30 simple habits that will make life better

To change something in yourself is always difficult, especially if it goes against your usual behavior. But without it, sometimes not enough. So for many the road to happiness is paved with painful changes. And until we break the spear in the fight for global improvement of a favorite, there are many mini-habits, which can also make life a little more pleasant, healthier and better. Even for just a little. In the end, it is in the details, not only the devil, but also simple everyday happiness.

To acquire habits of our "hot-thirty," do not have to torture yourself for weeks to train, encourage and punish. Enough to do it once - and you'll see how easy it is.

1. Spend more time standing

30 simple habits that will make life better

Each of the iron we hear the advice that we need to move more. In the world of computers, office work and questionable weather outside is not so easy to do. Yet smotiviruesh yourself wander through the puddles or ice instead of a trip on a warm bus, climb the stairs with very heavy bags or jump rope on the fifth floor with cardboard walls. But it is more - much easier. Talk on the phone, winding laps around the room, read the news feed, frozen pillar of salt in your favorite chair, try to write on the desk or a high stand. Balzac did so - and there is so much wonderful novels created. Just do not eat standing advise, because the joke, "there was a big climbs" the truth is much more than we would like.

2. Smile at her reflection in the mirror

Try to love your body and face. Sounds are not always easy, because there are always little things that young people are dissatisfied. But to dwell on them is not necessary.

Locate your every alleged lack of two positive aspects.

Just do not cry the blues, they are definitely a lot more, because the girl's charm is made up of little things. Spicy mole on his cheek, a dimple in his chin or a cute little ears are able to fascinate many men, so why not enjoy these features, not paying attention to the shortcomings?

3. Study the examples to follow the

Are there people in the world, where would you like to be like? Surely there are, in fact, you can admire almost anything - from the way of dressing to heroic deeds. Examine the biographies and interviews of prominent and famous people who are nice to you. If, however, in the circle of your communication have friends or relatives, on which you would like something to be like, be sure to ask them about the life path. Such advice is more useful than a thousand abstract secrets of success from people that you care about.

4. Plan ahead

30 simple habits that will make life better

The American proverb says: "The most stupid pencil sharper than the sharpest memory." So do not be lazy to pre-record lists for the coming day, so as not to miss anything by accident. Keep a diary or use special applications. In a world where so much information, no lists just can not do.

5. Get rid of excess

At least once a month to conduct an inventory and get rid of all junk and unnecessary things that you do not use for a long time - and then do not use them ever. It is certainly not about a set for cleaning sanitary ware, which we hope will never need, but who knows what. We are talking about everyday things that many of the old Soviet habit, assimilated by moms and dads keep on the safe side. Old clothes, toys, dust bags and other stuff of varying degrees dilapidated can give to those who really need it. For example, on their respective websites or in groups in social networks. And you will have room for something new and free space.

6. Daily analyze their actions

Every day before going to sleep analyze just passing day. To do this, you can keep a diary, you can simply scroll through the events in memory. What a pleasant and useful you are done for the day? What was he like? What would you have done differently? Learning from their mistakes, even the smallest, we gradually find the optimal way of being. It is possible that a year after the start of the analysis you will regularly "receive" the days that you are totally and completely satisfied.

7. Do morning exercises

30 simple habits that will make life better

Yes, this is also one of the tips that have heard everything and everyone. However, we note that charging can give yourself an indulgence. If you wake up in the morning especially hard, do a simple children's exercises or stretching straight up in bed. It is also considered! Get used to this legkotne, and on and will want something pobodree.

8. Always carry a notebook

Notebook, notebook, diary, notes on your phone - no matter in what form you are used to post the information itself notes, as long as a tool for them was always at hand. Write down everything that comes to mind - new challenges, interesting books, quotes, interesting comparisons that come to mind, phone numbers, and just all sorts of stuff. A couple of months it will not be just a tool, but also a very interesting artifact and guide your life.

9. Meet new people

Yes, meeting new people - it is also a habit. Crank yourself a new friend at least once a week. So you expand your horizons, learn a lot and pump social skills. Whether you will become best friends and then never see. The main thing - to force the new communion. By the way, online dating is also considered, but only if they are in general less than the "live".

10. breaks the cycle of routine

30 simple habits that will make life better

Lists and planning - it is certainly good. But do not forget to occasionally break the habitual course of life and do something unexpected, unplanned, spontaneous. Boat trip, dinner at a fancy restaurant, a party with a mass of strangers - and why not?

11. Read fiction

For work or school over and over we read specific and business literature, but also because there are articles in magazines and online publications. So many things to read ... make time for a good novel or interesting stories are not so easy, but it is a very good habit. If nauchpop special literature or improve our knowledge of the works of art to improve our heart and feelings. And learn from them a lot, you can too.

12. Walk for physicians

Turn into a hypochondriac, and spend days in the clinic, of course, it is not necessary. But at least once a year you need to carry out a full examination. You can not in one "set", and by parts. In January - dentist, in February - an endocrinologist ... To go to the doctors - not an occupation for old people, it is better to enter it into a habit from an early age. So no sore will not be able to catch you off guard.

13. Learn the history of the family

30 simple habits that will make life better

When you have free time, porassprashivat relatives about your family history. You can even make a family tree - I wonder how far you will be able to trace their relatives? So you not only will not be entangled in various grandmothers three times removed, but also learn many interesting things. Especially from older relatives.

14. Give gifts without cause

New Year, Birthday, February 23 ... If you give gifts only on major holidays, they will be similar to the duties. Teach yourself to please loved ones spontaneous gifts. After all, you probably know what they like and want. So everyone will be happy. By the way, this is a very "contagious" habit, so do not be surprised if it soon someone will take over you, and you already get a gift.

15. Help others

We are sure that you are already helping everyone who asks for help. However, not necessarily wait until someone asks. Offer your help in advance. So you can really help a lot of good people, especially if they are embarrassed to ask for a similar service. And if nothing will help, you just improve its reputation and pass for a sensitive and caring person.

16. Put the alarm for 30 minutes earlier than necessary

30 simple habits that will make life better

You know very well how much time you need for a morning shower, breakfast and tax for school or work. Your morning time is scheduled to the minute. But is it really necessary? Try to set the alarm half an hour earlier - and you will have 30 minutes of free time that can be spent both efficiently and on a pleasant nonsense for a good mood, which is so often lacking in the gloomy morning.

17. Do not communicate with the "energy vampires"

If a person exhausts you, you minimize your contact with them. The blessing is now in the court of the age of high information technologies, and even with a colleague not necessarily communicate directly. Work chat, instant messenger or e-mail - and now drank your strength you are not afraid of people.

18. Trust the solution of problems to professionals

Every day we are faced with so many little things that we have to decide that it is not necessary to multiply their number. You are free to sew a button and clean the coat of the cat's fur, but for quality inconspicuous patches it is better to give in the studio, and for cleaning stains from coffee - to the dry cleaners. The same experts will help cope with chronic depression or disorder in a relationship.

19. Hone mind

30 simple habits that will make life better

The brain - a kind of muscle. Not in the literal sense, of course, but it needs to keep on our toes, to think quickly. Solve puzzles, puzzles and crosswords, and if they do not like, then look good humor transfer or read jokes. Yes, yes, "wit" without reason called that way. With a good sense of humor and its constant stimulation of the mind is really becoming acute.

20. Learn relaxation techniques

If meditation or yoga you seem a waste of time, it does not mean that the relaxation is not for you. You need to know at least one relaxation technique that will help you in difficult times. You are sure to find their own, if you look for. Aromatherapy, massage, recreation or even sex - dozens of options.

Here are just watching TV shows with a pack of ice cream, lounging on the couch, not a relaxation.

21. Limit the information noise

Falls on us as much new information as headaches and chronic fatigue over the past 10 years have been distributed in more than 2 times as wide. Even if you are good at digesting all these information flows, it is better not to wait for indigestion and advance their limit. Highlight special time to test all the new arrivals, reading materials, video views, and funny lion on the Internet. For example, 15 minutes at the end of each hour.

22. Start saving money

30 simple habits that will make life better

Pig-piggy is perfect for saving money on a bike or a new doll, but they are older and it's time to think about serious savings. Of course, it is not necessary to put teeth on the shelf, putting half the salary. Even if your earnings are small, you can always defer from them in the last month one or two thousand. And it is from 12 to 24 thousand a year. Quite a good amount! And this is the bare minimum.

23. Communicate with the nature of

Each person needs some fresh air. Even if you are fanatically devoted to the concrete jungle and do not see any charms travushkah-muravushkah and birches, outdoor recreation is still needed. After all, electronic gadgets has not been canceled. Imagine how wonderful pictures can be done to instagrama?

24. Do not make debt

Make it a rule to borrow only in case of extreme need. Credits, loans, friendly support to paycheck - all these obligations, which hang heavy load. Try financial plan its own budget, and then to occupy never have.

25. Weigh each purchase

30 simple habits that will make life better

We are not talking about a literal weighing product on the scale and on the metaphysical. In other words, before you pay for something that you really want, visualize how much you need this thing. What happens if you do not buy it? Can there be a more profitable options in the near future? Have you studied all the proposals, in order not to be trapped? Finally, do not get bored if you this thing a couple of weeks, maybe better to wait? Of course, such an analysis is not necessary to spend on each carton of milk, but large purchases definitely need to consider to "sober" head.

26. Get a "manual" hobby

Work with your hands - a natural need of every human being. If you already have a number of different hobbies, check if any of the active and passive hobbies anything where you need to do something hands himself. If the answer is no, then it's time to think about it. By the way, it may become your relaxation technique!

27. Learn the top 5 simple recipes

Even if you do not like to cook, you need to learn a method of preparing at least 5 simple and quick meals that are nutritious and tasty. Thousands of recipes, you just have to try a couple of dozen of those that liked and eventually find their top 5. Why so many? Very easy - so much dinner on a standard working week. And over the weekend, and you can go somewhere.

28. Listen to the lecture

30 simple habits that will make life better

No one is interested not teach you something new, as a specialist in their field. By the way, the lectures can not only listen, but also to look at the video or even walk on them live. Lectures to interested students usually much more interesting university, since it is not limited by any regulations.

29. Be alone with a

Set aside a little time each day to be alone with him. No matter what you do in the moment, the main thing that no one will interfere. The need for solitude have even the most inveterate extrovert. If you take care in a timely manner to satisfy this requirement, you will not be bored in the company of others.

30. Eat berries

On our table a lot of vegetables and fruits, but about the berries, we often forget. They trace the mass of vitamins and nutrients that are not found in fruits and vegetables. Of course, in winter a good fresh berries is not always easy to get, but it will be useful and berries frozen in a home Morse, compote or cake. The only exception - the tomato. He, too, berry, but is not suitable for this habit.