7 ways to overcome social phobia

Social phobia is often confused with introversion. Introverts - people who are alone much more comfortable than in the company. All things to do and the work they prefer to do solo, but it did not shy away from parties and friendly get-togethers, while seeking to be the center of attention. It is often caused by introversion usual shyness. Social phobia is in the company of other people feel very uncomfortable, sometimes nausea, trembling and stuttering. Trying to make a new acquaintance becomes for them to torture and painful reflection after the release into society presents many sleepless nights.

Not necessarily social phobia is a psychological syndrome that requires treatment. Sometimes it appears in any of the periods of our life, simply because change any of the terms. The advent of easy social phobia can trigger a move, some difficulties in family or private life, major failure or just growing up. In adolescence, this social phobia almost does not occur, but as soon as the hormones cease to "develop extraversion", it can bring a lot of unpleasant moments.

We will please you: with a social phobia can and should fight, if it really causes you any inconvenience. This is not a sentence and not an unambiguous property of the person, which is not subject to change.

1. Move the spotlight

7 ways to overcome social phobia

The people who are faced with a phobia of society, painfully suffer when focused on itself, this fear and all the smallest details that can go wrong. Social phobia can be repeatedly scrolled head unfortunate scenario of a social event, so that by the time of its occurrence are inflated and nervousness to the limit. It is necessary to shift the focus of attention to the surrounding objects. Once you find yourself in a situation where you feel social discomfort, switch to the visual elements of the environment. What color are the walls in the room as is the furniture, what kind of clothes worn on each of the people? As long as you pick a word to describe it all, and use the memory to remember, the brain does not remain resources for concern.

2. Tune in to positive

There are many techniques that set us on a good footing: meditation, breathing exercises, affirmations, visualization, NLP ... You can not bother with a recess in the discharge the same, but just every once in a difficult situation, try to play the role of a person who is covered with positive emotions. No need to choose the right all the positive emotions that you know it is false. Will effectively do so: analyze their own feelings and tell me what emotion feeling right now. Uncertainty? Nervousness? Excitement? Fear? Select emotion that exactly the opposite of what you are experiencing - and get used to the role.

Our brains are quite docile in nature, which is why there is an expression: "It was lying, that he convinced himself." It is no exaggeration "to trick the brain" is really possible.

3. Relax

As soon as you relax mentally, pay attention to your physical condition. A person who is experiencing anxiety. Tense muscles, back prisognuta, arms raised, hands sometimes tremble. Make an effort and relax all muscles of the body, straighten and expand the shoulders. Our physical condition is often directly controls our mind, so that you just can not sit in a relaxed position and at the same time to panic. While you wait for your offensive involvement in social interaction, take the physical bringing myself up at least a couple of minutes. Anxiety - is the main element of any phobias, including social. We do not experience anxiety when we meet with a frightening object, and when we feel the possibility of the meeting. So the main task of social phobia - as often as possible to relax just before the meeting with the people, then the communication itself will take place "at low speed," without unnecessary nervousness.

4. Be yourself

Maybe you're really not a great orator and soul of the company - it is your right. Do not try to seem to be what you are not, to make a good impression on the company. If you have a social phobia, such behavior will only hurt you.

Treat yourself with self-irony. All people make mistakes, behave in absurd and occasionally talk nonsense. If at a meeting with other people you will be quiet or do silly things, no one will blame you and not remember how ridiculous personality. In fact, people are so fixated on his communication that poorly stored faults of others.

5. exercise more

7 ways to overcome social phobia

The method, which may initially be most unpleasant - is relentless practice in social activity. Treatment for phobias with clash that same phobia in many cases justified. Although if you are afraid of angry gorillas, then this method will not work.

The most important thing - to withstand the first few "sessions". Take on themselves trusted friends or relatives, who, if necessary, will give you a feeling of comfort and confidence. When you see several times that "came out" and nothing bad happened to you, then each following a clash with the society will be all the easier and easier.

6. Turn off the imagination of

Imagination - a great gift that is priceless for many of our actions and situations in life, but not for social intercourse. As soon as we begin to fantasize that we might think about people that might happen and how could develop further action - even the most seasoned social extroverts can come up with a situation in which there will be only hide in a corner and weep bitterly. Leave the difficult situations for specific things and think too specifically. As soon as you begin to enter into metaphysical jungle, so immediately occupy himself by some act or talk.

7. Ask questions

People like to be about something ask. Once you feel awkward or self-doubt because of the silence, be sure to ask a question. Just do not bombard them a man can ask softly and gently, and then he himself will start a conversation that will lead anywhere. Do not be afraid of pauses, as responsible for their appearance does not lie on your shoulders.

The most effective technique - ask the person about something not too specific, that is, ask a question whose answer can not be given in one word. As long as the source is responsible for this task, you can take a breath and to cope with the excitement. Question - is a kind of a secret weapon in the event of an emergency, if the society or its individual members priprut you to the wall.