Clenbuterol bodybuilding: the principle of action, instructions for use, composition, reviews

Beautiful figure - a dream of both sexes. However, in order to achieve this goal, we have to put a lot of effort. This work involves many hours of training in the gym and strict adherence to the principles of proper nutrition. This afford not to everyone. That is why many resort to the use of additional drugs, which greatly simplify the mechanism. Of course, it is much easier to take a certain drug, you spend so much time and effort into losing weight and building muscle relief. That is why many recommend using syrup "Clenbuterol" in bodybuilding. Although its main purpose is to get rid of coughing and other symptoms of upper respiratory tract infections, it is also equally effective in achieving the goals set themselves bodybuilders amateurs. So, what is the principle of action "Clenbuterol"? What threatens its long-term use? What it causes side effects? Is it possible to somehow eliminate their negative impact on the body? Exactly how to use the drug in question, in order to form a beautiful figure? Answers to all these questions can be found by reading this article.

Clenbuterol bodybuilding: the principle of action, instructions for use, composition, reviews


Viewed drug is actively used in medicine as a whole, and in bodybuilding. The structure of "Clenbuterol" includes the following substances: glycerol, clenbuterol hydrochloride, sodium benzoate, sorbitol, purified water, citric acid monohydrate, butyl parahydroxybenzoate, propylene glycol, liquid form raspberry, sodium citrate dihydrate, methyl parahydroxybenzoate, ethanol, propyl parahydroxybenzoate. The combination of these components and provides the efficiency of the drug considered.

Product form

There are only two product forms which the given drug agent can be represented. Typically, the most common is the syrup "Clenbuterol". It has a light yellow color and a pleasant raspberry flavor. Syrup packed in dark glass bottles. Each box also contains a spoon and measuring cup, which is essential in the process of using the drug.

Another form of release are tablets. They are less popular, as the cost is incredibly high.

Clenbuterol bodybuilding: the principle of action, instructions for use, composition, reviews


Direct indications for the use of drugs are considered chronic disease (obstructive) lungs and bronchial asthma. But also "Clenbuterol" bodybuilding successfully used to reduce weight and reduce the percentage of fat mass. Although it is not the direct appointment of the drug.


Mainly discuss how to use the "Clenbuterol" in bodybuilding. Sports medicine praised its effectiveness. The main active substances which are part of the preparation, anabolic have the same effect as steroids (both natural and artificial). However, they appear with much less force. That is why the drug effectively used as a fat burner in the drying process. This helps to significantly increase the body's relief (muscle). How effective is the use of the drug "Clenbuterol" in bodybuilding? Practice shows that its effect is not worse than that of an incredibly long low-calorie diet that is good losing weight.

Clenbuterol bodybuilding: the principle of action, instructions for use, composition, reviews


whether the drug can be used to consider any? No, he has some serious contraindications. Among them are the following:

  • thyrotoxicosis;
  • tachycardia;
  • myocardial infarction;
  • tachyarrhythmia;
  • intolerance (as hereditary or acquired) one or more components of the formulation;
  • personal sensitivity to the substances included in the reporting of medical equipment;
  • subaortic stenosis of the aorta (idiopathic hypertrophic);
  • severe degree of coronary artery disease.

There are other contraindications, which, though not absolute, is also noteworthy. Subject to availability need to be under constant supervision of specialists. Among them are:

  • hyperthyroidism;
  • cardiomyopathy;
  • diabetes;
  • heart defects;
  • hypertension (severe);
  • coronary heart disease (chronic);
  • arrhythmia in history;
  • other heart disease.
Clenbuterol bodybuilding: the principle of action, instructions for use, composition, reviews

Side Effects

The drug "Clenbuterol" bodybuilding is used with caution, because it has a large number of side effects that may occur against the background of his admission. So, among them are the following: beats, headache, tachycardia, insomnia, dizziness, high blood pressure (arterial), tremors, muscle spasms, anxiety, aching muscles, sweating, heart pain, abdominal pain, rash on the skin, dry mouth, angioneurotic edema, hypokalemia, nausea and vomiting, blood flow to the head, narrowing of the bronchial lumen, urticaria.

We should also talk about what causes adverse reactions "Clenbuterol" in bodybuilding. We are talking about severe muscle spasms that occur due to high doses of the drug. The reason for this are violations of water-salt, taurine deficiency, sodium and potassium electrolytes. How to neutralize the unpleasant effects of this kind? There are several ways:

  • to drink plenty of pure drinking water;
  • the use of potassium-containing foods;
  • the additional use of taurine;
  • the use of potassium supplementation on night one and a half hours after the last meal.
Clenbuterol bodybuilding: the principle of action, instructions for use, composition, reviews


body-drying is a special way to eliminate subcutaneous fat used in bodybuilding and professional sports and have sporstmenov enthusiasts. It helps to give the body a stunning muscular relief. The purpose of drying is usually considered smart appearance, but not limited to weight loss. In order to achieve the desired result, is used not only exercise, but also a specialized sports nutrition and special medicated drugs. One such tool is the "Clenbuterol". How to take the medicine in bodybuilding?

Most consumers are advised to take a tablet instead of syrup, since the latter contains a certain amount of sugar.

Should start receiving 20 mcg substance increasing daily dose of 20 micrograms. From the sixth to the twelfth day of the course and including need to use an unaltered dose of the sixth day, and after - to reduce by 40 mg daily. The first course should last no more than two weeks, then you must make a two-week break.

To use the most efficient drug was in the first half of the day. This not only contributes to a better absorption, but also reduces the risk of insomnia.

In order to effect became noticeable, it will take some time. Some even have to go through more than one course of this type of drying to achieve the desired result. To increase the effectiveness of the drug, it is recommended to combine it with other drugs of similar action, as well as adhere to the principles of sports nutrition. In addition to significant external effects, there is a sharp increase in the overall capacity and power performance. That is why this drug in professional sports is considered as doping. But bodybuilders, amateurs can take it, it is incredibly popular in these circles.

Clenbuterol bodybuilding: the principle of action, instructions for use, composition, reviews


Be sure to consult with your doctor before you start taking the drug under consideration. The same applies to using it for weight loss and drying. If you exceed the dosage of the drug "Clenbuterol" pills (in bodybuilding as well), then there may be some unpleasant consequences. Among them are the following: kardialgiya, hypokalemia, tachycardia, tremor of limbs, severe hypertension, cardiac functioning.

As is known, a single specific antidote for consideration of drugs does not exist. So to eliminate the effects of an overdose, it is necessary to use detoxification and symptomatic therapy. To do this, first of all, to wash out the stomach and take effective sorbents. Thereafter successfully used aqueous salt solutions. It is advisable to carry it all under the supervision of a physician.


Given that, as the instruction manual, "Clenbuterol" can cause certain side effects such as hand tremors, severe weakness, severe headache, dizziness, you should be extra careful, and for a while to refrain from managing a personal vehicle or any other mechanisms, which constitute a danger to the life or health of the patient or others. This should be given special attention.

Positive reviews

Positive responses are considered drug receives both as a cough syrup, and as a means to reduce weight. Consumers call it amazingly effective medication for drying. Bodybuilders optimistic claim that due to the combination of high-quality products can reverse the onset of any side effects that invariably occur in patients receiving extremely high doses of the drug.

"Clenbuterol" bodybuilding for girls also earned the most positive reviews. Means has systemic effects on the human body. So, eliminates fat deposits in places where they are very difficult to remove by using another method.

Reviews confirm that no longer need to sit a long time on low-calorie diets and pace yourself exercise duration in the fitness centers. Now, all the problems can be solved with a figure much more simple way, namely, deciding on the use of drugs under consideration and to sustain those side effects that occur during the use of the drug and disappear after its cancellation.

Clenbuterol bodybuilding: the principle of action, instructions for use, composition, reviews

Negative feedback

Taking the drug "Clenbuterol" in bodybuilding after a course of 20 days in a note the presence of a large number of side effects described above. The most common tremor, fever, severe cramps, sleep disturbances, anxiety, frequent urination. This is extremely frustrating for consumers. However, many have found a way to neutralize the negative effects of such a parallel use of "aspirin" and the potassium-containing drugs.


Store preparation "Clenbuterol" instruction manual recommends no more than three years in a specially designated place (dark, dry, in which the temperature does not exceed twenty-five degrees). Considered a drug should be available for children and anyone else who can use it in the wrong way.


How effective is the use of the drug "Clenbuterol" in bodybuilding? Reviews have reported that the expected result becomes visible already after some time. Although some require more than one course of drying with the help of the drug between them should be done at least two-week break to allow the body to recover from such an impact. Effectively combine considered drug with calcium-based drugs that help prevent convulsions arising in patients receiving high doses of agent.

Be careful! Remember that the use of drugs does not pass completely for your body, and they should be used only if the benefits from their use significantly exceeds the harm that it can cause your system activity. That is why before you use such drugs should repeatedly consult with your doctor and to pass the necessary tests to ensure that the most accurate way to assess the state of your health before you start taking the drug.