12 skills that will make life easier

Our life and our happiness consist of a huge number of factors that can not be calculated, and to paint in any, even the most thick book. Even the definition of happiness is deeply individual and different people have radically different. On the other hand, there are universal skills and needs, which will be useful to anyone, and will greatly simplify life, easing the way for internal and external comfort, so - one step closer to happiness.

1. Communication

12 skills that will make life easier

The man, anyway - a social being. Chat accounts, even if you are working or studying from home, and order products via the Internet. Therefore, in your power to make communication more enjoyable and painless, even if you are an inveterate introvert, if not the people do not like.

Sure and easy communication both in work and in personal matters is possible only with continued practice. And practice is the immediate need - to deal precisely with these types of people with whom you often reduces fate. Training on cats or in the virtual space will not be useful. And to the first "training" took place with a greater degree of confidence, read books on popular psychology. However, a broad smile, confident voice and eye contact your smooth out any possible errors.

2. Public Speaking

Oratory - the ancient cultural stratum, which is being studied in many universities as an independent discipline with its own history and traditions. Ordinary person, of course, such details to anything. You just have to learn how to speak in front of an audience and convey to her my thoughts. Again, here it is all about practice. Here are just a rush out of the air in the open sea of ​​rhetoric should not be.

lucky units can pick up the microphone and immediately cope with an audience of several dozen people.

Start from afar: first be trained to make presentations to friends and relatives. They are prompt, in what may be your mistakes, and practice will give you confidence. Then go to a small unfamiliar audience. Good help can be the preparation rollers For YouTube, a joint performance with someone more experienced, and traditional university seminars and presentations.

3. Foreign Languages ​​

Now you will not manage without the English language, although the smart technology and simplified to a large extent most of the transfers. However, the learning of foreign languages ​​has always been and will remain a useful skill that will expand your capabilities and not only cultural or work. The more languages ​​you know, even in fragments, the easier it is to find the relationship between them, catching quotes and references in books and films, to pump your own intellect in general.

Dare: learning languages ​​is widely presented as literature, and interactive materials. Train a little basic foreign language (it is most convenient, of course, English), look at it your favorite TV shows and read interesting foreign bloggers. And in a couple of take it any sibling, not too exotic - such as French, German or Italian. If you feel after a while that the language - this is your theme, you can easily fill up your arsenal and something more complex and bizarre.

4. Self-study

12 skills that will make life easier

There is no better teacher than ourselves. No university, compulsory program and the school will not replace us our own interests and curiosity. But the self-study - is a technology that should be applied to each person individually. Someone better perceive information on hearing, and he needs an experienced speaker, mentor, someone easy to teach new in books and movies, and some little understood, yet does not do it with his own hands. Finding the perfect learning plan for yourself takes a long time, but it is an exciting experience, because we are self-study only what we are really interested in and need.

5. The financial control and time management

Time management and personal budget management written thousands of volumes that is so important this topic is for the modern man. It should not be superspetsialistom and thoroughly understand both the issues, to make their lives easier. It is enough to be able to calculate their own finances, to delay the accumulation, counting amount of purchases, interest on financial transactions and their profitability. No one wants to "tempting" for hype loan or credit in the end flew a lot of money, and the salary is not enough for food. It is the same with time - it is absolutely the same resource, which must be able to dispose of. Lack of money and lack of time - the phenomenon of the same order. One has only once to bring them back to normal, and not to waste as it will become a habit.

6. Rest

It is ironic, but rest and relax, too, should be able to. If after a weekend spent on the couch watching TV, do not you feel a pleasant languor, and easy shame that this holiday is not for you. Look for a variety of options, try something new and do not hesitate to experiment. However, also feel free to lie on the couch with a book or a TV series, if this is the kind of rest helps you gain strength for the coming week. However it is better to alternate between passive and active recreation - and then, both will be "sweeter" and richer.

7. Self-discipline

In early childhood, my mother woke us to school, helped to collect clothes and briefcase, checking homework and prepare delicious meals. In adulthood, we are our own mums and have to force myself to do even those things that are not desirable.

It should be only a few times too lazy and leave everything to the last minute, if not move on tomorrow, as it will become a habit.

A series of outstanding and do something like cases will rise, reluctance to deal with them too. Not to fall into the vicious circle of laziness, you need to motivate yourself. Someone uses for this promotion, someone - a punishment. A very effective method is to "look into the future." Once you are facing a dilemma, to do something or not to do, imagine how it will affect you in the future, with all the colors. If you want to postpone the work until the last, then imagine what a week will rake in a lather of paper, but also be sure to break the Internet or turn off the light, as you will have a talk with the chief and blushing with embarrassment. If you come up to eat chocolate cake in the middle of a diet, then imagine your figure with excess weight, and then a slender and graceful, if you will keep on doing so.

8. Teamwork

12 skills that will make life easier

Many of us work well on their own, but it can not interact with other people to accomplish a common task. However, it is common efforts are the most effective in addressing many of the issues, even if you are sure, that alone would have made everything perfect. The team not only helps to look at each problem from different angles, but also to distribute the load, reduce the execution time actions to efficiently use the strengths of each. Do not be afraid to ask for help to the team, not to turn in on themselves and think about the problem in general. The more you communicate with other members of the team, the better.

9. The organization and planning of

It is important to learn how to set specific goals and then in detail to paint, how you will reach them. Do not think that this is only a working skill - goals can be in personal life and in the hobby, and in any other sphere. It is important to imagine a goal as specifically as possible, to paint to the smallest of steps its implementation, and then subsequently perform these steps. Organized person always knows what he wants to do next. To improve personal scheduling, it is desirable to immediately add time limits and deadlines for their to-do lists. So the problem does not remain suspended in the air to an uncertain future.

10. Critical Thinking

Positive thinking - a very powerful motivating thing, however, without a certain amount of critical thinking, it risks becoming a "rose-colored glasses" that will someday be ruthlessly broken or zavedut us to a dead end. Critical thinking helps us a little to doubt everything that we see, hear and perceive.

Because in today's world a lot of different information, this skill will be very useful.

Check back information, search for evidence, put into question and are always exploring options. This is the path to success.

11. Empathy

If we learn how to put yourself in the other person, that the majority of conflicts and difficult situations with other people can be avoided. Never too late to start to exercise empathy, even to longtime acquaintances or relatives. If we imagine a different person, you will not only understand why my mother is angry with you for infrequent calls, but also to find a way how to negotiate with the man and soothe him.

12. Rethinking

12 skills that will make life easier

At the end of a long and eventful day is very helpful to think about everything that happened in it for. You do not need to worry about all the events emotionally or think about their future implications. It is enough to imagine other variants of development of events, which depend on your actions. Have you properly done? What gives you that choice? Can this be done better? The more we analyze their own actions, the higher the chance that the next time a similar situation we will act quickly and efficiently.