How to beat chronic fatigue syndrome

After a long day of work and a busy evening is absolutely normal to feel squeezed like a lemon. Another thing, if fatigue haunts throughout the day, although no complex cases is not expected. Chronic fatigue syndrome is characterized by the fact that even a rest period of several days can not help to get rid of it. So after the weekend people with such syndrome goes to work not only refreshed, but even more exhausted.


How to beat chronic fatigue syndrome

First you need to make sure that you have a really syndrome of chronic fatigue, and not the usual accumulated fatigue. It should be completely free weekend and spend it not in the household chores, and the favorite, and relax to the fullest. If it is necessary to check at the presence of other symptoms when it does not have the feeling of freshness and vitality.

Chronic fatigue is characterized not only by low motivation, weakness and apathy. In this syndrome, decreased concentration and markedly deteriorates memory (memory until the appearance of small-flops), increases anxiety and nervousness. As a general rule, a person is constantly in a state of stress, restless sleep with difficulty waking in the morning - sore and sluggish. All this at the same time is a symptom of a number of diseases - such as thyroid disease or vegetative-vascular dystonia, so it makes sense to conduct medical diagnosis and check to see if the cause of the disease prior to treatment fatigue syndrome possible.

Once you are sure that it is unpleasant condition caused by chronic fatigue syndrome, do not hold your breath waiting to get rid of him complex methods.


We will not mention that to eat regularly, varied and balanced - it is a common recommendation is applicable to any person, at any time, which everyone knows and so. Take for example the situation that people with chronic fatigue syndrome and trying so hard to eat right. What can be done with the diet in such a case to defeat fatigue?

First and foremost, it is necessary to add to the menu more foods high in iron. The lack of this element in the body leads to constant tiredness, and if it becomes critical - it will develop anemia, in which fatigue is almost impossible to get rid of. Women especially often suffer from iron deficiency, because during the critical days to lose a certain amount of blood, and the body over and over again have to make up for the loss. Products with iron - a liver, buckwheat, sour apples, pomegranates, mushrooms, parsley, rye bread.

The second thing you need to buy a vitamin complex and take it as instructed. Complex need not be as complete as possible. To combat fatigue useful zinc, selenium, magnesium, vitamin B complex, A and E, and ascorbic acid. This is especially important during the cold season, when our body receives less vitamins through fresh berries and fruits.

Finally, forget about any diet for weight loss, but to you personally drawn to a dietician.

Even if you eat a diet hearty and load up enough, this power can not be sufficiently diverse, so you will not receive any trace. Chronic Fatigue Syndrome because this could get worse.

Overeating is also bad effect (and not even for the natural reason that you'll feel guilty and potyazhelevshy). After too heavy meal organism throws all forces at its digestion and like "becomes dormant 'without receiving sufficient energy.

Water treatments

Baudry during the day will help cool or douches - depending on the time of year. A quick shower for 3-4 minute can take up to 3-4 times a day, and it will not only not harmful, but also useful. Use with shower gel optionally be important only as to massage itself strong jet of water, and then towel dry grind themselves. This procedure helps you stay in good shape due to the fact that the blood begins to circulate more quickly.

Before going to bed the same time every 3-4 days is useful to take a warm bath with salt or oil. You can arrange themselves in it an aromatherapy session, just choose a relaxing and sharp flavors, to make it easier to fall asleep after that.

Mini training

How to beat chronic fatigue syndrome

The benefits of physical activity, too, have heard everything, but here we are not talking about the general need to move and exercise, and a mini-workout to help stay awake during the day.

Set a timer or alarm clock and every one and a half hours interrupted for fizkultminutku - mini-break for 2-3 minutes to do a simple exercise, stretch or exercise. Particularly useful it would be to do the exercises for the cervical spine, so that is where are located the vessels that nourish the blood, the brain and are responsible for our sense of fatigue. Rotate the head, make tilts back and forth, from side to side. You do not need much to strain or delay the exercise.

For the rest fizkultminutok be useful simple basic exercises: squats, lunges, swings his arms and legs, bending or squeezing. Even vigorous step in place for a couple of minutes to raise your energy level.

In general, if the opportunity allows, you should set aside some time and a more intense exercise. You do not need much to strain and choose something physically exhausting. You can do yoga, pilates, or breathing exercises. In the end, the approach and the usual daily walk in the fresh air - but without any distractions.


There are many natural remedies that can help deal with chronic fatigue syndrome. They can be divided into 2 types: invigorating to be taken in the morning, and soothing to help you better rest - they need to eat before going to bed.

Refreshing infusions and decoctions of herbs - hop cones, hawthorn fruit, herb St. John's wort, strawberry, horsetail, plantain, yarrow, ginseng, Siberian Ginseng, Echinacea, lemongrass Chinese, Rhodiola rosea, licorice and aloe. Soothing - it's mint, motherwort, lavender, valerian, oregano, chamomile. Of all of these components can be made alcoholic extracts (raw handful to 1 cup of alcohol, to insist in a dark place for 2 weeks), add them to 1 hour. L. a glass of warm water and drink 2 times a day. You can also prepare a decoction by boiling for 3 tbsp. l. raw material for 2 cups of water for 20-30 minutes. and eating warm during the day.