7 of the rules of women who earn a lot

Stories of many successful women read from the end, and it seems like a fairy tale, worthy of Cinderella, where all the miracles happened in one day. But when wealthy entrepreneurs begin to tell where they started, it becomes clear success - it is hard work that requires a healthy and developed habits over the years. We decided to tell you about the rules of 7 women who had earned his first million 40 years.

1. Money - not important

7 of the rules of women who earn a lot

According to the women surveyed, who earned his fortune to 40, the first and most important rule of success - not only strive to money. For any business should be based on the heart, no matter how cliché it may seem. For example, Lisa Cloud - sales director, designer and author, who earned his first state of 35, says the following:

The money was part of a global goal, and for the beginning I had to decide on a more complicated question: what is my calling? I do not focus only on the money, because I thought about the vision, about how to help people, and believed that all the rest just follow.

But Laura Itkin, founder of The Options Lady, said that its purpose was different:

Since childhood, I watched my mother financially dependent on men and what problems this brings dependence. Therefore, my main goal was not wealth as such, and financial freedom.

2. Know your weaknesses

As the creator of the brand Nasty Gal Sophia Amoruso, it is important not only to believe in yourself and be aware of their own strengths, but to be honest enough to admit weaknesses. In business, without it very difficult, as is often blind ambition. On my interviews potential employees often say the wrong things, which would be worth to speak of their weaknesses. For example, "I am - a perfectionist." I'm looking for people who would do a good job, but they need to understand, in what aspects of the work can stand. By creating your own business, it is important to analyze the negative aspects, to know which solutions to potential problems you need to consider.

3. Do not be afraid to invest

Wealthy people are united by one thing - the investment. Status is earned not on the economy and not to buy things, and the right investments. And this is a special kind of thinking, which, unfortunately, is not comprehended by all. To start, you need to think about investments as a safety net for the future. For example, Laura Itkin start your business with what has invested only $ 1600, which got it from his mother, in the development of the local store.

That contribution was the best decision I ever made. I realized that you can not depend on the salary which the employer provides. Instead, to make your life a little more comfortable, I put the money in the future. But it is not enough simply to save money. Once managed to save a certain amount, it is necessary to invest. Do not be afraid to invest in different sectors, not necessarily in the business: real estate, raw materials, jewelry, everything.

4. Do not overestimate the possibilities of

Learning while working - it is not always useful idea, because nothing should distract from the main occupation. If you aim to continue their education, get another degree, or to invest in skills development, should take into account the fact that Itkin calls the "opportunity cost", because the training is not given for free. If the training is put into question the work and earnings, but it will bring the financial prospects for the future - it's worth it, and if the work time does not remain, then you risk to get into debt. It is impossible to overestimate its capabilities, it is necessary to consider whether the cost of wasted time spending.

5. Reduce your needs

7 of the rules of women who earn a lot

Rich people do not buy everything you want, swimming in luxury. The cornerstone of their success - the ability to live simply.

Rather than buy a scarf from Hermes, an expensive car or visit the beauty salon, you can review their requirements. Clothing does not necessarily have to buy expensive brands, and the machine may not be urgent necessity, not to mention the fact that the hair can be dyed at home. Instead of unjustified expenditure is better to invest and finance appeared to double the state. When it comes to your personal business, you just have to change a lifestyle. Celebrate your victory afford to spend 20 thousand, if you earned 100.

Another important detail, according Itkin, lies in the fact that you can not spend the money set aside for business, for their personal needs. This is the first step towards the ruin, tested on personal experience.

6. The risk of

In business matters of risk is inevitable, but the risk must correctly. Lisa Cloud says that the main problem of entrepreneurs - the lack of a clear strategy and an action plan, because you can not just close your eyes and take a chance.

Many people blindly take risks without having a strategy of initial capital accumulation and goals. Of course, they will fail. I always advise businessmen have not only plan, but also the output circuit of the risk situation. Sometimes it implies the presence of additional income. I have done so for many years. Itkin advises not only be pragmatic, but also love this mad race under the name of "business." Big money is always associated with the risk of losing them, but if you start your business, you have to enjoy the constant race, realize that to create something new, to understand why, and to enjoy the process.

7. Do not give rise

The most dangerous thing for a rich man - to become a prisoner of his own ego and stop developing. The amazing feature of all successful women is that they do not cease to learn and think some more step to be taken, says Lisa Cloud.

You should not stop there. If you were able to start their own business and earn a lot of money, think about what type of project you start the next. Have several businesses at once - it is not only ambition, but also an excellent safety net if one of them will not survive long.