On the hook: how to get people to do what you want

On the hook: how to get people to do what you want

Psychology - an amazing thing, that impact on the daily lives underestimated until now. Knowledge of psychology can help you better understand yourself, the people of your surroundings and learn to use the psychological characteristics of others to achieve their goals. Such a natural manipulation can be useful both in person and on the job, especially when you realize the "male domain" activities, where to be able to achieve their very important. We picked up some interesting psychological tricks that will help you get what you want.

1. The choice of no choice

One of the oldest and classic tactics to ensure that people do what you want - is to give them the opportunity to choose, in fact, depriving them of the direct selection. For example, you want someone you know has done what he wants to do. In this situation, you can suggest him to do some of the work or the job entirely. Of course, people who do not particularly like you to help, to agree to less work, thus still doing what you want. The same trick can be used at home with children who refuse to eat what you have prepared for them.

2. Silent Technology

There is nothing worse for a speaker than a silent listener. It sounds like a paradox, but in fact, any speaker is waiting for you at the same time a reaction to his words, but if you continue to remain silent, unconsciously begin to worry about the other person and will tend to cause at least some reaction. This technique can be used when you want to know more than the other person is going to tell. Asked him a question, keep silent to listen. As we approach the most "forbidden" moments speech the other person without getting any emotion from you, sooner or later it will break up and give more intriguing facts, only be of interest to you.

3. Gaining the trust of

On the hook: how to get people to do what you want

To arrange a person to him and gain his subconscious trust enough to take him some thing: shawl, a pen, a book, whatever. The process of transferring you to their personal belongings constitutes a subconscious connection with you and feel the investment in you. It is this sense you can use for their own purposes, to interest a man with his idea or thing. Also, mutual exchange of things is training the brain to feel sympathy for the one to whom you are giving to the use of their property.

4. Body Language

If you want to please the other person and place it positively towards you, try to copy his body language. The next time you want to impress the boss and win the attention of the person who you like, try to repeat the position in which it sits, or his gestures. This behavior is unconsciously cause you liking the interlocutor. Importantly, do not be too obvious that a person does not have the feeling that you're trying to make fun of his habits.

5. The nouns instead of verbs

When you need to get some action on the individual, it is best to use instead of verbs, nouns, words that must be done. Nouns in such cases is much stronger than verbs, since they convey a person belonging to a particular group, which immediately makes the atmosphere more disposable to action. Instead of asking his companion whether he is going to work with you in the next year, you can ask to work with you, and get more interesting results for him.

6. The uncertainty of

On the hook: how to get people to do what you want

Do not seek to be absolutely sure of something, especially if you want to convince a person to do what you have planned. This is another paradox, but it is easy uncertainty leads to action. The next time you want your interlocutor took the initiative to act, add in phrases which are using in speech, more uncertainty and doubt.

7. Fast speech

The way you transfer your ideas is as important as their very content. If you do not want your partner began to argue with you, then say quickly. In this situation, the person will be much less time to think about their opinions, so he probably will not speak out against you. In the opposite case, when someone agrees with you, you will immediately begin to speak more slowly, thus giving the other party more time to assess the merits of your proposed idea.