, a gentle stroll or a few asanas - help generate a lot of endorphins for a good mood.

2. Take a moment to meditate

Meditation works on stress relief. Paused to meditate, while their fees. University of California found that the awareness that arises during meditation, helps to reduce the production of stress hormones - cortisol. You can pray, read a mantra or sound noosphere their desires, and if you do not believe in a higher power - just sit in silence. Such a pause is necessary to do, when you're in a hurry to settle down and look at the new day with a smile.

3. a smile

How to wake up in a good mood

A smile stretched even have a positive effect on our emotions and reduces the level of perceived stress. According to the hypothesis due to the face, the brain interprets the bend of the facial muscles necessary to smile as a positive expression of emotion. The researchers found that participants reported experiences of happy thoughts while they are actively smiled. Therefore smile to interrupt morning melancholy.

4. Smell vanilla

Several studies that test the effect of odors on the emotional state showed that vanilla soothes and relaxes. Put the vanilla candle on the bedside table or buy vanilla shower gel. I have a vanilla bean is right in the sugar bowl, and in the morning I drink coffee with vanilla flavor.

5. Look at the photos of loved ones

How to wake up in a good mood

Studies at the University of South Hampton found an association between nostalgia and positive emotions: memories of moments when you feel love, trigger the brain to reproduce these emotions. To recall the happy times, the head of the phone a separate gallery for archival photos, Throw back their childhood photographs or stupid selfie with friends.

6. Eat carbohydrates

The use of good carbohydrates increases the levels of serotonin, the mood of the transmitter. Eat foods high in tryptophan, bananas, milk, yogurt, wheat, eggs, turkey, and nuts. Excellent quality ingredients for breakfast!

7. Sing a song

Now you have a scientific reason to sing in the shower. Studies show that singing enhances antibodies to improve immunity. Do not know how to sing? Not a problem. Do you have experience or not, it has no relation to the benefits and improve mood.