Brazilian butt at home: effective exercises to increase the buttocks

Excitement around the Brazilian priests has been simmering for the past few years. Ladies of all ages come to the gyms, inspired with the dream of becoming the owner of seductive roundness, like celebrities. Girls with Brazilian priests seem to men more sexy and attractive, which means that they are much more likely to attract attention in any society. Almost all holders of a beautiful five points were not born with it, and to achieve results, persistently engaged with a barbell or dumbbells. Fitness instructors say that to get a Brazilian priest may each of the fair sex, regardless of the original physical data. However, this is achieved by truly hard work, because the swing ass need daily, gradually increasing the intensity of your workouts. We give in the article are some effective exercises for the Brazilian priests, and in parallel consider when it rounded shape of the lower part of the female body in vogue and have become a real cult object.

Brazilian butt at home: effective exercises to increase the buttocks

From the history of the question

Brazilian priest, on which today goes mad virtually the entire world, not always caused such a storm of emotions in men and women. For example, in Asia, it has traditionally been the object of desire. Asian men have never considered sexy female ass, so ladies do not emphasize their roundness using clothes and special tools.

The Greeks and Romans in ancient times, are very sensitive to the female body. Women who had the nature of a rounded shape, were considered attractive and have had great success in men. Some time later, the fifth point has lost its special appeal and its even concealed. Once again the cult of priests came about in the eleventh century, when the body part sung by poets, painters and sculptors. Victorian era, full of strict standards of morality, sexuality and totally rejects any manifestation. Therefore, curvy buttocks considered rather a sign of the plebeians and the hallmark of women's low social status.

In the early twentieth century, the greatest interest in men caused a woman's breast. From year to year increases the demand for a magnificent bust, ladies spent a lot of money on something to reach the fashionable ideal. However, the past five years at least men's attention has shifted from the chest area just below, and focus were rounded buttocks, known as the "Brazilian butt". Although in reality these alluring curves of the body is not typical for Brazilians, and for dark-skinned inhabitants of Africa. If you look closely to the continent to representatives, the majority of them, even when the apparent thinness has a very outstanding fifth point. So it would be correct to call a round ass, "Africa." But we are not going to introduce a new term, and will use the already familiar to many concepts.

Fashion trends of the twentieth century

Photo Brazilian priests today are nothing new. Girls gladly demonstrate on social networks this part of the body, and fashion magazines are printed on the covers of damsels pictures with seductive roundness. But a little more than half a century ago, a similar figure was considered far from ideal. The ladies were ready to do anything just to lose weight and not to stand curvaceous. The fashion was thin girls that resemble angular adolescents with unexpressed breasts and flat buttocks.

Almost fifty years old woman starved herself to death and reach of anorexia in the pursuit of an unattainable standard of beauty for the majority. And all this is happening against the background of the definitive antipathy of the way the male population of the planet. Men almost eighty percent of the time talking about the fact that they are attracted to ladies with beautiful roundness. By the beginning of the twenty-first century, their opinion was finally heard, and went into vogue beautiful Brazilian pop. It is dedicated to her and our today's article.

Brazilian butt at home: effective exercises to increase the buttocks

priests Form: genetics or acquired feature

Many girls are thinking about how to pump up Brazilian ass at home, and are looking for recommendations on all kinds of information resources, the benefit of the latter now there is no shortage. Often, however, received information of their frustrating, as some sources assure that round ass - is genetically determined, which may be only slightly adjusted a special set of exercises. But what about those ladies whom nature has not endowed lush backside? With envy looking at the more fortunate friends? Not at all, because the fitness instructors believe that from birth the majority of European women are not endowed with attractive bulges. And you can get them by starting a regular exercise to the Brazilian priests. Such complexes are usually made by experts, taking into account the natural characteristics of the girl. If you focus on the physiology, we can identify some of the most common types of female priests. Let's look at them:

  • "Heart". Sometimes, this type is also called the "A-shaped", and it is considered closest to the ideal. The buttocks are pleasing roundness, thigh stand pomp, but the waist is thin. In relation to the thighs is approximately seventy percent. Owners of such priests usually have a flat stomach, which further emphasizes the beautiful man on the fifth point.
  • The round shape. This type of buttocks is also very good and easy to adjustment exercise. Brazilian pop with such baseline data is obtained only at regular employment. Since the buttocks have a convex shape, then the weight gain of their owner very quickly become overgrown with unnecessary fat. Waist in women with the described fifth point generally closer to the hip width.
  • Square. Owners of such a shape of the buttocks often dissatisfied with her, since they have a substantially flat ass with broad hips and waist. Visually woman resembles a square, and to acquire a pleasant roundness to her need to apply a lot of effort.
  • V-shaped. To turn this into a Brazilian priest, it required a series of exercises based on the anatomy, as in the upper part of the buttocks appear filled, and they are narrowed down and appear flabby. Therefore, the basic work must be aimed at increasing it at the bottom.
Brazilian butt at home: effective exercises to increase the buttocks

An experienced instructor who has experience and knows how to make a Brazilian priest is bound to be considered when developing a complex of exercises the above information. It is also necessary to pay attention to the state of his buttocks, as the ass a la Jennifer Lopez - this is not only the form but also the content.

A little more about the beautiful buttocks

Not always, even with perfect shape ass looks good. After all, it is important to make it supple, toned and strong. And in this case the anatomy is irrelevant.

So, bring your ass in a tone only sports. Specially selected set of exercises will facilitate the emergence of a pleasant roundness, where necessary, and cardio will give the tone of the buttocks and make them resilient. Therefore, taking the first step on the way to finding the perfect ass, do not forget about that now sport has to become your faithful companion through life.

Attend to how to pump up Brazilian ass, take an assistant, and various beauty treatments. For example, massage effectively removes cellulite and sagging skin. As a result, a comprehensive approach, you will find not only attracts the eyes of men form the buttocks, but also beautiful skin on them, which will allow you to show off on the beach in the most frank bathing suits.

Simple exercises for beginners

Not every woman can choose in their daily busy schedule time for exercise, even at home. But if the Brazilian ass you still want to have, then start small.

For example, after you wake up, still lying in bed, start alternately stretch buttock muscles. After fifteen repetitions can be done simultaneous reduction. Believe me, the people who spend most of their time sitting at the computer, this burden will seem essential.

But the muscles have to adapt quickly property, and to a similar charge can be added to the various options of raising the legs. To get started, try to do the exercise in the prone position. Lie on your side and lift the leg to be on top, about forty-five degrees. At the top stop and pause for a few seconds, then return to starting position. On each side of the need to make at least fifteen repetitions, approaches should not be less than six. Exercise requires regular performance. If you do it on a daily basis, you will notice the first results after ten days.

Of course, so you do not pump up his fifth point, but prepare your muscles to perform more serious complexes.

Brazilian butt at home: effective exercises to increase the buttocks

An effective set of exercises for the rapid acquisition of rounded buttocks

To pump up the Brazilian priest as soon as possible, you must use a comprehensive approach to sport. Experienced instructors assert that the formation of the beautiful fifth point you need to perform exercises, giving the load on the different groups of the gluteal muscles. If your training is properly prepared and intense, then you will be able to simultaneously raise the buttocks, hips to reduce the extent to work out the problem areas and burn subcutaneous fat. And for such an impressive result to be performed only eight exercises:

  • Lead legs back. Get on all fours, the back should be straight, and bending at the waist - absent. Pull the leg back as high as possible, and then press it to your chest (twelve times). On each leg is two approaches.
  • The squat with dumbbells. Stand up straight, feet shoulder-width apart, toes slightly outward. Take a dumbbell or replace it with a bottle of water and start slowly squat to parallel the floor. Next, return to starting position. Do three sets of ten repetitions.
  • leading squats. This exercise will involve not only the gluteus, but also the muscles of the inner thigh. The starting position requires to stand up straight and legs spread as widely as possible. Socks dilute the sides to the maximum possible state. Pick up the heaviest dumbbell or a weight of those that you can pick up and hold in their hands descended down. From this position, begin to perform the squat to the floor parallel. All motion should be slow, the upper and lower points recommended linger for several seconds. Exercise need to perform three sets of ten times each.
  • Bridge. This exercise is well known to those who dream of round buttocks. For its implementation need to lie on your back and bend your knees. Push the hips up, stopping at the top. Hands should be better held along the body. Perform two sets of ten repetitions.
  • Climbing. This exercise is a form of attacks, and thus is very effective for the formation of Brazilian priests. You will need two weights that need to be put on the floor. Lean arms outstretched on weights and take the starting position for push-ups. Then alternately tighten the legs to the chest. On each leg is sufficient for one approach, with twelve repetitions.
  • Cross-attacks. Take the starting position for the second exercise. Get one leg back and sit down so that her knee touched the floor. Repeat with the other leg. It is recommended that on each leg for three sets with ten repetitions.
  • Squat with jump. You need to perform a regular squat parallel to the floor and jump out of the bottom point as high as possible. This exercise is performed ten repetitions in three approaches.
  • Lunges with a jump. The number of repeats identical to the previous exercise.

Some fitness instructors advise to carry out this complex in a circle. Make the whole complex of one approach to the interval between exercises no more than thirty seconds, and then start all over again.

Brazilian butt at home: effective exercises to increase the buttocks

How to build a Brazilian ass at home: expert advice

If you can not, for whatever reasons, access to the sports hall, and the house is not lying around dumbbells and other equipment, it does not mean that the chances of getting a nice ass you do not. Below we provide a simple set of exercises available to every housewife:

  • full squat (twenty five times);
  • plié squat with divorced in hand socks (twenty five times);
  • leg abduction in hand, standing on all fours (twenty-five repetitions on each leg);
  • Classic attacks with the change of feet (fifty times);
  • Classic lunges on each leg alternately (twenty-five times).

At the end of the complex do not forget to stretch, she always has a positive effect on the female body and promotes the attainment of beautiful forms.

Simple and effective sets

Not always to excite men rounded shapes, you need to perform a variety of exercises in the gym on special simulators. As Brazilian ass home form with a minimal amount of free time? We will help you, bringing together the most effective sets for the fifth point. The first should be squatting on the bench. Put yourself behind the bench or chair, which will be at the level of the knees. Spread your feet shoulder-width apart, arms folded across his chest and start squatting to the surface, the most diverting ass backwards. There are three sets of fifteen repetitions.

The second exercise - lifting the pelvis. Lie on your back and bend your knees, pull your hands along the body. Then lift one leg perpendicular to the surface and push it upwards. Try to do the exercise so that the burden falls on the buttocks, not the lumbar spine. It is performed by twelve repetitions in three approaches.

Brazilian butt at home: effective exercises to increase the buttocks

The well-known strip also has an incredible effect on the shape of the buttocks. Try to perform it for at least one minute.

Brazilian butt at home: effective exercises to increase the buttocks

The Bulgarian split squats are becoming increasingly popular due to its high performance. For them, you will need a low bench. Put on her leg and start to slowly descend into the squat until the knee of the foot touches the floor. After twenty repetitions, change legs. Such approaches should be three.

product suite,

When your muscles adapt to the load, it is possible to add the usual physical activity with new exercises for the fifth point. For example, a very good result gives rise to the bench. Its maximum height should not exceed the level of the knees. Put it in front of you, place one foot to foot on the surface - it's starting position. Then the second leg step on the bench and touching the surface of the foot, pull up the leg to the chest. Return to the starting position. On each leg must be three sets of twelve repetitions.

You can also perform classic squats diverting leg back. Technically, this exercise is very simple: doing the squat and return to the starting position, take one leg back as far as possible. After the next leg squat change.

Valuable advice

Remember: if you want to get as a result of lessons curvaceous, all exercises should be performed with the highest possible weighting.

Workout should start with a warm-up. Only in this case you get the expected result, and not to damage the muscles and ligaments.

Rest between repetitions should be minimal. This leads to the fact that at the end of training the muscles literally burn.

Exercises for the legs and buttocks complement each other and enhance the effect of the training.

And in conclusion I would like to add that there is nothing impossible. After regular and rigorous training every girl will have a chance to see this.