How to return to normal life after the birth of a child

Recovery after birth - a critical process, which does not look like a vacation. Almost fantastic images moms celebrities appearing on the red carpet in a couple of weeks after giving birth and looking totally irresistible - is not something that should be guided, postrodovoy experiencing stress. Of course, the desire to return to the familiar life and again become a first-class mistress and wife commendable, but do not forget that every organism is experiencing a recovery in their own way, so we decided to make for you a detailed guide to the return of the daily balance.

Physical Health

During pregnancy and during childbirth a woman's body goes through major changes related to intense physical and psychological stress, lots of stress, hormonal changes and the vulnerability of the body to all sorts of diseases. That is why the first thing you should pay attention - this is on how quickly your body recovers.

1. Sleep

How to return to normal life after the birth of a child

The first and most important in the recovery process - this is a dream. With the advent of the child's worries become more and time to sleep - less. In the first week you should not think about returning to work and the maintenance of the household, as you just need the strength to ensure that the body does not drive in even greater stress. Doctors recommend sleeping with your baby at the same time to recuperate faster and stay alert for longer in the future.

2. Taking care of the perineal area

Despite the fact that in modern medicine, there are enough ways to reduce pain and problems during delivery, this process is still a painful and requires extra care for the perineal region, particularly in the case of episiotomy. Be prepared for the fact that the first time you can not go anywhere for a long time, as your genitals will need more attention. Recurrent pain can get in the way for the return to sexual life and even more so, to training. All you need - it is quiet, easy access to water and, of course, the advice of doctors.

3. Symptoms

Increased attention needs to be not only the sexual organs, but also everything that is connected with your body - sudden bleeding, pain in the chest or crotch, as well as dizziness and other problems can be a cause of infection. If you want to restore the process went as quickly as possible and safer, do not neglect to consult with a specialist, even when you think that nothing bad will happen.

4. The body

How to return to normal life after the birth of a child

To return the body familiar form pretty soon you can through proper diet and exercise. But do not forget that not every body is ready for intense exercises in the first weeks after birth, so it would be completely irrational to subject the body to additional stress, chasing the dream of a "perfect figure".

But here's fitness to practice at a particular time can be very useful, since the muscles need to recover its former tone and strengthen the weakened part. Doctors do not recommend exercise for the first month, and for some mothers exercise may be contraindicated and all subsequent nine months. To the body handle stress better, and then it was easier to put in shape, many women practiced fitness during pregnancy.

Psychological health

Postrodovaya depression - this is not a myth. Many mothers experience symptoms of this mental recovery after childbirth, not just mood swings that occur among the problems, but also more serious psychological trauma. That is why the process of your recovery after the birth of the child should be sure to include the necessary measures that will help you better cope with the psychological stress.

1. Psychologist

Consult a specialist - always rational decision, especially if you feel that you can not survive on their own place in your processes. Support family is important, but sometimes it is the doctor to help his mother, who gave birth to a child recently, appoint a course of treatment if necessary.

2. Walking

How to return to normal life after the birth of a child

But many women in our country are in no hurry to turn to specialists, as qualified psychologist is not so popular among the Russians as among women abroad. In order to maintain their psychological and emotional state in the first weeks after the baby is born, you must not forget about the lifestyle. The first thing that can bring tangible benefits - it walks with the child or not, if there is someone who can help you. Get out of the house every day, at least for a short time. So you save yourself from the risk of falling into "confined space" and take off the stress accumulated during the day. In addition, the fresh air is good for the immune system, and a change of scenery will allow you to take another look at what surrounds you at home.

3. Meet new

The first weeks after the birth of a child, of course, will limit you in all that relates to your usual interests, but nevertheless, we should not forget about the fact that you need to communicate. Many women begin to communicate with other mothers, and attending special events with their children. This type of activity will greatly expand your social circle and allows to get support, both emotional and material. Maybe it will be radically different from what you did before, but in any case it will be useful.

4. Travel

Another good way to cope with the psychological stress - this trip. First, it says that you do not stop your life, and even on the contrary - now it has become even more fulfilled, and secondly, because you allow yourself to continue their development and the development of your child. Traveling with a child no longer have to be a new source of stress, since the proper preparation of such an event can be turned into an amazing adventure that will have a positive impact on your health.

5. Sex

How to return to normal life after the birth of a child

Sex after childbirth requires training and awareness of what's going on with your body. Despite this, there is no reason to completely abandon their traditional way of life. Many women say that the effects of childbirth can affect the comfort of sexual intercourse: isolation, pain; but not on their desire and ability to get aroused and reach orgasm. Apart from the fact that sex after pregnancy is quite feasible, it is also a powerful emotional and physiological stimulator of your recovery - of course, if you feel that you really want. Even if your libido is going through constant changes due to hormonal surges, you can always return to your sex life, we need only correct approach to the question of organization.

Balance Recovery

Over time, the psychological and physiological problems will come to naught, you get used to your new routine and will quickly learn to cope with the difficulties that arise in your way. It was during this time when your health is strengthened, we can think about how to move forward and begin to rebuild other areas of their lives.

1. Joint care

To save time on cleaning and other household chores, do not wait until the baby falls asleep, do work at it. For small children is very useful to observe everything that is happening around, - it is also seems interesting, but for you it is an opportunity to do something small but important chores.

2. Perfectionism

If you want to learn how to balance between the child and order in your home, you have to lower the bar a bit on how things should look like. To rid yourself of unnecessary stress, you need to get used to the fact that you are now a mother, which means that you should not be afraid to be non-ideal. Sometimes you will not have time to prepare a posh dinner or make your living room crystal clear. All this should not matter.

Do not forget to thank yourself for what you have already done for the day and enjoy even small victories. Also, do not forget to ask for support. Maybe your husband will be able to cook a meal when you are busy with another. Do not neglect the assistance that may be close, because they can learn something new, or just use the free time to do something nice for yourself.

3. Work

How to return to normal life after the birth of a child

Perhaps the most difficult point is precisely the job and return to her comfortable. If you plan to return to work as early as possible, it is necessary to consider how the absence of the house for some time affect your new routine of life. If you can not hire a nanny, then you have to plan, someone from the family will be able to replace you. At first, it is best to consider the possibility of working remotely. Of course, even such work - it's like a job, and you're unlikely to be able to be productive, if you are constantly distracted, but nevertheless, it will free you from unnecessary stress and feelings about what is happening at home while you are gone. In any case, no matter what career is not the place in your life, you need to be able to prioritize.