What to do if you feel that you go to the bottom

Life is like a marathon, the middle of which you stop and just lie there, lamenting that it has reached the next crisis. Not getting the desired, you feel frustration and stress, and it is very difficult to cultivate the motivation and inspiration on this basis. We have listed the 9 things you need to do right now, if you feel that you go to the bottom.

1. Put yourself a realistic goal of

What to do if you feel that you go to the bottom

The disappointment and a feeling as if life throws you back again and again, arises when you can not achieve its goals. Last - the result is not lucky star, and your high expectations. Learn to objectively assess their strength and set realistic goals, beginning with a small and strive for more. So you begin to feel what you're doing everything right, very soon, and then the bar can be raised.

2. Do not forget to reward yourself

Without receiving thanks for his work, you start to feel that your life completely pointless. When the sense of self-worth falls, you must remember that you can praise himself and herself. Even if you did not do everything exactly as planned, do not forget to reward yourself for your efforts. Positive emotions will best help disperse the feeling of impending disappointment.

3. Remember that all wrong

Psychologists say that error as such does not exist - our actions lead us to a certain point of life, where at the moment and we need to be. Any situation - it's a life lesson, and if you manage to correctly interpret the educational process of life, will attain happiness more quickly. Do not be afraid to lose, and stumble, because the action is much more valuable than inaction.

4. Do not cease to try to

If you feel that you go to the bottom, the most difficult - is to continue to struggle in the absence of results. But to start again for the umpteenth time is not stupid - that's what you did as a child, and what needs to be done now, when in front of you is not children's problems.

Even when at you full darkness thickened, and you can not find the strength to move, start small: do the cleaning, cook a meal, talk to your appearance. Such small steps can help to get out of his stupor, as their results are felt immediately.

5. Ask for help

Independence does not exclude the fact that sometimes you will need help from the outside. Shouldering on their shoulders an infinite number of duties, you will not stronger, but the physical and emotional exhaustion you provided. In order to succeed, you just need to cooperate with others. This does not mean that you can not handle itself, it shows that you are intelligent and wise not to bang your head against the wall, when you can do everything faster and easier.

6. Analyze your past

Do you often feel that life is throwing you from side to side? If so, then perhaps the problem is not life itself, but in how you look at it. Many people suffer from the fact that the focus is only on failures rather than to look for new opportunities.

7. Develop a plan

If you can not for a long time to reach its goal, the problem may be that your action plan is made unrealistic or no plan at all. If you have everything goes wrong and there is a feeling that you have nothing to not fit, then think: if you do not throw into the depths of events without adequate preparation? Stop, look back and analyze the situation of the past, and only on the basis of the findings to prepare an action plan in order not to err again.

8. Come to compare yourself with others

What to do if you feel that you go to the bottom

The feeling that you do not get what you want, often based on the fact that you look at the other and compare the achievements of others with his. If you look at the situation from this perspective, it seems that everything is reached of what passed, and you have nothing but disappointment. It is not necessary to challenge its success and to look at life as a competition with the images of other people who you are, most likely, simply far-fetched. Think only about what you need it at the moment, and look for their own ways of solving everyday problems perceiving the world as a decoration, not a landmark in your way.

9. Try something new

Doing the same thing over and over again, you lose your motivation and inspiration. Hence, there is a feeling that you're probably going backward than forward, or simply stuck in the absence of prospects. Try to change something in your life, start to do something new for a change. Fresh ideas will bring a new wave of enthusiasm that is different from the previous results, and you can restore faith in themselves and their abilities.