How to live happily ever after

Yuri Vizbor sang: "How do you want to live another hundred years, well, if not a hundred - at least half. And enough can fight on the grass, a little love and be loved. " A hundred years - a whole century, and not everyone will be able to overcome such a level purely genetically, as our duration largely depends on genealogy, especially on the maternal side. But even if you are not in the family was amazing longevity, do not despair, because there are ways to live longer, and most importantly - not just a long and happy life. Of course, you have pretty sweat, as well as for any other important and difficult life goals.

1. Do not listen to your private methods

How to live happily ever after

On the Internet and other media run stories from hundreds of centenarians who offer their unique techniques. And most of them contradict each other. Someone did not take in his mouth a drop of alcohol in my life, other daily drink a glass of wine. One does not eat salt, the other - the meat, and the third runs on 10 kilometers barefoot, and the fourth is standing on his head for 15 minutes a day. All this is very interesting, and such techniques you can try, but then, they are personal to approach someone personally. As soon as you try someone dolgozhitelsky advice immediately listen to your body. He uncomfortable without salt and tempering brings only cold and a bad mood? So, feel free to throw - these tips are definitely not for you, let them help to someone else.

2. Seek harmony and positive energy

You do not have to be an expert on yoga, meditation and NLP techniques to live to a ripe old age, but statistics is relentless: the more relaxed and more positive person, the more he lives. Of course, this is not a character trait or tendency, which can be changed by only one desire flick of the wrist.

Learn to enjoy life, to overcome the stress and find a deal to their liking - the three major tasks that require enormous energy investments.

But it will not just embedding of energy into something, and profitable investment: all the forces spent for the achievement of peace and happiness, will return to you tenfold (unless, of course, it all somehow can be quantified).

3. Presses brain and body

Our body - an amazing thing that by repeated heavy use not only wear, but only gets better and more powerful. The more we exercise the brain, develop memory, attention and mental acuity, the longer it will retain its activity and provide energy for other things. Well, about the usefulness of sports loadings know everything. For long-lived no matter what sport to engage (only chess does not count - it's a lesson for the brain!): Just walking, combined with daily walks, or sophisticated martial arts. The main thing is that these loads were regularly and constantly keeps the body active. As they say, is always ready!

4. Start the reliable friends

How to live happily ever after

Loneliness - the normal state for a man, but friends in life need even the most closed introverts. They need not be much, but regular communication with them beneficial effect on self-motivation and well-being. What is interesting, loved ones and family members can not be considered as friends, even though you're with them, of course, also make friends. This is a somewhat different social formation, which also has a positive effect on life expectancy and quality, but different. No family can live a happy life, if it is a conscious choice, but without cronies do it much more difficult.

5. to have sex

Where the same without him! Maybe now you think that sex has nothing to do with old age, to which you aspire. Like as if and do not want - but it is a false assumption. Sex is useful at any age, if he brings joy and pleasure. No aspect of the psychological and physical well-being, which is not fed by using sexual energy, so that love, be loved and have fun with your partner. At the same time, and lengthen his life!

6. Watch your body

Money loves account, and your body likes to be controlled. Already with 20 years should begin to have regular checkups and keep track of their health: heart, digestive system, blood, brain, teeth - and even better comprehensive examination. So you'll know what it is worth paying attention to the age and how to form the diet correctly. Speaking of diet. When it comes to longevity, the nutrition usually remembered primarily because half the tips of longevity is related to nutrition. But in fact, for a healthy diet advice only one: eat healthy food suitable for your body and taste. Do you like meat? Good. You do not like seafood and vegetables? Look for, what to replace them. It costs only once in a lifetime to go to a dietitian, so he picked up your diet with the full content of vitamins, proteins, carbohydrates and minerals from the foods that you really like.

7. Be in tune with young people

Generations follow each other faster and faster. If earlier the difference of 10 years have not felt too keenly, now already in people younger than myself 5-6 years look as aliens from another planet. To live longer, need not be confined to the cozy little world of saying: "In the past everything was better." Retrouvlecheniya and old attachment - it's good. But the soul was young, should strive to understand how young people live and breathe, not to treat it with skepticism. Try to divide the interests of those who are much younger than you - perhaps you, too, something like it, and you'll be sorry, that did not understand this before!