What can you eat for the snow-white smile?

Healthy teeth provide health almost all the rest of the body. It is a kind of barrier that will not allow "sores" in our digestive system and internal organs. color shade of healthy teeth can be quite dark, and many people are hesitant to bleaching treatments with chemicals, so as not to upset the delicate balance in the mouth. The so-called "whitening toothpaste" can not give a serious effect, and some types can even harm the enamel. So is there any way to get a Hollywood smile without a trip to the dentist? There is! Maybe white would not be as radiant as after Photoshop in the magazine, but a few shades lighter teeth still will, if you change your daily menu in favor of certain products. Think of it as a kind of natural cosmetics.


What can you eat for the snow-white smile?

All varieties of strawberries and strawberries contain malic acid, which is a natural bleach. Therefore, these berries are often found in recipes of home bleaching compositions with salt and soda. These recipes we do not recommend that you use as a salt and soda can damage enamel and gums improve sensitivity, but the berries themselves - a great and useful snack that with regular use significantly lighten the teeth. Only there should be fresh berries instead of putting them in a pie or compote. When bleaching temperature impact properties strawberry taper off.


All citrus fruits have a complex slabodeystvuyuschih acids, which also eventually lighten the tooth enamel: pectin, ascorbic, citric. They are also able to slowly dissolve the tartar if it was formed not so long ago. Besides eating fruits themselves, you can still make an incision in a bright portion and a crust rubbed her teeth further. So natural whitening will go even faster.


What can you eat for the snow-white smile?

My favorite product of all losing weight has a number of beneficial properties in addition to its "negative calorie". It cleanses the mouth cavity, not only from plaque but also the majority of bacteria. If the dark color of tooth enamel caused by bacterial accumulation is, as it happens very often, it is best celery you find nothing! Keep in mind that although the food are all part of the plant and they are all very useful for bleaching best suited succulent stems and foliage plants, not the roots.


We used to think that it is best suited for a carrot carotene. Good vision and orange color, if it is to eat too much - these are the main association. Useful properties of carrots are not limited to this. It affects the salivary gland, activating their work so that the mouth begins more effective cleaning, and significantly improves the microflora. As is the case with most fruits, vegetables and berries - for such stimulation carrot is better to eat raw and grated, and crispy and rigid as it is.

Milk and yogurt

What can you eat for the snow-white smile?

Milk, natural unsweetened yogurt and some other dairy products contain a large amount of calcium, which is essential for our bones and teeth. In addition, they strengthen gums, so - have a positive impact on the entire oral cavity as a whole. Whitening effect from a single dairy product consumption is small, but if you combine them with other brightening enamel products, then they will work fine together.

Apples and pears

Solid varieties of pears and sour apples not only a great snack, but also a good natural bleach. They have a lot of malic acid, which lightens the teeth and mikroveschestva breath freshening or eliminating halitosis. In addition, they are useful for digestion in general. Choosing the right variety, look at the color of apples and pears: what they are firmer and greener, the more acidic. And what they are acidic, the more necessary to us malic acid contained in the fruit.


What can you eat for the snow-white smile?

Almost all kinds of cabbage are similar to each other in taste and properties, but broccoli is a bit aloof. The reason is that it can make teeth brighter and darker remove plaque, which they appeared. Cabbage or cauliflower cope with this only if you eat them fresh or pickled form, but broccoli retains bleaching properties and after heat treatment.

Cheese durum

Almost all of the products referred to us - it is healthy snacks, but there is a rich dish, which has a positive effect on the color of the teeth. This is all kinds of cheese durum, which contain a lot of calcium, as well as other dairy products, but also clean the mouth and strengthen gums. To feel the cheese effect on the enamel tint, one sandwich a day will not be enough - need at least 100 grams, without mixing with other products. That is part of the cheese in casseroles or grated parmesan on top of the paste are not considered.


What can you eat for the snow-white smile?

Nuts are both one of the most terrible enemies of the teeth, and one of the most effective helpers to strengthen the gums and bleaching the enamel. The enemy will be nuts if they split the shell teeth and forget to clean the mouth floss or rinse after use. But if you do not, but at least 2-3 times a week to eat 150-200 grams of any nuts except peanuts, the teeth become lighter, the gums will become stronger and even increase immunity.


Just because there are not going to bow, too much smell after this characteristic. Thermally processed onions is also out because of it evaporate desired whitening acid. That is why it is rarely used as a natural teeth whitener. And very much in vain, because it is one of the most effective means. Make it work to its fullest, try using fresh sweet varieties of onions in salads. Odor and bitterness is not as positive effect - the same as that of conventional and onions.